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Everything posted by XxRomxX

  1. Ok,Es Tuyo Ciber,Pero igual yo no sabia ._.,¿pero me podes ayudar?
  2. Ok Seré breve,un amigo creo un comando por zombie,el cual te saca zombies así por cantidad,por ejemplo das el comando te sale 1 zombie,ese comando no esta funcionando bien,ya que al apretarlo da un error por exports,Aqui el lua,un poco complicado LuaQ @crear.lua $ @ A€ … @€ € crearz addCommandHandler crearz1 EÀ € \ Ç€ ‡@ G E F@Á K€Á Å ÌÀÁA ÁAE ÁA \€€…€ À € Á A œ@ …@ À € € œ@€ € x y z getElementPosition exports NGC_Resident_Evil createZombie ð? 6@ setElementData jthead adolf_hitler.png setPedOnFire thePlayer crear
  3. No se maten D:,Si ya me funciono,Y Gracias Alex y Ciber de todas maneras
  4. function BossNemesis ( thePlayer ) x,y,z = getElementPosition( thePlayer ) nemesi = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot ( x+1,y+1,z+0.5, 90, math.random ( 300, 303 ), 0, 0, Nemesis, 38, "hunting", true ) setElementModel(nemesi, 285) end addCommandHandler("nemesis",BossNemesis) function money (theKiller) if (source == nemesi) then local kills = getElementData ( theKiller, "Zombie kills" ) setElementData ( theKiller, "Zombie kills", 25) givePlayerMoney( theKiller, 10000) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( theKiller ) .. " #081DBFHa Matado Ha Nemesis :3 , Se Cree Muy Prah!",getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEvent("onBotWasted", true) addEventHandler("onBotWasted", getRootElement(), money)
  5. El nemesis,en el cual me ayudaron acá en el foro,me quita los kills a la hora de activarlo y matarlo,por ejemplo, tenia 3698 kills,y el nemesis te da 25 kills,esos 3698 Me los reiniciaba y me colocaba 25 kills,Me pueden Ayudar?
  6. XxRomxX

    Radar GTA V

    Emm Si,Pero el pasado,es pasado e_e
  7. XxRomxX

    Radar GTA V

    Joder,Cyber sos mi salvador :3
  8. Quisiera Saber como hacer que el scoreboard,Salga de un lado,por ejemplo yo Apretó la Tecla para que salga el scoreboard,y salga del lado derecho y se centre en pantalla algo así como el de xlatino
  9. XxRomxX

    Radar GTA V

    Bueno Necesito saber como hacer un radar de Como el de GTA V,pero aparezcan las partes del mapa como en el default
  10. XxRomxX


