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![Rank: Lil' G (37/54) Lil' G](https://forum.multitheftauto.com/uploads/set_resources_22/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_rank.png)
Lil' G (37/54)
Yeah, i understand that. What i don't understand is, how I get to this decimal value generated by a hexadecimal value. F.e.: 0x12345678 How would the number look like if i want to set the Flag "AXLE_F_MCPHERSON" ?
I never understood that conversion from bytes to flags, can you explain that to me?
I already tried out onClientPreRender, but for some reason it just doesn't work. Guess rotating the wheels at all is not possible, but positionating them works for some reason.
I think you didn't get what i'm trying to do: I'm trying to adjust the camber not the steering of the car. I tried with X,Y and Z but nothing changed. I want negative camber on my car:
Suh dude, I have this strange problem with setting the rotation of the tires on a vehicle. I'm trying to adjust the camber of the tire but without any success so far. This is my current code: The camber variable is the position of a scrollbar. The variable frontcamber outputs the right rotation set but on the vehicle itself there is no visible change. local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local frontRightTire = "wheel_rf_dummy" local frontLeftTire = "wheel_lf_dummy" local backRightTire = "wheel_rb_dummy" local backLeftTire = "wheel_lb_dummy" local mincamber = 0 local maxcamber = 30 if camber == 0 then setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontRightTire, 0, 0, mincamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontLeftTire, 0, 0, mincamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backLeftTire, 0, 0, mincamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backRightTire, 0, 0, mincamber ) elseif camber == 100 then setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontRightTire, 0, 0, maxcamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontLeftTire, 0, 0, maxcamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backLeftTire, 0, 0, maxcamber ) setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backRightTire, 0, 0, maxcamber ) elseif camber>0 and camber<100 then local acccamber = interpolateBetween(mincamber,0,0,maxcamber,0,0,camber/100,"Linear") setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontRightTire, 0, 0, acccamber, "world") setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, frontLeftTire, 0, 0, acccamber, "world") setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backLeftTire, 0, 0, acccamber, "world") setVehicleComponentRotation( veh, backRightTire, 0, 0, acccamber, "world") local frontcamber = getVehicleComponentRotation(veh,frontLeftTire) outputChatBox(frontcamber) end
I tried it out: This is with a radius of 10. Is this the right radius? Because i get weird results if i use > 10 or < 10
Hey, So i basically have this problem with my server: ERROR: Could not load /mods/deathmatch/dbconmy.so - mods/deathmatch/dbconmy.so: symbol _[6;1H_cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient.so.16 with link time reference I asked my support but they don't know whats the problem. I'm using db*-Functions in my script. Some more details: Root Server (129.219) Debian 7 (Wheezy) 40GB RAM 6 Core We installed the libmysqlclient.so.16 from this site: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/In ... leshooting I hope you can help us/me.
I solved the problem by switching to mysql instead of sqlite. Sqlite did not refresh the database when i tried to buy the car.
After i sold my car it does not output anything. But if i already have a car it outputs all the datas such as color,model etc..
Which result do you mean? num_rows outputs 1 for some reason.
Hey Guys, So i have a problem with my car shop. I have a command with which you can sell the car. So i delete the row in the database, but after you sold the car you can't buy a new one somehow. This is my code: Buy Function: addEvent("CarBuy",true) function CarBuyFunc(lp,veh,price) local db = dbConnect("sqlite","susa_data/accounts.db") local sx,sy,sz = -1935.45764, 269.70041, 44.49506 local query = dbQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM cars WHERE OWNER=?",username) --... if money > tonumber(price) then local result,num_rows = dbPoll(query,-1) if num_rows == 0 then setPlayerMoney(lp,money-price) local exec = dbQuery(db,"INSERT INTO cars(CARID,SPAWNX,SPAWNY,SPAWNZ,ROTX,ROTY,ROTZ,OWNER,CARKEY,R,G,B,PRICE) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",carid,sx,sy,sz,0,0,50,username,carkey,r,g,b,price) if exec then outputDebugString("Inserting Car Shop successfull!") dbFree(exec) else outputDebugString("Inserting Car Shop wasn't successfull!") end local spawnedVehicle = createVehicle(carid, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, 50) setElementData(spawnedVehicle, "Owner", username) warpPedIntoVehicle(lp,spawnedVehicle) else outputChatBox("You already have a car!",lp,180,0,0,false) end else outputChatBox("You don't have enough money to buy this Car!",lp,180,0,0,false) end end addEventHandler("CarBuy",root,CarBuyFunc) My sell function: ddCommandHandler("sellmycar", function(player,cmd) local price local pName = getElementData(player,"username") local sql = dbQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM cars WHERE OWNER=?",pName) local result, num_rows = dbPoll(sql, -1) local money = getPlayerMoney(player) if num_rows >= 1 then for _, row in pairs (result) do price = row["PRICE"] end local sellprice = price * 0.40 dbExec(db,"DELETE FROM cars WHERE OWNER=?",pName ) outputChatBox("You just sold your car for 40% of the original price: "..sellprice,player,0,180,0) setPlayerMoney(player,money+sellprice,false) for _, veh in pairs ( getElementsByType("vehicle") ) do if(tostring(getElementData(veh, "Owner")) == tostring(pName)) then destroyElement(veh) end end end end)
Thanks this worked out for me.
Hey Guys, I need to know how i can ask if the driver is sitting in a car and the player who wants to enter the car is not going to sit in the drivers seat. With this code i can enter the vehicle as a passenger when nobody is driving the car. But i can't enter the vehicle as a passenger if a driver is sitting in the car. Obviously it's because of the drv == false statement, how can i fix this ? addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter",root, function(plr) local username = getElementData(plr,"username") local seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(plr) local drv = getVehicleOccupant(source,0) local owner = getElementData(source,"Owner") if owner == username then outputChatBox("Press 'X' for Engine and 'L' for the Lights",plr,0,180,0,false) bindKey(plr,"x","down",Engine) bindKey(plr,"l","down",Light) elseif seat ~= 0 and drv == false then return true else cancelEvent() outputChatBox("This is not your car! This car belongs to: "..owner.." .If you already have one use /getmycar !",plr,180,0,0,false) end end ) Thanks.
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