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Everything posted by Portside

  1. Portside

    [New Map]

    Hi, I've recently converted files from another GTA game to SA, but how do I use it in my server? Help! Any comments are greatly appreciated, thanks!
  2. I know there's that way, but you have to keep changing it through the script do you not? I'm looking like a GUI in game
  3. Is there any script available out there that allows pedestrians to be spawned into your vehicle from in your server? Like a /pedspawn or something. And follows you around etc
  4. Portside

    [Run Fast]

    Yeah, I don't want the whole game to speed up though, just my character's properties.
  5. Portside

    [Run Fast]

    Hi, does anyone know of a script that allows your character to run extremely fast?
  6. smoothMoveCamers X,Y,Z?
  7. Hey, I want my camera to move in a certain way on the login screen. Before the player logs in or signs up. Any help?
  8. Portside

    [MTA Config File]

    It worked, thanks!
  9. Portside

    [MTA Config File]

    Nope. The IP line is blank.
  10. Portside

    [MTA Config File]

    I'm trying to load the DayZ Gamemode. But when I start the server, it says; ERROR: Could not bind the server on interface ;; and port '22003'! Help?
  11. Do I just add; addCommandHandler under the set timer in order for the gate to open by a cmd?
  12. Sorry to ask, but can anyone write me up or give me a template for factions or a team with a timer, thanks.
  13. Yup... it's definitely playsound3D that needs to be there instead of playSound. But I've changed it to that and it's still not working.
  14. There's a difference between playSound and playSound3D?
  15. So something like this? local sound = playSound("music.mp3", 2000.53125, -2767.8525390625, 1.7703918218613, true) setSoundVolume(sound, 100) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) setElementDimension(sound, 0) stopSound(onClientGUIClick "Login", true) end
  16. Yeah but I only want the element destroyed when the player clicks "select character" So how do I do that?
  17. Hi, on my login screen I want to have a song playing until the player selects their character that they want to play as. It half works... the song plays when the player joins the game, logs in and selects their character. But once they select their character, the song continues to play until it's over. Here's what I've inserted; local sound = playSound("login.mp3", 2000.53125, -2767.8525390625, 1.7703918218613, true) setSoundVolume(sound, 100) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100) setElementDimension(sound, 0) end Any help? Thanks in advance.
  18. Sure. First, I mapped the interior through the MTA: Map Editor, I went to an interior, ID 18 I think it was, I can't remember exactly. Second, I opened the .map file with Notepad++, copied the whole thing and then went to http://convertffs.com/ to convert the file. I copied the converted version. Third, I went to my interior-system/custom and created a .lua file and placed my converted version of my interior in there. Fourth, I updated the meta.xml and tested it out. PS. I also /getpos for my interior entrance and also inserted the co-ordinates. That's basically what I done.
  19. What? lol... maybe you haven't noticed but I'm quite noobish at scripting. So I'll just hand you the s_interior_system. It's probably in there. >CODE REMOVED
  20. http://imgur.com/4JnhppQ This is the blank space I'm talking about.
  21. { 18, 54.037689208984, -97.526741027832, 1324.6743164063, 0 }, -- 135 mafia torture That's what I have in my S_interior_map
  22. Sure. What is it you need exactly?
  23. Can I just send you my file? Have you got Skype? I could give you the whole interior-system to give you the whole understanding.
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