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Everything posted by 1LoL1

  1. In "admin" add this: "resource.Ammunation">
  2. What bump? You can't create Map: in server list. And Map is in Information.
  3. 1LoL1


    ok Thanks i fixed by me.
  4. 1LoL1


    That's true as far as I've used the default account system. I would suggest you to transfer all the characters from the usernames to lowercase to avoid people with weird account names. This'll also fix the; I can create several accounts, but not login with them since they don't exist. So how i can fix please?
  5. Delete this In script is only "Delete 2016 :(" DONE
  6. 1LoL1


    Please can anyone help me?
  7. 1LoL1


    This i don't must test i see this wrong. I mean i created account "TEST" password "TEST" if i created new account "test" with password "TEST" i see outputChatBox account is created but when i want log in it say account don't exists.
  8. 1LoL1


    There where is addAccount.
  9. 1LoL1


    Hello, i created Register system but i have here 1 error and i don't know how to fix. Can anyone please help me? When i registered account with user "TEST" and password "TEST" it's works but when i again want registered new account with user "test" and paswrod "TEST" it's say account was registered but it's not addEvent("Register",true) addEventHandler("Register",getRootElement(), function (user,pass) if user ~= "" then if pass ~= "" then if (string.len(pass) >= 4) then local account = getAccount(user,pass) if (account) then outputChatBox("[!] Account: '"..user.."' exists [!]", source, 255, 0, 0, true) else addAccount(user,pass) outputChatBox("[!] Account: '"..user.."' | Password: '"..pass.."' [!]", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("[!] Your password must be at least 4 characters long [!]", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("[!] Password can not be blank [!]", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("[!] Login can not be blank [!]", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end end)
  10. small help mysql_free_result(result) = dbFree(result)
  11. Yes you can. setGameType("mode") -- Gamemode setMapName("Map") -- Map
  12. i mean: txd1 = engineLoadTXD txd2 = engineLoadTXD txd3 = engineLoadTXD dff1 = engineLoadDFF dff2 = engineLoadDFF dff3 = engineLoadDFF Understand me?
  13. Change to txd1 txd2 txd3 dff1 dff2 dff3
  14. 1LoL1


    Any help please?
  15. 1LoL1


    Not i mean player must be in pickup if want use bindKey and only now will script work when player will be in pickup.
  16. 1LoL1


    Not it's only when i take pickup. I need "thePlayer must be in pickup and must use "lalt" if thePlayer is not in pickup then can't use bindKey.
  17. 1LoL1


    Hello, i created script but idk how i need functions. i need player must be in pickup and must use bindKey("lalt") but idk how For player must be in pickup i must use this? isElementAttached and this i have job = createPickup (x, y, z, nil, id, timer) function Job (thePlayer) local job = setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, team) if job then else cancelEvent() outputChatBox("text", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEventHandler("onPickupHit", job, Job) so i must use this? job = createPickup (x, y, z, nil, id, timer) function Job (thePlayer) local job = setPlayerTeam(thePlayer, team) if job then else cancelEvent() outputChatBox("text", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end bindKey(thePlayer, "lalt", "down", Job)
  18. He want join to event not server.
  19. It's not working for the variable ATimer. For some reason, it's only working when I do this: I would like to know why this is only working for root and not something else. Edit: And I would also like to know how to make a mission timer appear on another client's screen with the time synced. addEventHandler attachedTo: The element you wish to attach the handler to. The handler will only be called when the event it is attached to is triggered for this element, or one of its children. Often, this can be the root element (meaning the handler will be called when the event is triggered for any element).
  20. 1LoL1


    Don't understand if i put this then where is respawnVehicle?
  21. 1LoL1

    GUI problem

    and if you want in center resolution use this: function GUI () guiSetVisible(window, not guiGetVisible (window)) showCursor (not isCursorShowing()) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(window,x,y,false) end bindKey("tab","down", GUI)
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