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About Weii.
- Birthday 21/11/1997
I like Muay Thay, MTA scripting, PHP, gaming!
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Rat (9/54)
function xpSystem(_, playerAccount) local xp = getAccountData(playerAccount,"xp") if (playerAccount) then if xp then outputChatBox(xp, getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0) else setAccountData(playerAccount,"xp",0) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),xpSystem)
Your code does not make any sense, you are trying to set 'xp' when but you are setting it to 0. Please explain what you want!
local rendering = false local GrenadeLaunchers = 0 function renderGrenadeLaunchers() dxDrawText(GrenadeLaunchers, 986, 0, 1018, 49, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.50, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch",getRootElement(), function(prevSlot,newSlot) if getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer(),newSlot) == 30 or getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer(),newSlot) == 31 then if (not rendering) then addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderGrenadeLaunchers) rendering = true end else if (rendering) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderGrenadeLaunchers) rendering = false end end end)
setElementInterior ( vehicle, 1 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 1 ) setElementDimension ( vehicle, 65000 + playerid ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 65000 + playerid ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, 612.9990234375, -2.9853515625, 1000.7930908203 ) setElementRotation ( vehicle, -0.48928847908974, 1.5928211723804e-005, 72.723457336426 ) setCameraInterior ( 1 ) setCameraMatrix ( 604.42749023438, -5.3609199523926, 1002.9470214844, 694.00811767578, 29.228715896606, 975.03881835938 ) I think you want this
Maybe interior id isn't right
setElementInterior ( vehicle, 24 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 24 ) setElementDimension ( vehicle, 65000 + playerid ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 65000 + playerid ) setElementPosition ( vehicle, 612.9990234375, -2.9853515625, 1000.7930908203 ) setElementRotation ( vehicle, -0.48928847908974, 1.5928211723804, 72.723457336426 ) setCameraInterior ( 24 ) setCameraMatrix ( 604.42749023438, -5.3609199523926, 1002.9470214844, 694.00811767578, 29.228715896606, 975.03881835938 ) try
local markers35 = { { x = 1965.9000244141, y = 1916.0999755859, z = 130}, { x = -183.30000305176, y = 1887.3000488281, z = 114.80000305176}, { x = -1753.6999511719, y = 884.90002441406, z = 294.79998779297}, { x = 226.60000610352, y = 1971.5999755859, z = 22.799999237061}, { x = 2836.6000976563, y = -2445.1999511719, z = 11}, { x = 2685.3999023438, y = -2087.8999023438, z = 28.89999961853}, { x = 1767.8000488281, y = -2286.1999511719, z = 25.89999961853}, { x = 1544.3000488281, y = -1353.8000488281, z = 328.5}, { x = 1175.0999755859, y = -1181.5, z = 90.419998168945}, { x = 1292.0999755859, y = -787.70001220703, z = 95.599998474121}, { x = 1375.5999755859, y = 244.19999694824, z = 27.200000762939}, { x = 2258.3999023438, y = 1009.0999755859, z = 78.599998474121}, { x = 1044.5, y = 1013, z = 54.299999237061}, { x = 2057.3000488281, y = 2433.8000488281, z = 164.60000610352}, { x = 2692.1000976563, y = 2784.8999023438, z = 59.200000762939} } function landedon35(player) for k, v in ipairs(markers35) do marker35 = createMarker(v.x,v.y,v.z,"cylinder",1.2, 200, 200, 100, 150) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker35, hit35) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, landedon35) function hit35(player) setElementPosition(player,215,1866,14) playername=getPlayerNametagText(player) outputChatBox(playername.."Landed on 35") end
vipVehicles = {} function VIPCAR2 ( ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then if isElement(vipVehicles[source]) then destroyElement(vipVehicles[source]) end x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source ) vipVehicles[source] = createVehicle ( 400, x + 3, y, z + 1 ) outputChatBox("[VIP]Vehicle Created",source,0,255,0,false) end end addEvent( "VIPCAR2", true ) addEventHandler( "VIPCAR2", getRootElement(),VIPCAR2 ) Try that
Thank you for positive feedback
Okay, I will make a script for community to prove my skills, do you have any idea what should I make ?
Added : Some of scripts that I made for someone who wanted the core of server, but eventualy he didn't want to pay.. http://share.pho.to/5DJSH http://i.gyazo.com/a3c8ffc158740406795ab9ae375debfc.png -- I've made that for IGC server
Hello, I am Weii. (real name: Blaze Rezar), and I am offering to script for low prices, meaning that I will script everything that you want me to. Prices will be around 1€ per hour of scripting. In one hour I can make whole Taxi or Bus driver script (just in example how fast can I script). All scripts delivered to you will not be complied or anything, meaning that you get source of code. You can resell scripts if you want. If you have any questions or anything just post a question here or PM me! Contact info: - PM - Skype: hellobitchy1 - Email: [email protected] http://share.pho.to/5DJSH ~~ Some of my work http://i.gyazo.com/a3c8ffc158740406795ab9ae375debfc.png -- I've made that for IGC server Weii.
Nice, I like the GUI. Anyways mind telling how can you search youtube ?