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  1. Man that sucks dude i was looking forward to this so much i was even going to remodel the entire GTA SA Models and Objects but i was googling a bit about the x86 and 64 bit so GOOGLE is your friend i can't give advice as i know nothing about these things so its like speaking spanish to me haha and IM ENGLISH !!!!!!! But hopfully you get your error fixed i would love to see this up and running that way i can redesign everything and basicly make new and realistic grapics for GTA SA but God Bless anyways Bro God Bless you and God Bless all !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  2. Let me know when you want me to finish helping you and the Chat Structure God Bless You and God Bless All !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  3. I agree if you thought or known this was stole why would you even post the code ?
  4. Lol you just posted a reply with nothing in it ? OH did not mean to say you don't have to put that in Disguard me typing that part God Bless All ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  5. local exampleHandlings = { ["Bullet"] = { mass = 2000, engineAcceleration = 15, tractionMultiplier = 0.9, tractionLoss = 1.0 }, ["Super Gt"] = { engineAcceleration = 15, tractionMultiplier = 0.9, tractionLoss = 1.0 }, ["Taxi"] = { engineAcceleration = 5.5 } } function handling_functionName ( ) local vName = getVehicleName ( source ) if exampleHandlings[vName] then for handling,vValue in pairs ( exampleHandlings[vName] ) do setVehicleHandling ( source, handling, vValue ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", root, handling_functionName ) this is Example 2 Hope this helps any and all who needs info God Bless All !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  6. Solidsnake is correct but i think you mean how to do so heres a few examples i'll do two examples --Lets say we want to change the handling of a infurnus then a example function LetsChangeThisHandling () for index,vValue in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementModel(vValue) == 411 then setVehicleHandling(vValue, "maxVelocity", 120) setVehicleHandling(vValue, "engineAcceleration", 15) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), LetsChangeThisHandling ) engineAcceleration would change the Acceleration for example lets say Solidsnake and you are about to race in game Solidsnake is in in the Infurnus but your in a bullet using the same handling script just less engineAcceleration Solidsnake would start off faster and maxVelocity is the top speed your car can get so if the bullets top speed was higher than the code i sent you in the long road the bullet would win hope this helps you if you need ANY help with these please let us know Thanks !!! God Bless All !!!!!!! you don't have to put that in
  7. looks good man I noticed you said You will be using the clothes also as in are you going to create them where they are custom items for example without doing a bunch of code blah blah itemID equals number blah blah CJclothes id blah blah or are you just going to be using CJ plain out and thats it? anyways God Bless All !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  8. Lol @ Jesse i remember the dumpster i wonder if i still have it on my PC somewhere and lol @ the flying cow imna have to check this out to see anyways God Bless All !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  9. OOO Can't Belive I Just Now Or Now Noticed This What A Lovely Tool To Have !!!!!!! God Bless You and God Bless All ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  10. Definitely. I'm currently rewriting the tuningshop from scratch because I want the scripts to look nice and sleek, though I'm going on vacation tomorrow so you guys will have to wait a bit longer. Also, the tuningshop will be released opensource. (Thanks to Qais) That way everybody can contribute and make it even better. This is the worst i have ever seen hahaha Mesing But Serously Good job bro looks good i remember when you barly knew anything you have came along way God Bless You man and God Bless All !!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior ) Oh and call my skype my messaging is messed up on it
  11. Lol sorry was testing the HTML's But could you post me a WIKI of those newly added functions so i may toy with them Topo ? The Wiki Would Be Fine Too
  12. It clearly seems as if he asked is there a resource out there thats already been made not HEY COULD YOU MAKE THIS AND THIS OH AND THAT FOR ME you see what i'm saying and not to be rude but you say the community isent here to make him resources but the community is here to make the community resources well is he not a member of the community as well as me and you and us all here are? But @ the Author i'm going to check out the link the person posted here that linked to the Rpmsystem and i'll be checking out how it works and ect ect i been wondering myself about making custom engine sounds i remembered when i was first learing LUA and i asked in the scripting section if it was possible to make custom sounds for your engines and everyone said no but apartly they where wrong SO... Now i'll be learning about it myself so keep me updated if you still need help and what not about it as i will be learning the engine sounds ( i'm a huge modder ) and i love adding new custom sounds with my scripts or ones i use Anyways God Bless All ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  13. I was talking to my friend JesseUnit about something like this the other day and explaining the difficulty's to this and the goods of it but anyways I would love after a while to check back one of these months or whenever to see this done like the person in the last post said this would really be a great tool for modders also for people creating there own LUA Games and those who use the same im/ ex ports Anyways Keep Up The Good Work I'll Be Sure To Bookmark This Page and Check on It from Time to Time Would Really Create A New GTA MTA World For Modders / Scripter-Modders God Bless You and God Bless All !!!!!!!! ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  14. *were *to why would vg release their own scripts? it was leaked Well i'm not sure if the older ones where leaked but one sec let me check the verison that was released 4.0.24_2 was the released version and like i said i'm not sure if the older ones where leaked and what not but these where forsure released thats why everyone came to GrimzRP AKA OverFlow asking me how did i have them told them they where released on the forums boom people started downloading them from the forums but eather way it truly doest matter and to Crystal wheres your evidence the 4.0.24_2 where leaked but anyways this def did get off topic so bak to the creator of this tread if you still need help let me know and if yall still want to say stuff PM me anyways to all have a blessed day ( Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior )
  15. To be honest VG newest scripts where not leaked they where posted on there forums before they renamed there RP server to Root-Gaming now i'm not sure if the older ones were leaked and what not but just thought you should know
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