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Everything posted by sho0w

  1. What did have there now? False User? Look you have two account (Samy and LekRoots) and besides all creates fake forum. Proof that the HUD is my ¬ (Look date Post) http://mods-br-mta.blogspot.com.br/2014 ... o-hud.html
  2. sho0w

    DX Panel Skills

    LekRoots, #Samy and sr.sika is the same guy? why do you comment you own post But i appreciated this, good job onix and abner
  3. local gate = createObject(980,1810.6999511719, -1891, 15, 0, 0, 90) local marker = createMarker(1810.6999511719, -1891, 15, "cylinder", 10, 255, 255, 255, 0) function moveGate(psource) local Deadusergroup = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(psource)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..Deadusergroup, aclGetGroup("Dead")) then moveObject(gate, 980, 1810.6999511719, -1891, 9.6000003814697) setTimer(moveBack, 5000, 1) -- end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) function moveBack() moveObject(gate, 980, 1810.6999511719, -1891, 15) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onStartup) Tested and functional! By [N]inja
  4. Try Looking here : http://weedarr.wikidot.com/pickups
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