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  1. Personal somebody could tell me what 's wrong with that my script? I am creating a system more vip everyone can open just want to let people open the ACL VIP more not goin 'right SERVER.LUA function greetingHandler () giveWeapon ( source, 31, 500 ) giveWeapon ( source, 8, 1 ) giveWeapon ( source, 24, 500 ) giveWeapon ( source, 26, 500 ) giveWeapon ( source, 28, 500 ) giveWeapon ( source, 34, 500 ) giveWeapon ( source, 43, 10 ) giveWeapon ( source, 45, 1 ) giveWeapon ( source, 46, 1 ) end addEvent( "onGreeting", true ) addEventHandler( "onGreeting", getRootElement(), greetingHandler ) function PlayerHaveLevel( ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( "ShowVipPanel", source ) else outputChatBox("Que isso fera ?? Tu não é VIP -- Ce ta muito exaltado",source) end end addEvent( "ClientHaveLevel", true ) addEventHandler( "ClientHaveLevel", getRootElement(), PlayerHaveLevel ) CLIENT.LUA function vip() triggerServerEvent ( "ClientHaveLevel", getLocalPlayer() ) end addCommandHandler ("painelvip", vip) function armavip () showCursor (true) triggerServerEvent ( "onGreeting", getLocalPlayer() ) end function vip2() painel = guiCreateWindow(169, 135, 448, 243, "Painel VIP", false) guiWindowSetSizable(painel, false) showCursor ( true ) guiSetAlpha(painel, 1.00) guiSetProperty(painel, "CaptionColour", "FF6AE419") arma = guiCreateButton(48, 144, 341, 38, "Pegar Armamento", false, painel) close = guiCreateButton(154, 193, 114, 35, "Fechar", false, painel) memo = guiCreateMemo(17, 30, 421, 104, "Olá , Obrigado por adquirir o sistema VIP do Servidor DayZ Ghost\nporém tem uma Regra.\n\nNão usar painel VIP para fazer Spawn Kill isso tera como consequencia\na perda do painel e não devolveremos o dinheiro \n\nGrato STAFF : AzulBananaFosco - BioDiversidade ", false, painel) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo, true) addEvent( "showvip",true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", arma, armavip, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", close, function() guiSetVisible(painel, false) showCursor(false) end, false ) end addEvent( "ShowVipPanel", true ) addEventHandler( "ShowVipPanel", getRootElement(), vip2)
  2. How could I create a Resource for Lying and shoot? I know she has one more animation is bugged only kills if you hit the head and foot and only those who have the animation ve the other lying wanted to create this resource for server Dayz everyone could lie down and get right morrira anywhere on the body some tips?
  3. Ficaria mais legal emvez de Bindkey usar um addCommandHandler Ficaria assim: function infoShow ( ) guiSetVisible ( janelaWindow, not guiGetVisible ( janelaWindow ) ) -- Esta função altera o estado de visibilidade de um elemento GUI. showCursor ( not isCursorShowing( ) ) -- Esta função é usada para mostrar ou ocultar cursor do jogador conforme o jogador abre e fecha a janela. end addCommandHandler ("exemplo", infoShow) -- Essa função permite que ao jogador digitar na Letra "T" /exemplo apareça a tabela
  4. yes i know that but shows only the player who died: ( I want one that show for whom he died and the gun that killed him
  5. Would have an example in the wiki?
  6. beauty guys? doubt, how I could create a system that when MTA Dayz a person kill another appears weapon he kill the guy example: Ghost killed M4 Noob know someone help me?
  7. if I use the one you gave me when players enter / info will appear?
  8. ok 'to taking but where did you get this wnd?
  9. addCommandHandler ( 'info' , function ( ) guiSetVisible ( btMessES, true ) end ) ????
