gate = createObject(980, 2187.626953125, -2273.4443359375, 13.546875, 0, 0, 0) -- objID, X, Y, Z, Rotation X, Y, Z
function gateOpen()
moveObject( gate, 2000, 2188.8193359375, -2272.720703125, 28.495878219604, 0, 0, 130 ) --moves the gate to the open position. time, X, Y, Z, Rotation X, Y, Z
addCommandHandler("go1", gateOpen)--Command /go1 to open gate
function gateClose()
moveObject( gate, 2000, 2187.626953125, -2273.4443359375, 13.546875, 0, 0, 0 ) --returns the gate to it's starting position. X, Y, Z, Rotation X, Y, Z
addCommandHandler("gc1", gateClose)--Command /gc1 to close gate
That's what I've made. It's for a friend, but he asked me to have it within a certain radius.