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Everything posted by Sergey_Walter
Воу воу парень палехче Во первых доброе утро! Во вторых кликая по любому элементу срабатывает функция onPlayerClick - onClientGUIClick В третьих глобальные переменные можно создавать через функцию setElementData - getElementData В четвёртых команда /time находится на стороне клиента у всех, в скрипте commands_client.lua
Да я вот боюсь он будет нагружать клиентскую сторону, так как он на рендере... Код воще жёсткий =) sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() function wantNeon(state) if state == true then addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) else removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) end end function loop() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) a,b,c = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,a,b,c) vis = isElementOnScreen(veh) if vis and dis < 50 then x,y,rot = getElementRotation(veh) if x < 50 or x > 310 then if y < 50 or y > 310 then if getElementData(veh,"neonlight") ~= "off!!!" then drawIt(veh,rot) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) function drawIt(veh,rot) x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) az = getGroundPosition(x,y,z) dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,x,y,az) if dis < 2 then a = 100 model = getElementModel(veh) data = getElementData(veh,"neonlight") if data then r = tonumber(gettok(data,1,string.byte(","))) g = tonumber(gettok(data,2,string.byte(","))) b = tonumber(gettok(data,3,string.byte(","))) ck = tonumber(gettok(data,4,string.byte(","))) --if ck and ck <= 255 and ck >= 0 then a = ck end rot = rot if --rot < 1 or rot > 359 1 == 1 then rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(veh) x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) r3 = rz-30 r4 = rz-150 r3 = math.abs(r3-360) r4 = math.abs(r4-360) r1 = r3-60 r2 = r4-300 r1 = math.rad(r1) r2 = math.rad(r2) r3 = math.rad(r3) r4 = math.rad(r4) cr1 = math.cos(r1) sr1 = math.sin(r1) cr2 = math.cos(r2) sr2 = math.sin(r2) cr3 = math.cos(r3) sr3 = math.sin(r3) cr4 = math.cos(r4) sr4 = math.sin(r4) x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.03*cr1 sr1 = 1.03*sr1 cr2 = 1.03*cr2 sr2 = 1.03*sr2 cr3 = 1.03*cr3 sr3 = 1.03*sr3 cr4 = 1.03*cr4 sr4 = 1.03*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x
Как вы думаете что лучше, поставить этот неон: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=1833 http://screenshot.su/show.php?img=65436 ... 7db6a3.jpg или вырезать dff, txd неона из сампа и заменить ненужные обьекты в мта этим неоном? http://screenshot.su/show.php?img=20330 ... 0048b9.jpg Беда в том что самповский неон горит только после 21.00 или при определённой погоде
Она на сервере..
exports["savevehicle-system"]:saveVehicleMods(vehicle) правда что такой экспорт не работает со стороны клиента?
Аа ну я так и сделал =)
local color1, color2, color3, color4 = getVehicleColor ( theVehicle ) а где тут rgb? color1,color2,color3 здесь?
а это не оно? function hsv2rgb(h, s, v) local r, g, b local i = math.floor(h * 6) local f = h * 6 - i local p = v * (1 - s) local q = v * (1 - f * s) local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s) local switch = i % 6 if switch == 0 then r = v g = t b = p elseif switch == 1 then r = q g = v b = p elseif switch == 2 then r = p g = v b = t elseif switch == 3 then r = p g = q b = v elseif switch == 4 then r = t g = p b = v elseif switch == 5 then r = v g = p b = q end return math.floor(r*255), math.floor(g*255), math.floor(b*255) end function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) r, g, b = r/255, g/255, b/255 local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b) local h, s local v = max local d = max - min s = max == 0 and 0 or d/max if max == min then h = 0 elseif max == r then h = (g - b) / d + (g < b and 6 or 0) elseif max == g then h = (b - r) / d + 2 elseif max == b then h = (r - g) / d + 4 end h = h/6 return h, s, v end
Возможно ли узнать цвет автомобиля через getVehicleColor ( theVehicle ) и превратить в такой код #ffffff ?