  10. How would the code to open the panel / info? Help me? and I'm sorry for bugging
  11. failed the code is right? local x, y = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local player = getLocalPlayer() --Define el color de tu team aquí en R,G,B CR,CG,CB = 0,255,255 --Define el color de tu team en HEX hexTeamColor = "#00ffff" -- alphaDefaul=200 teamColor = tocolor ( CR, CG, CB, alphaDefaul ) -- mute = "#00ff00*#ffffff" kick = "#ffff00**#ffffff" ban = "#ff0000***#ffffff" -- mapper = "#00ff00*#ffffff" scripter = "#ffff00*#ffffff" leader = "#ff0000*#ffffff" owner = "#0000ff*#ffffff" -- ----------- --Español-- ----------- btMessES = "Panel de Informacion" --Reglas ReglasES = "Reglas" reglasListES = mute.."NO hacer publicidad. \n".. (mute.."NO insultar a los administradores o moderadores. \n").. (ban.."NO usar hack.\n").. (kick.."Respetar a los demas jugadores.\n").. (mute.."NO pedir mapas.\n").. (mute.."NO pedir 'Test'.\n").. (ban.."NO usar el TAG de el team sin autorizacion.\n").. (mute.."NO publicar IP de otros servidores.\n").. (kick.."NO usar binds repetitivamente.\n").. (ban.."NO usar una falsa identidad.\n") --Team TeamES = "Equipo" teamLevelES = mapper.."Mapper "..scripter.."Scripter "..leader.."Lider "..owner.."Fundadores" --Server ServerES = "Servidor" infoServerES = hexTeamColor.."Informacion sobre el Servidor#ffffff\n".. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. ("\n").. (hexTeamColor.."Desarrollo del Servidor#ffffff\n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n") infoScripterES = "¿Necesitas Scripter? Contactame a mi Skype: geek1997" ----------- --English-- ----------- btMessEN = "Information Panel" --Reglas ReglasEN = "Rules" reglasListEN = mute.."NO advertising. \n".. (mute.."NOT insult the administrators or moderators. \n").. (ban.."DO NOT use hack.\n").. (kick.."Respect other players.\n").. (mute.."NO ask for maps.\n").. (mute.."NO ask for 'Test'.\n").. (ban.."NO TAG team use without permission.\n").. (mute.."NO other servers IP post.\n").. (kick.."NO binds repeatedly use.\n").. (ban.."DO NOT use a false identity.\n") --Team TeamEN = "Team" teamLevelEN = mapper.."Mapper "..scripter.."Scripter "..leader.."Leader "..owner.."Owner" --Server ServerEN = "Server" infoServerEN = hexTeamColor.."Server Information#ffffff\n".. ("\n").. ("\n").. ("\n").. ("\n").. ("\n").. (hexTeamColor.."Development server#ffffff\n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. ("\n") infoScripterEN = "Need Scripter? Contact me at my Skype: geek1997" --------------------- --Variables default-- --------------------- btMess = btMessES --Reglas-- Reglas = ReglasES reglasList = reglasListES reglasLevel = mute.."Mute "..kick.."Kick "..ban.."Ban" --Team-- Team = TeamES teamList1 = "Olkase "..mapper..leader.."\n".. ("Player2 \n").. ("Player3 \n").. ("Player4 \n").. ("Player5 \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n") teamList2 = "Player6 \n".. ("Player7 \n").. ("Player8 \n").. ("Player9 \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n").. (" \n") teamLevel = teamLevelES --Server-- Server = ServerES infoServer = infoServerES infoScripter = infoScripterES --Color Down Bar-- rR,gR,bR = 0,0,0 rT,gT,bT = 0,0,0 rS,gS,bS = 0,0,0 alphaR = 200 alphaT = 200 alphaS = 200 function main(key, keyState) showCursor(true) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), contenido) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), window) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), contReglas) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), contTeam) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), contServer) start = getTickCount() addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), window ) setTimer ( function() guiIdiomas() guiContenido() addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), contenido ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), contReglas ) end, 1500, 1 ) end addCommandHandler('info', function ( ) guiSetVisible ( gElement,true ); end ); function guiIdiomas() ancho = 600 alto = 520 midAncho = ancho/2 midAlto = alto/2 medX = x/2 medY = y/2 cantBot = 2 botScale = 20 botSpace = (botScale*cantBot)+(5*cantBot) alphaEs = 100 alphaEn = 100 alphaQuit = 200 es = guiCreateButton(medX+midAncho-botSpace, medY-midAlto+5, botScale, botScale, "EN", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",es,onClickES) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",es,onEnterES) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",es,onLeaveES) en = guiCreateButton(medX+midAncho-botSpace+botScale+5, medY-midAlto+5, botScale, botScale, "ES", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",en,onClickEN) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",en,onEnterEN) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",en,onLeaveEN) quit = guiCreateButton(medX+midAncho-botSpace+botScale+5, medY-midAlto-25, 25, 25, "Quit", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",quit,onClickQuit) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",quit,onEnterQuit) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",quit,onLeaveQuit) guiSetAlpha(en, 0) guiSetAlpha(es, 0) guiSetAlpha(quit, 0) end function guiContenido() sizeX = ancho/3 sizeY = 40 mitSize = sizeX*0.5 botX = medX-mitSize botY = medY+midAlto-sizeY reglas = guiCreateButton(botX-sizeX , botY, sizeX, sizeY, "Reglas", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",reglas,onClickReglas) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",reglas,onEnterReglas) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",reglas,onLeaveReglas) team = guiCreateButton(botX, botY, sizeX, sizeY, "Equipo", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",team,onClickTeam) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",team,onEnterTeam) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",team,onLeaveTeam) server = guiCreateButton(botX+sizeX, botY, sizeX, sizeY, "Servidor", false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",server,onClickServer) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",server,onEnterServer) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",server,onLeaveServer) guiSetAlpha(reglas, 0) guiSetAlpha(team, 0) guiSetAlpha(server, 0) end function window() ancho = 600 alto = 520 btAncho = 600 btAlto = 25 local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - start local endTime = start + 1500 local duration = endTime - start local progress = elapsedTime / duration local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, ancho, alto, 255, progress, "OutBounce") local x2, y2, z2 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, btAncho, btAlto, 200, progress, "OutBounce") posx = (x/2)-(x1/2) posy =
  12. how do I go when the player types / info open the information panel? I know it uses more addcommandhandler not to know the rest: (
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