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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. xeon17


    [2014-02-08 16:46:53] SCRIPT ERROR: GangZone\Baseball.lua:12: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 3) near 'addEventHandler' [2014-02-08 16:46:53] ERROR: Loading script failed: GangZone\Baseball.lua:12: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 3) near 'addEventHandler'
  2. xeon17


    local pArea = createRadarArea(1295.8083496094,2101.6123046875, 60,60,255,255,255 ) local pCuboid = createColCuboid( 1343.0024414063,2159.3093261719,10, 197.5, 92, addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() outputDebugString("Villa do Colete", 3, 0, 255, 0) ) end addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', pCuboid, ) function( player ) if (getPlayerTeam( player )) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, true ) outputChatBox( "#F08080[GANG-ZONAS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)).." esta atacando a gang / no Gang Zona Baseball !",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true); triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'countdown', player) pArea1Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea, iR, iG, iB, 999); givePlayerMoney( player, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[GANG-ZONAS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)).." dominou o #ff0000 Baseball #F8F8FFA da gang / ! ",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, false ) end, 5000, 1 ) end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) [2014-02-08 16:39:21] SCRIPT ERROR: GangZone\Baseball.lua:8: unexpected symbol near ')' [2014-02-08 16:39:21] ERROR: Loading script failed: GangZone\Baseball.lua:8: unexpected symbol near ')'
  3. xeon17

    MTA very lag.

    Hello , i have a problem with MTA is very lag in game , extample when i move or shot my fps get very small and i have big lag and when i'm connect or reconnect to any server , i have very big lag and need wait 10 seconds to connect. Here is the pastebin : http://pastebin.com/XwRrWp5m
  4. xeon17


    I understand i'm going to do it , thank for all your help was very usefull for my bases script Ty BRO !
  5. xeon17


    Anyone have a suggestion how to do it ? anything ? help ?
  6. xeon17


    Yes i know , i fixed this allerdy.
  7. xeon17

    save weapon

    I no understand you ? You need a Save System whitch save your weapons? https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=6943
  8. xeon17


    The code i posted i wanna to use on custom vehicle's not on all , extample the vehicle Maverick i created i want the script only works on that vehicle. I need it for my bases whitch are based on Colors .
  9. xeon17


    Its true , i give my best and learning i'm don't so bad now.
  10. xeon17


    Everyone can buy a base... so the radar area color change everytime and the owner of Base too. I think its a good way , so it check his team and the BASE (radar area of the vehicle Maverick ) if his Team have same color as Radar Area2 ( Base ) so he can use the vehcile , if not then he cant.
  11. xeon17


    I wanna crate a Check system for vehicle ( for custom vehicle : extample : Maverick ) How i can do it. Maverick = createVehicle ( 487, 251.64256286621,1920.413574218817,640630722046 ) radararea2 = createRadarArea( 110.91990, 1800.89435, 200, 145, 255, 255, 255, 225 ) function ( player ) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if ( playerTeam ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) local aR, aG, aB = getRadarAreaColor(radararea2) if (r == aR) and (g == aG) and (b == aB) then outputChatBox ( "", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "[bASE] Your gang not bough this base.", player, 0, 0, 0, true ) cancelEvent() end end end addEventHandler( 'onVehicleStartEnter', root, function( player )
  12. [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateRadarArea]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateRadarArea[/url][/lua [lua]leftX: Um flutuador que representa a posição à esquerda 'x' da área do radar. bottomY: uma bóia que representa a posição de fundo 'y' da área de radar. sizeX: Um flutuador que representa a largura da área de radar. sizeY: Um flutuador que representa a altura da área do radar. createRadarArea ( float leftX, float bottomY, float sizeX, float sizeY, [ int r = 255, int g = 0, int b = 0, int a = 255, element visibleTo = getRootElement() ] )
  13. hahaha Funny. If this guy not understand the wiki extample , then give him your extample , tell him something about it . If you know something about it KOZO , i'm 100% sure you not.
  14. Why you post if you no want to help this guy ? to get +1 post ? omg..
  15. What wrong with you guys , if you can to help him why you no did it ? what cost you to give this guy fucking 5 lines of a script ? what you lossing ?
  16. xeon17


    local gate = createObject(976, 210.2001953125, 1875.7998056875, 12.10000038147, 0, 0, 0) local marker = createMarker(210.2001953125, 1875.7998056875, 12.10000038147,"cylinder",2,0,0,255,255) function openGate (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) moveObject(gate, 210.23286437988, 1875.4119873047, 13.146965026855) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, openGate) function closeGate(leavingPlayer, matchingDimension) moveObject(gate, 210.2001953125, 1875.7998056875, 12.10000038147) end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", marker, closeGate) [2014-02-07 13:16:18] WARNING: Bases\Area51.lua:91: Bad argument @ 'moveObject' [Expected number at argument 5, got none]
  17. xeon17

    Nothing Happen

    No , problem was : createVehicle ( 487, 242.3865814209,1922.9990234375,17.640630722046 ) i changed to : Maverick = createVehicle ( 487, 242.3865814209,1922.9990234375,17.640630722046 ) And worked
  18. xeon17

    Nothing Happen

    P.S , Problem fixed i forgot to define Maverick omg
  19. I created a script whitch let cars have the color of Team , but it not work vehicle get invisible lol. function Car_Color ( player ) if(isElementWithinMarker(player,marker2)) then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if ( playerTeam ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) setVehicleColor( Maverick, r, g, b ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "comprar", Car_Color )
  20. xeon17


    Thank you , i'll try it
  21. xeon17


    Thanks for the help guys , but something is wrong , i spawn on 5 place in 4 second and get over 5 outchatbox or more. I changed the event handler on ''onPlayerSpawn'' and deleted the outchatbox , but it spawn me on all place in 2-5 seconds when i spawn
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