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Everything posted by SkatCh

  1. sorry bro did work again function createObjectDoubleSided( ... ) local args = {...} local temp = _createObject( unpack(args) ) setElementDoubleSided(temp, true) return temp end
  2. Yes bro i know how to do this but it always appear attempt to call global doubleSideTransaction (a nil value)
  3. Does any one know how to start double sided transaction ?
  4. SkatCh

    About memo

    maybe anyways thx for your help.
  5. SkatCh

    About memo

    They can use CTLR+C .
  6. SkatCh

    About memo

    Hi guys it's possibel to stop copy and past like guiMemoSetReadOnly.
  7. Bro i know those function but i'm asking how to store vehicle handling data inside table. i tried this but i don't know if it's working or not because i didn't test it yet: for i, hand in ipairs (getVehicleHandling(theVehicle)) do if handling == "" then handling = hand else handling = handling..","..hand end end
  8. i don't know why didn't work with dxDrawText just one line appear , all what i need how to resize the dxRectangle i tried this but did work. just a part from my script: -- Your example ofc with string.split function myString = "1234567891011121314151617181920abcdefghi" -- 40 Characters allLines = string.split ( myString, 20 ) function testDx() for _, line in ipairs ( allLines ) do -- i add my code here to call the Dx function end addCommandHandler("test",testDx) -- And i add this to get the text width (it's correct or not) -- settings tabe (bla , bla) local X = dxGetTextWidth(string.gsub(line,"%#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),settings.fontHeight,settings.font)+20*settings.scale local Y = dxGetFontHeight(settings.fontHeight,settings.font)*2+40*settings.scale
  9. Hi guys please i need a little help , how can i calculate characters per line and after each 20 characters i need to return to the next line . i'm sorry about my english
  10. Hi guys please i have a question , how can i save vehicle handling , (Property , Value) , i think i need to use "getVehicleHandling" but i don't know how to extract the value from this table , can anyone help me .
  11. SkatCh

    about GridList

    i think u don't undrestand i'm not talking about the wholr grid just the row .
  12. guys can anyone tell me how to change row font not the whole Gridlist just the row.
  13. it's easy just u need to use this: getPedWeapon takeWeapon addCommandHandler
  14. guys how to remove scoreboard animation ?
  15. SkatCh

    about php

    thx bro it's working but i got an other problem here : private function write($socket, $packet) { fwrite($socket, $packet); } fwrite(): send of 1 bytes failed with errno=1 Operation not permitted
  16. SkatCh

    about php

    Hi guys i need some help can anyone tell me how to fix this : if (!$info["servername"]) {} Undefined index: servername
  17. Hi guys i have a question , it's possible to edit lua file using FilerWrite , example i create a command and i want when use this command a line or text will be add inside the lua file.
  18. SkatCh

    about bool

    guys please can anyone explane to me what does it mean bool or when we need to use it or just an example . thx
  19. SkatCh

    Bullet fired

    can you give me an example
  20. SkatCh

    Bullet fired

    Hi guys please i have a question it's possible to calculate bullet fired , if yes which function i need to use .
  21. you must add the GUI element that you want to make it visible: setTimer(guiSetVisible,4000,1,deathText,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,4000,1,deadBackground,false)
  22. SkatCh

    about PHP sdk

    didn't work please any one from MTA sa team help me.
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