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Vic (3/54)



  1. Interesting use of objects, truly. I've mostly restricted myself to Interior maps.
  2. Sadly, doesn't seem to be making a change.
  3. http://grab.by/qOGG http://grab.by/qOG2 I could be terribly wrong, but i believe so.
  4. Easy as that, can't seem to figure out the issue for the 401 code. Obviously the browser is enabled in the server config file. http://grab.by/qNZQ http://grab.by/qO8O
  5. Alright, so, i'm not quite experienced with this, but so far i've managed to set up the server, create the external web server for file distribution, though the issue pertains. Now i've never had any experience with ext web server, so i'm not sure if the interface is bugged or not fully functional, but the apparent issue here is this. Given the idea of web server being somewhat operational and the http-client-files containing all the resources inside it, i believe that the web server isn't linked to the folder, correct? I'd appreciate any guidance that could be given to help linking the web server to the resources, thank you.
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