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Everything posted by Yazir
There i show repo of my old gamemodes I don't work on anymore. The most advanced is [gangwars] It contains territory claiming, joining gangs, police system, minigames like battle royale, equipment systems and many more things which i forgot about long ago https://github.com/Yazir/MTA-old-gamemodes Have fun!
Wrzucam repo z gamemode nad którymi już nie pracuję. Najbardziej rozbudowane jest [gangwars] Tam zawarte jest przejmowanie terenów, dołączanie do gangów, system policji, minigry jak battle royale, systemy ekwipunku i wiele innych rzeczy o których pewnie już zapomniałem. https://github.com/Yazir/MTA-old-gamemodes Miłej zabawy.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7mtMTEMVviJdGcwUTFYTU9DbDg/view?usp=sharing My reupload.
I have less than 20 ping to my server and players have less than 60 and the issue occurs.
I guess my fix will be paying more for windows server...
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7mtMTEMVviJV05sLVZQVjJ5MXc/view?usp=sharing download whole zip and use it as a resource "/bot" to spawn bot that most of the time won't be able to hit you. Also there's a bug that players sometimes can't hurt the bot when the bot's listener is not nearby, but that i will probably work around.
https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=672 And couple bots via spawnBot function.
Any ideas?
Didn't find any issues with that client.
It's the same with, or without players.
Sorry, I didn't check the forums for couple days. I thought the update has been pushed and it works fine on my server now as I or my players experience the issue. There was only one occurence but that was when player still had outdated client. I will test it soon. There's however another issue not related to this problem:
Decided to post the issue there after not getting answers on other post and realising it is issue that occurs on linux-server Post content here: I've downloaded latest Slothbot resource and spawned counple bots. Everything was fine till i noticed that if there's no obstacle between me and enemy, his firing won't make a projectile (or it does, but it looks random). In result players can stand in front of a slothbot while he is shooting at him at point blank range and the bullet projectiles aren't spawning. Left: Bot can't hit me, Right: After hiding into cover, the last bullets he shoots emit projectile (yellow lines) that can deal damage. Extension. How to replicate: 1. Get slothbot on linux server (debian 7 wheezy) 2. Spawn bot with slothbot's spawnBot function. 3. Make the bot start shooting at you, it won't create projectiles, but when you hide behind any sort of cover (isLineOfSightClear=false) bot emits projectiles to wall or to player because of recoil. I have investigated the code and I didn't find anything that could be the reason this issue occurs. Thought: Maybe it's some anti-cheat regulation? Issue didn't occur on localhost Win10, but does occur at Debian 7 (wheezy).
After full day of testing I can tell, I didn't come around the bug in my client (everyone could shoot me) but sometimes I couldn't hit others because they had the old client.
It seems to be working. After 4 games with 2 players (new client(me) + old client) I have seen every weapon and the old one didn't see my weapons atleast twice. Then 3 games both with new clients it worked perfectly till one moment. Other player didn't see most of my weapons (he saw only one, tec-9) but when i threw satchel at him, all my weapons were visible after that. I suggest pushing this update already because it works nearly perfectly. Thanks.
Weapons are set to 0 (when bug occurs). It works normally without the bug (weapons are given).
Tested on 2 clients and it doesn't work. Note: Weapons given when player is nearby other player are visible (except when the weapon is already invisible, but I'm not sure about this one).
It was hard to work with them but I've got some screenshots function renderDebug( ) for i,plr in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not isElement( plr ) then return end for slot=0,12 do weap = getPedWeapon(plr,slot) ammo = getPedAmmoInClip(plr,slot) ammoTot = getPedTotalAmmo( plr, slot ) dxDrawText( slot .. " " .. getPlayerName( plr ) .. " (D".. getElementDimension( plr ) .. ") " .. tostring(weap) .. " " .. tostring(ammo) .. "/" .. tostring(ammoTot), 230 + i * 180, slot*15, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 150 ), 0.5 ) end end end local isWpnDebug = false addCommandHandler( "wpndebug", function ( ) if not isWpnDebug then addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderDebug ) isWpnDebug = true outputChatBox( "ON" ) else removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderDebug ) isWpnDebug = false end end ) Code of that display And I'm really sorry because I've just seen this topic is in Windows, not Linux thread. The server is on linux. From my observations it seems that players that are not streamed in and player equips them and sets as their weapon, are invisible later ( I've used giveWeapon setWeaponCurrent=true to make the bug happen more frequently). There was one little bug that one guy seen I have shotgun, but in reality i had chainsaw. I "shot" it once and it got fixed. It was one of the first screens. On the last screens me (harley quinn model) have no weapon in demonek's ss.
No solution so far.
I have made another test because previous wasn't made by me. They've told me they both didn't see their weapons There's a new test with the bug after a few tries (with your code) http://cdn.pasteraw.com/c5zr12qtyge4ssv0hfk1n2y2yaphgi0 The issues were: Pogromca_ didn't have a weapon for me ( i didn't see his shotgun) and when he tried to shoot, it wouldn't let him (after pressing lpm nothing happened). Next round I've got the issue myself and it happened with mac-10 in middle of shooting. I couldn't shoot anymore resulting in my death. Pogromca_ now has weird issue that if he starts running while he is aiming, the weapon will get changed. Didn't experience that myself and maybe it's affected cause of your script. @ccw edit: I couldn't shoot because i had 0 ammo. I have also made custom weapons with setWeaponProperty. Maybe that might help.
Here is log of when the issue happened (from match start till the end) http://cdn.pasteraw.com/quo2abvl67y3zspd1z3br3wfksd9vkg
I have found this post with I think similar issue: Though there's no solution as the author just closes the topic. On the other hand I wanted to make something like this addEventHandler( "onPlayerWeaponFire", root, function ( wep, eX, eY, eZ, hitE, sX, sY, sZ ) local amm = getPedTotalAmmo( source ) local clip = getPedAmmoInClip( source ) outputChatBox( tostring( amm ) ) takeWeapon( source, wep, amm ) giveWeapon( source, wep, amm-1, true ) end ) But as i have made this, I've seen that there is no function to get and set player's ammo in clip serverside.
The problem is still there. It makes my server nearly unplayable.
It seems random, sometimes it is every match, sometimes it's not happening. The gamemode and resource is written by myself, but i can provide you scripts where i spawn player etc. for key,player in ipairs(lobby["players"]) do local skin = getElementData( player, "skin" ) addStat(player,"played",1) spawnPlayer( player, -1500*key,-1500*key,1500*key, nil, skin, nil, dim) setElementDimension( player, dim ) setElementPosition( player, 1000*key, 1000*key, 1000*key ) setTimer( function() setElementData( player, "canFire", true ) giveWeapon( player, 46, 1, true) setElementDimension( player, dim ) setElementPosition( player, math.random(-700,700)+x, math.random(-500,500)+y, 800, true ) setElementVelocity( player, math.random(-30,30), math.random(-30,30), 50 ) setElementData( player, "headshotMulti", 2 ) setElementData( player, "score", -1 ) end,2000,1) end Player spawning. Tried delaying changing dimension/spawning and spawning players far apart. if itemdata[3] == "equip" then giveWeapon( source, itemdata[4], itemdata[5], true) removePlayerItem(source, iid, item) end Code for giving weapon when player equips them. Players can equip item any time they want (single time). Setting set current weapon to false seemed to help, made it happen less often but that might have been just random. It was a problem for this gamemode for since i remember. Also when player shoots and you don't see his weapon, he occasionally swings his fist and when he's moving it looks like he is running in a direction and gets warped back to the position he was standing originally every position update. @ccw