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The Killer

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Everything posted by The Killer

  1. خالد سو لك ملف ماب يكون كذا file.map او لو عندك مقر للبدايه افتح ملف الماب وانزل تحت اخر شي وحط فيه ذا السطر "-2412.44" posY="-599.22" posZ="132.6" rotZ="0" />
  2. عدل ملف ال Edf وخل قيممة StreamMethod 2
  3. كيف لو تحمله من جديد ماراح يطلع زومبي غير واحد ؟ انت لو حملت المود من جديد بدون التعديل الي سويته انت راح يرسبن الزومبي بشكل طبيعي #
  4. حمل المود من جديد بدون اضافات بدون تعديل وركبه وبس وغير قيمة StreamMethod ل 1 وبس ,# ------- https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=347
  5. Set to 0 to spawn no zombies automatically يقولك حط الخيار لصفر عشان لا تخليهم يرسبنون تلقائي يعني انت ترسبنهم بنفسك من Exported Founctions createZombie
  6. function # getPlayerAccount getAccountName isObjectInACLGroup
  7. عمل رائع .. ممكن يستخدم في عدة اشياء
  8. تبيه اذا سجل يختفي الزر قيست ؟
  9. يقدرون يشوفونه ويأثر فيهم لاكن في حال هو دخل في عالم وهمي هو بيشوف الانفجار لاكن هم ماراح يصير لهم شي
  10. كيف يعني ؟ تبيه اذا ضغطت الزر جميع اللاعبين يجيهم صواريخ # ؟ ولا كيف ؟
  11. اوه صحيح لازم تحط if hitElement == localPlayer then مدري كيف غابت عني خخ .. حياك الله
  12. كيف عند الكل ؟ اطرح الكود حقك # + انت مستخدم فيه تريقر او شي من هذا ؟ + لو فيه ملف سيرفر وله علاقه بالكود يا ليت تطرحه #
  13. Timer = { } local jaja = { {3471.8334960938, -893.76837158203, 11.62656211853}, } Times = { [6] = 360000, [5] = 300000, [4] = 240000, [3] = 180000, [2] = 180000, [1] = 180000, } function jailPlayer(plr, time) if isTimer(Timer[plr]) then killTimer(Timer[plr]) end setElementPosition(plr, unpack(jaja[math.random( #jaja )])) Timer[plr] = setTimer(function(plr) setElementPosition(plr , 1572.9000244141, -1635.4000244141, 13.60000038147) end, time, 1, plr) triggerClientEvent(plr, "unJail", plr, time) setPlayerWantedLevel(plr, 0) end addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted',root, function(_,attacker) setTimer ( function(attacker,source) if attacker and attacker ~= source and getElementType(attacker) == 'player' and getPlayerTeam(attacker) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(attacker)) == '[sWAT]' then if getPlayerWantedLevel(source) > 0 and getPlayerTeam(source) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) ~= '[sWAT]' then givePlayerMoney ( attacker,4000 ) outputChatBox (getPlayerName (attacker) .. " has arrested " .. getPlayerName (source), root, 255, 255, 0) if Times[getPlayerWantedLevel(source)] then jailPlayer(source, Times[getPlayerWantedLevel(source)]) end end end end, 2000, 1 ,attacker,source) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local jailT = getAccountData(account, "JailTime") if jailT then jailPlayer(source, jailT) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", false) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function( ) if isTimer(Timer[source]) then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local remaining = getTimerDetails(Timer[source]) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", remaining) end killTimer(Timer[source]) Timer[source] = nil end end )
  14. طيب جرب كذا Timer = { } local jaja = { {3471.8334960938, -893.76837158203, 11.62656211853}, } Times = { [6] = 360000, [5] = 300000, [4] = 240000, [3] = 180000, [2] = 180000, [1] = 180000, } function jailPlayer(plr, time) if isTimer(Timer[plr]) then killTimer(Timer[plr]) end setElementPosition(plr, unpack(jaja[math.random( #jaja )])) Timer[plr] = setTimer(function(plr) setElementPosition(plr , 1572.9000244141, -1635.4000244141, 13.60000038147) end, time, 1, plr) triggerClientEvent(plr, "unJail", plr, time) setPlayerWantedLevel(plr, 0) end addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted',root, function(_,attacker) setTimer ( function(attacker,source) if attacker and attacker ~= source and getElementType(attacker) == 'player' and getPlayerTeam(attacker) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(attacker)) == '[sWAT]' then if getPlayerWantedLevel(source) > 0 and getPlayerTeam(source) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) ~= '[sWAT]' then givePlayerMoney ( attacker,4000 ) if Times[getPlayerWantedLevel(source)] then jailPlayer(source, Times[getPlayerWantedLevel(source)]) end end end end, 2000, 1 ,attacker,source) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local jailT = getAccountData(account, "JailTime") if jailT then jailPlayer(source, jailT) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", false) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function( ) if isTimer(Timer[source]) then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local remaining = getTimerDetails(Timer[source]) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", remaining) end killTimer(Timer[source]) Timer[source] = nil end end )
  15. جرب كذا: Timer = { } local jaja = { {3471.8334960938, -893.76837158203, 11.62656211853}, } Times = { [6] = 360000, [5] = 300000, [4] = 240000, [3] = 180000, [2] = 180000, [1] = 180000, } function jailPlayer(plr, time) if isTimer(Timer[plr]) then killTimer(Timer[plr]) end setElementPosition(plr, unpack(jaja[math.random( #jaja )])) Timer[plr] = setTimer(function(plr) setElementPosition(plr , 1572.9000244141, -1635.4000244141, 13.60000038147) end, time, 1, plr) triggerClientEvent(plr, "unJail", plr, time) setPlayerWantedLevel(plr, 0) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, function (_, attacker) if (attacker and attacker ~= source and getElementType (attacker) == "player" then if getPlayerTeam (attacker) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam (attacker)) == "[sWAT]" then setTimer (function (attacker, source) if getPlayerWantedLevel (source) > 0 then if getPlayerTeam (source) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam (source)) ~= "[sWAT]" then givePlayerMoney (attacker, 4000) if Times [getPlayerWantedLevel (source)] then jailPlayer (source, Times [getPlayerWantedLevel (source)]) end end end end, 2000, 1, attacker, source) end end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local jailT = getAccountData(account, "JailTime") if jailT then jailPlayer(source, jailT) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", false) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function( ) if isTimer(Timer[source]) then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local remaining = getTimerDetails(Timer[source]) setAccountData(account, "JailTime", remaining) end killTimer(Timer[source]) Timer[source] = nil end end ) سؤالك الثاني # لا طبعا @_@ لا ما لها دخل باللاق # ومن الاساس الماب مانجر يكون شغال لاكن الايديتور ما يكون شغال وما له دخل باللاق اساسا # الا تشغله انت من نفسك
  16. طيب تقدر تطرح اكوادك كامله مع اللوحه وهذي ؟ لأن انا عندي يبحث لو غيرتها ولا ما غيرتها ونفس الاكواد
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