Упс, точно) спасиб
function openPicker(id, start, title) if id and not pickerTable[id] then pickerTable[id] = colorPicker.create(id, start, title) pickerTable[id]:updateColor() return true end return false end addEvent( "openPicker", true ) addEventHandler ( "openPicker", openPicker ) local sphere = createColSphere ( 1054.2170,-903.6371,42.5435, 5.0 ) function picker() local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) openPicker(theVehicle, "#FFFFFF", "Смена цвета") end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", sphere, picker ) так? чёто не срабатывает всё равно( это на стороне клиента..
local sphere = createColSphere ( 1054.2170,-903.6371,42.5435, 5.0 ) function picker( thePlayer, matchingDimension) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) openPicker(theVehicle, "#FFFFFF", "Смена цвета") end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", sphere, picker ) сделал так пишет: http://screenshot.su/show.php?img=a1387 ... b07363.jpg
Не очень хорошо обьяснил, ну ладно, возможно ли этот же код реализовать на стороне клиента? Так как функция openPicker находится там же... Или может сделать так? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnColShapeHit
local sphere = createColSphere ( 1054.2170,-903.6371,42.5435, 5.0 ) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", sphere, function() local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(???) openPicker(theVehicle, "#FFFFFF", "Смена цвета") end) Помогите узнать ид элемента игрока на стороне сервера... Да и почему этот же код нельзя использовать на стороне клиента? Он попросту у меня не срабатывает..
local login = "Никогда" if (not memberLastLogin[k]) then login = "Никогда" else if (memberLastLogin[k]==0) then login = "Сегодня" else login = "" .. memberLastLogin[k] .. " ".. math.decl( memberLastLogin[k], "день назад", "дня назад", "дней назад" ) end end Сдела так, всё чики пуки терь, спс
local login = "Никогда" if (not memberLastLogin[k]) then login = "Никогда" else if (memberLastLogin[k]==0) then login = "Сегодня" elseif (memberLastLogin[k]==1) then login = tostring(memberLastLogin[k]) .. " день назад" elseif (memberLastLogin[k]==2 or memberLastLogin[k] == 3 or memberLastLogin[k] == 4) then login = tostring(memberLastLogin[k]) .. " дня назад" else login = tostring(memberLastLogin[k]) .. " дней назад" end end guiGridListSetItemText(gMemberGrid, row, colLastLogin, login, false, false) Подскажите как сделать чтоб например на числа 2,3,4 ДАЛЕЕ +10 дней, тоесть 22 дня, 23 дня, 24 дня, писало дня, мне кажется что то там типо gsuba надо сделать... заранее спасибо)
Да действительно эта функция помогает удалять и пикапы и иконки, буду изучать эти древа элементов =)
Ну вот, если я например сделаю так, local interiorElement = createElement("interior", "int"..tostring(row.id)) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "dbid", row.id, true) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "entrance", { row.x, row.y, row.z, row.interiorwithin, row.dimensionwithin, row.angle, row.fee }, true ) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "exit", { row.interiorx, row.interiory, row.interiorz, row.interior, row.id, row.angleexit, 0 }, true ) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "status", { row.type, row.disabled == 1, row.locked == 1, row.owner, row.cost, row.supplies}, true ) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "name", row.name, true ) if row.owner == -1 then local blip = createBlip(row.x, row.y, 10, 31, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 180) setElementData ( interiorElement, "blip", blip ) elseif row.owner > 0 then local blip = createBlip(row.x, row.y, 10, 32, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 180) setElementData ( interiorElement, "blip", blip ) end и удалю этот элемент, destroyElement(interiorElement) то всё что в нём хранилось, данные и иконка на радаре удалится?
for i = 1, 150 do for x = 1, 4 do onZone = { } onZone[i] = { } onZone[i][x] = 0 end end Так можно делать? У меня как никрути вылазит эти ошибки.. http://screenshot.su/show.php?img=de6e3 ... 917873.jpg Мне просто нужно записать в эту строку два значения, onZone[faction] = onZone[faction] + 1 там где i индекс гангзоны, там где faction номер банды, и к этому нужно прибавить единицу в зависимости сколько там стоит человек..
