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Everything posted by [N]irvana

  1. Hi I am creating an info panel. to give better appearance used interpolatebetween Well what I want is that OutBounce Animation and dxDrawText start at the same time Sorry if I can not explain me well This is my client local isPlayerViewingPanel = false local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() function main ( ) if isPlayerViewingPanel then start = getTickCount() addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage ) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage) end end function dxDrawTheImage() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() ancho=550 alto=480 local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - start local endTime = start + 1000 local duration = endTime - start local progress = elapsedTime / duration local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, ancho, alto, 255, progress, "OutBounce") local x2, y2, z2 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, ancho, alto, alto/11, progress, 'OutBounce') posx = (x/2)-(x1/2) posy = (y/2)-(y1/2) dxDrawImage ( posx, ( sh / 2 - y2 / 2 ), x2, y2, "window.png" ) dxDrawText ( "Rules", sw/2 - 26, sh/2 - 230, sw/2 + 175, sh/2 + 80, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.6, "default-bold") dxDrawText ( "Server Information", sw/2 - 260, sh/2 - 180, sw/2 + 175, sh/2 + 80, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.7, "default-bold") end bindKey("f3", "down",function() local toView = not isPlayerViewingPanel isPlayerViewingPanel = toView showCursor (toView) main() end ) any help will be considered
  2. Solidsnake14 You can create example..(( I've been struggling all day but I can not able to do I need help only with some examples in which you can understand better ..(
  3. As I can give a sound to a button? Example: Botton 1 Mousing over the button ( Start Song.mp3 ) Remove the mouse over the button ( Stop Song.mp3 ) Botton 2 Mousing over the button ( Start Song.mp3 ) Remove the mouse over the button ( Stop Song.mp3 ) Botton 3 Mousing over the button ( Start Song.mp3 ) Remove the mouse over the button ( Stop Song.mp3 ) I have three buttons and I want to do it that way Need some examples which are understandable, If possible created by yourselves.
  4. [N]irvana


    I appreciate your help, people like you there few
  5. [N]irvana


    I have my panel This is my client.lua local isPlayerViewingPanel = false local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() function dxDrawTheImage ( ) if isPlayerViewingPanel then dxDrawImage (240, 145, 550, 480, "window.png" ) dxDrawText ( "Rules", sw/2 - 26, sh/2 - 230, sw/2 + 175, sh/2 + 80, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.6, "default-bold") end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage ) bindKey("f6", "down",function() isPlayerViewingPanel = not isPlayerViewingPanel end) I want to make this function Press f6 (Open Panel) start cursor, Press f6 (Close Panel) stop cursor? (I am very noob in this)
  6. [N]irvana


    You can create example please? (no use wiki)
  7. [N]irvana


    How i can start cursor in my panel? And stop cursor when press f9?
  8. This belongs to Multigamemode.
  9. Thank you friend, now this does the job, I realized that the coordinates were far from the panel, but I served Thanks for your help.
  10. Well Thanks for your great help, but it still does not work.
  11. This does not work. help me local isPlayerViewingImage = false; local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) function dxDrawTheImage ( ) if ( isPlayerViewingImage ) then dxDrawImage ( 240, 145, 550, 480, "window.png" ) end end bindKey("f9", "down", function() addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage ) isPlayerViewingImage = not isPlayerViewingImage end ) local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local font = dxCreateFont("impact.ttf",) --creates font --creates a text using the customed font in the middle of the screen dxDrawText( "THIS IS MY NEW FONT!!!", sw/2 - 1024, sh/2 - 768, 175, 80, tocolor(255,255,255), 1, myFont )
  12. I mean that you make an example, not that bring out the wikipedia please.
  13. You can write an example? not guided me a lot with the examples of the wiki.
  14. as I can add some text to the panel in which you can choose one letter font?
  15. How I can make the letter "f9" is activated the panel?
  16. By eliminating this resource nothing bad will happen?
  17. Hi, I just wanted to ask a little help, as I can remove this? Hola, sólo quería pedir un poco de ayuda, como puedo quitar esto? -----------------------> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=54h9xt&s=5 <------------------------------
  18. I love your v1 (Labivila)
  19. ise everything I indicated the tutorial, but to give / restart admin does not work This serves to this version?
  20. Help me please i need flags in admin panel and scoreboard This is my problem http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4vo2h3&s=5 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jsh9qv&s=5 i want Admin panel IP: (flag) and scoreboard Name State Country Ping Danip alive (flag) CL 10 i want this Scoreboard: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2e4jiua&s=5 Admin Panel: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=okonqh&s=5
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