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  1. bug getElementData(localPlayer,"busData") > 12 then L2-- Help pls client.lua function PanelShow () text = " "..getElementData(localPlayer,"busData").." " guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[5], text) getVisible = guiGetVisible (cngbuswindow) if (getVisible == true) then guiSetVisible (cngbuswindow, false) showCursor (false) elseif (getVisible == false) then showCursor (true) guiSetVisible (cngbuswindow, true) guiSetInputEnabled(false) if getElementData(localPlayer,"busData") < 6 then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[3],"L1") elseif getElementData(localPlayer,"busData") > 7 then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[3],"L2") elseif getElementData(localPlayer,"busData") > 12 then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[3],"L3") end end end bindKey("F5","down",PanelShow)
  2. Help please : addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() local playerID = exports.server:playerID( source ) local theStats = exports.mysql:query( "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE id = '" .. playerID .. "'" ) local result, numrows = dbPoll(second, -1) if (result and numrows > 0) then for index, row in pairs(result) do local weed = setAccountData(sourceAccount, "Weed") local god = setElementData(source,"God") local speed = setElementData(source,"Speed") local lsd = setElementData(source,"Lsd") local steroids = setElementData(source,"Steroids") local heroin = setElementData(source,"Heroin") end end end )
  3. Help please : addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() local playerID = exports.server:playerID( source ) local theStats = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE id = '" .. playerID .. "'" ) local result, numrows = dbPoll(second, -1) if (result and numrows > 0) then for index, row in pairs(result) do local weed = setAccountData(sourceAccount, "Weed") local god = setElementData(source,"God") local speed = setElementData(source,"Speed") local lsd = setElementData(source,"Lsd") local steroids = setElementData(source,"Steroids") local heroin = setElementData(source,"Heroin") end end end )
  4. Yes account system have.Not XML my mysql save
  5. HAHAHAHH my script come show
  6. No, not the leaked script my script
  7. Help Please--Login mysql fix please function asd() local playerID = exports.server:playerID( source ) local weed = getElementData(source,"Weed") local god = getElementData(source,"God") local speed = getElementData(source,"Speed") local lsd = getElementData(source,"Lsd") local steroids = getElementData(source,"Steroids") local heroin = getElementData(source,"Heroin") local updateDatabase = exports.mysql:exec( "UPDATE drugs SET weed=?, god=?, speed=?, lsd=?, steroids=?, heroin=? WHERE id=?" ,weed ,god ,speed ,lsd ,steroids ,heroin ,playerID ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, asd ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, asd ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", root, asd ) function asd1() local playerID = exports.server:playerID( source ) local weed = getAccountData(sourceAccount, "Weed") local god = getElementData(source,"God") local speed = getElementData(source,"Speed") local lsd = getElementData(source,"Lsd") local steroids = getElementData(source,"Steroids") local heroin = getElementData(source,"Heroin") local drugs = exports.mysql:querySingle( "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE weed = ? AND god = ? AND speed = ? AND lsd = ? AND steroids = ? AND heroin = ? AND id = ?", weed, god, speed, lsd, steroids, heroin, playerID) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, asd1 ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() local playerID = exports.server:playerID( source ) local theDrug = exports.mysql:querySingle( "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE id = '" .. playerID .. "'" ) if ( theDrug ) then local weed = getAccountData(sourceAccount, "Weed") getAccountData(sourceAccount, "Weed") end
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