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Everything posted by 1LoL1

  1. 1LoL1

    Hex Color

    Please help someone?
  2. 1LoL1

    Hex Color

    But there is this .. I just wanted to write that when in private messages so that the message is sent to it without hex
  3. 1LoL1

    Hex Color

    But it will not show #FFFF00LoL but LoL
  4. 1LoL1

    Hex Color

    Could please someone give all hexes away?
  5. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Question

    But somehow and put it perhaps should not? ..
  6. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Question

    And when I do not want to have to. Luac so I think that I would normally like. Lua?
  7. why this does not work? -> https://luac.multitheftauto.com/index.php I still like it says "ERROR Already encrypted" for each script
  8. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Please

    Help anyone? P.S: Sorry for Double-Post.
  9. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Please

    Please help anyone?
  10. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Please

    But I would not want to DayZ Mod .. and there is no Blood Health
  11. But the name change then .. it's been without hexov but when he changed his name so there remains the old and will not change ..
  12. Then you posted again with the exact same error but on line 492 ... You could fixed that line 492 if you understood what you copied on line 85. That's why I asked: So for the exact same problem appears the exact same fix: Can you please write the whole post to it?
  13. Then you posted again with the exact same error but on line 492 ... You could fixed that line 492 if you understood what you copied on line 85. That's why I asked: So for the exact same problem appears the exact same fix: Can you please write the whole post to it?
  14. So at least if it can do it's job so well understand ..
  15. guiSetText(statsLabel["name"],"Name: "..string.gsub(namenohex)), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) You don't understand what you are copying, do you ? guiSetText(statsLabel["name"],"Name: "..namenohex ) namenohex is the name of the localPlayer without the hexa colors, so there is no need to use that string.gsub again. I only copy row 492, however, you wanted to or not? .. Like, the name will change and there is no written hexov but when he changed his name so that the name does not change ..
  16. guiSetText(statsLabel["name"],"Name: "..string.gsub(namenohex)), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" )
  17. This is my post .. here it need only modify those hex
  18. What is debug monitor, can you show us a screenshot about what you are talking about ? He thinks what is DayZ the Debug Monitor my post there to be only some adjustments and it will go ..
  19. And when I want to put this script?
  20. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Please...

    So just this? AddEventHandler ("onClientPlayerChangeNick" getLocalPlayer ()
  21. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Please...

    And you could not write it through out my post? thus making it difficult to even know what I do there what are you wrote ?
  22. 1LoL1

    [HELP] Hex Color

    Only this .. but I wanted to put hexes away .. WARNING: A / client.luac: 173 Bad "sound / player 'pointer @' setSoundVolume" (1)
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