    Bueno,Como Sale en el subject quiero un radar el cual tenga coordenadas en el mini map,como el de xlatino.
  11. no me siguen dando los mismos errores
  12. restart: Resource is loaded, but has errors (Couldn't parse meta file for resource 'puerta' )
  13. "Rom" name="Puerta" version="1.0.0" type="server" />
  14. sigue dando el mismo error
  15. y como lo tengo que colocar?
  16. Tengo todo echo y me da este error "Unknown script type specified in puerta. Assuming 'server'"
  17. Rejas para abrirse con un comando para una base
  18. Quiero saber donde puedo encontrar el resource para abrir puertas..
  19. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    El ANTIAFK Era para race y me kickea ami igual al estar specteando a un user
  20. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Ya Arregle el Problema de "1°WARNING: AntiAFK\Server.lua:88: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1] 2°ERROR: AntiAFK\Server.lua:88: attempt to concatenate a boolean value" Gracias A Todos Por Ayudarme
  21. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Server --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- Anti AFK System -- -- By Al3grab -- -- Server Side -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- ----------- CHANGEABLE AFK_TIME = 1 -- the time that if the player didn't moved he will be AFK , in minutes . AFK_TIMES = 5 -- afk times before the player get kicked . SHOW,AFK_MSG = true -- show the afk message [true or false msgs = true -- show messages on chat box ? ----------- function onResourceStart() -- outputDebugString("Anti-AFK By Al3grab | Started") -- startCheck() end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onResourceStart) function startCheck() checkTimer = setTimer ( function() for i,m in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local idle = getPlayerIdleTime(m) if tonumber(idle) >= AFK_TIME * 60 * 1000 then if not isPlayerAfk(m) then -- the player is afk triggerEvent("onPlayerAfk",m,m,idle) end else local afk = isPlayerAfk(m) if ( afk == true ) then -- the player was afk and now he is back ! triggerEvent("onPlayerAfkBack",m,m) end end end end , 1000 , 0 ) end addEvent("onPlayerAfk",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerAfk",root,function ( Player , Time ) ------ if SHOW then if ( tostring ( AFK_MSG ) ) then showAfkMessage(Player,true) end end ------ setPlayerAfk(Player,true) ------ end ) addEvent("onPlayerAfkBack",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerAfkBack",root,function ( Player ) setPlayerAfk(source,false) ------ showAfkMessage(source,false) ------ end ) function isPlayerAfk(Player) local afk = getElementData(Player,"State-AFK") or false return afk end function setPlayerAfk(Player,state) setElementData(Player,"State-AFK",state or false) end function showAfkMessage(Player,state) if state == true then ev = "YouAreAFK" else ev = "YouAreNotAFK" end triggerClientEvent(Player,tostring(ev) or "YouAreAFK",Player) end function onAfkEnd(Player) Player = Player or source -- setElementData(Player,"AFKtime",getElementData(Player,"AFKtime") + 1 ) local afkTimes = getElementData(Player,"AFKtime") if ( afkTimes and afkTimes >= AFK_TIMES ) then kickPlayer(Player,"You Have Been Afk For : "..tonumber(AFK_TIME).." Minutes") if msgs then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00"..getPlayerName(Player).."#FFFF00 Has Been kicked for being afk ["..afkTimes.."]",root,255,0,0,true) end else killPed(Player) if msgs then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00"..getPlayerName(Player).."#FFFF00 Has Been slapped for being afk ["..afkTimes.."]",root,255,0,0,true) end end end addEvent("KillAFK",true) addEventHandler("KillAFK",root,onAfkEnd) client --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- Anti AFK System For War -- -- By Al3grab -- -- Client Side -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -------------- CHANGEABLE NumToCount = 20 -- the number to count before the player get killed / kicked MSGtoShow = "You Are Afk" -- the Message to show CountSpeed = 1500 -- less number will be faster. -------------- UNCHANGEABLE rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- Resource Root ,, setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"AFKtime",0) -- Rest AFK Times For Player setElementData(localPlayer,"State-AFK",false) --- DX --- sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize() -- Get The Screen Size x,y = sw/2,sh/2 -- Using Math to Set The Text in center addEvent("YouAreAFK",true) -- AFK Message Event addEventHandler("YouAreAFK",root, -- AFK Message Event Handler function() -- AFK Message Function function You() -- AFK Message Function dxDrawText( MSGtoShow, x-700,y-497,sw,sh,tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 4, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false)-- AFK Message Shaddow dxDrawText( MSGtoShow, x-700,y-500,sw,sh,tocolor ( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), 4, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false)-- AFK Message end -- END of AFK Message Function addEventHandler ( "onClientRender",root,You) -- AFK Message Event Handler Count() -- Kill Player Counting Trigger end ) function Count()-- Counting -- Count -- local n = NumToCount -- Count Number local count = ""..n.."" -- Count Number local x,y = sw/2,sh/2 -- Center Text function txt() dxDrawText(" You Will Be Killed After "..count.." Seconds", x-700,y-292,sw,sh,tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false) -- Counting DX dxDrawText(" You Will Be Killed After "..count.." Seconds", x-700,y-295,sw,sh,tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false)-- Counting DX dxDrawText(" Move To Cancel", x-700,y-241,sw,sh,tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false)-- Text DX dxDrawText(" Move To Cancel", x-700,y-243,sw,sh,tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown","center", "center", false, false, false)-- Text DX end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender" , root ,txt)-- Adding DX Event Handler timer = setTimer ( -- Count function()-- Count n = n - 1 -- Count count = ""..n.."" -- Count playSoundFrontEnd ( 20 )-- Play Sound On Count if n == 0 then -- on Count END triggerServerEvent ("KillAFK", getLocalPlayer()) -- Triggers Killing Function playSoundFrontEnd ( 101 ) -- Play SOund on Count END removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender" , root ,txt) -- Remove DX Text's After Count END removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender",root,You)-- Remove DX Text's After Count END end end , CountSpeed , NumToCount ) -- End Of Count Timer --- Count--- end addEvent("YouAreNotAFK",true) -- Removing Message Event addEventHandler("YouAreNotAFK",root,-- Removing Message Event function()-- Removing Message Function removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender",root,You)-- Removing Message 1 removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender" , root ,txt)-- Removing Message 2 if isTimer(timer) then killTimer(timer)-- Killing The Timer end end ) -- END of Removing Message Event --- DX ---
  22. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Lo coloque,Pero no me kickea
  23. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Hace falta el client?
  24. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Bueno,Ya lo tengo kickea todo,pero salen estos 2 errores 1°WARNING: AntiAFK\Server.lua:88: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1] 2°ERROR: AntiAFK\Server.lua:88: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
  25. XxRomxX

    Anti AFK

    Necesito un AFK Que no de slap que de kick donde puedo encontrarlo?
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