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Everything posted by 1LoL1

  1. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Cars

    It could not be done in this script so that it could be gone from the server only cars that have already exploded? or are in the water ..? please help function allvehiclesaredoomed() vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle") for i,v in ipairs(vehicles) do destroyElement(v) end end addCommandHandler("destroyall", allvehiclesaredoomed)
  2. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Script

    I copied it from Gamemode TDMA there it was written up and the text I wanted to give the DayZ server ..
  3. 1LoL1


    Why create two times the same TOPIK?
  4. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Script

    Where do I put this when I want to create the clock text? or what I put into methyl .. please help versionDisplay = textCreateDisplay () local versionText = textCreateTextItem ( "[!] TEST [!]", 0.950, 0.02, "medium", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, "right" ) textDisplayAddText ( versionDisplay, versionText )
  5. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Help anyone please?...
  6. 1LoL1


    Hello, I have such a problem that, whenever something write to /updates and there are accents so me give example: Vždy - always and not to me but always gives me the vޤy other I do I like cars - cars but others do not know did not know .. someone help me where I can find it or how to translate?
  7. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    So then what makes someone Admin Panel is not working .. and this can not be done Niako make it go?
  8. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    So what am I supposed to put this to work?
  9. You have the right to add .. if your script called "Login" so there you have to give "resource.Login"
  10. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    SolidSnake14 I just found this here but I do not know what to put there instead Unknown? if ( nick ) then nick = xmlNodeGetValue ( nick ) else nick = "Unknown" end if ( banner ) then banner = xmlNodeGetValue ( banner ) else banner = "Unknown" end if ( reason ) then reason = xmlNodeGetValue ( reason ) else reason = "Unknown" end if ( date ) then date = xmlNodeGetValue ( date ) else date = "Unknown" end if ( time ) then time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else time = "Unknown" end Sorry for the triple post but it did not have to delete the previous post
  11. 1LoL1


    function onResourceStart() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart) txd = engineLoadTXD ( "sanchez.txd",468 ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 468 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "sanchez.dff", 468) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 468 )
  12. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Solidsnake14 please help me? and this makes me in any admin panel ..
  13. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Does not write anything and it does not work all the time ..
  14. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Please? sorry for tripple post..
  15. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Help anyone? please
  16. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    In the admin panel ..
  17. So someone please help?? the damage that wrote it does not work ..
  18. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Bans

    Hello, I came to ask me why this does not work? However, should there writing a series, nickname, date, time, reason and Banned by .. and why there shows Unkown please help me?
  19. 1LoL1


    Please help someone?
  20. Please help someone?
  21. Hello community, I have the problem that when last I'll turn / restart this script or I will restart the server so all the cars disappear .. did not anyone help? a script to do it imposed cars after restarting and closing script please? Here is the script: Barracks: Bike: Bobcat: Boot: Coach: Maverick: Patriot: Police Maverick: Sanchez: and Command_Editor:
  22. 1LoL1


    Hello community, I DayZ server but always when I will restart the server every time I disappear all tents .. please there a script that would impose?
  23. 1LoL1

    Please help me :)

    Where can I add?
  24. 1LoL1

    Please help me :)

    That's why I want to know that when someone forgot the password so I want to tell him no? .. And you know it create?
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