Вот мой скрипт системы гангзон.. mysql = exports.mysql local null = mysql_null() local toLoad = { } local threads = { } local zoneInfo = { } local frakCD = { } local onZone = { } function resume() for key, value in ipairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(value) end end function loadAllGangZones() local result = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM gangzones ORDER BY `id` ASC") if result then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end toLoad[tonumber(row["id"])] = true end mysql:free_result(result) for id in pairs( toLoad ) do local co = coroutine.create(loadOneGangZone) coroutine.resume(co, id, true) table.insert(threads, co) end setTimer(resume, 1000, 4) setTimer(gzCheck, 1000, 0) for i = 1, 4 do frakCD[i] = 0 end else outputDebugString( "loadAllGangZones failed" ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllGangZones) function loadOneGangZone(id, hasCoroutine) if (hasCoroutine==nil) then hasCoroutine = false end local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM gangzones WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. " LIMIT 1" ) if row then if (hasCoroutine) then coroutine.yield() end for k, v in pairs( row ) do if v == null then row[k] = nil else row[k] = tonumber(row[k]) or row[k] end end zoneInfo[row.id] = { ["x"] = row.x, ["y"] = row.y, ["zoneBattle"] = false, ["safeTime"] = 0, ["zoneTimer"] = 0, ["gangNapad"] = 0 } zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"] = createColRectangle(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], 100.0, 100.0) if row.faction == 1 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], 100.0, 100.0, 0, 255, 255, 175) elseif row.faction == 2 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], 100.0, 100.0, 52, 201, 36, 175) elseif row.faction == 3 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], 100.0, 100.0, 255, 0, 255, 175) elseif row.faction == 4 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], 100.0, 100.0, 255, 165, 0, 175) end setElementData ( zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "faction", row.faction ) setElementData ( zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "type", "turf" ) setElementData ( zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "ID", row.id) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", getRootElement(), function(player) if(getElementData(source, "type") == "turf") then local id = getElementData(source, "ID") if(getPlayerTurf(player) == id) then setElementData(player, "turfID", id) end end end) end end function capture( thePlayer ) local gangid = getElementData(thePlayer, "turfID") if isInAllowed(thePlayer) ~= 0 then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не можете атаковать банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end --if frakCD[getElementData( thePlayer, "faction" )] > 0 then --outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВаша банда уже атакует одну гангзону, подождите ".. math.floor(frakCD[getElementData( thePlayer, "faction" )] / 60) .." минут", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) --return true --end if(getPlayerTurf(thePlayer) ~= gangid) then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не находитесь на територии банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end --if isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) then -- outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffЗону банды которую вы хотите атаковать нет в онлайне", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) -- return true -- end outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы начали захват гангзоны", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) setRadarAreaFlashing ( zoneInfo[gangid]["radarArea"], true ) frakCD[getElementData( thePlayer, "faction" )] = 1800 zoneInfo[gangid]["zoneBattle"] = true zoneInfo[gangid]["safeTime"] = 10 zoneInfo[gangid]["zoneTimer"] = 200 zoneInfo[gangid]["gangNapad"] = getElementData(thePlayer, "faction") triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "showGangText", getRootElement(), true) end addCommandHandler ( "capture", capture ) function gzcolor( thePlayer, command, gangid ) destroyElement(zoneInfo[getPlayerTurf(thePlayer)]["radarArea"]) mysql:query_free("UPDATE gangzones SET `faction` = '".. gangid .."' WHERE id='" .. getPlayerTurf(thePlayer) .. "'") loadOneGangZone(getPlayerTurf(thePlayer)) end addCommandHandler ( "gzcolor", gzcolor, gangid ) function isInAllowed( thePlayer ) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam( thePlayer ) local factionType = getElementData( theTeam, "type" ) return factionType end function isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData( arrayPlayer, "faction" ) == getElementData( zoneInfo[gangid]["colShape"], "faction" ) then return false end end return true end function getPlayerTurf(player) local x, y, _ = getElementPosition(player) for i, _ in ipairs(zoneInfo) do if(x >= zoneInfo[i]["x"] and y >= zoneInfo[i]["y"] and x <= (zoneInfo[i]["x"]+100.0) and y <= (zoneInfo[i]["y"]+100.0)) then return i end end return -1 end function gzCheck() local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") local kol1 = 0 local kol2 = 0 for x,_ in ipairs(frakCD) do if frakCD[x] > 0 then frakCD[x] = frakCD[x] - 1 end end for i,_ in pairs(zoneInfo) do if zoneInfo[i]["safeTime"] > 0 then zoneInfo[i]["safeTime"] = zoneInfo[i]["safeTime"] - 1 end if zoneInfo[i]["zoneBattle"] == true and zoneInfo[i]["safeTime"] == 0 then zoneInfo[i]["zoneTimer"] = zoneInfo[i]["zoneTimer"] - 5 if zoneInfo[i]["zoneTimer"] <= 0 then sendFamilyMessage (zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"], getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ), "#ff0500x #ffffffВремя на захват зоны вышел. Ничья" ) zoneInfo[i]["zoneBattle"] = false setRadarAreaFlashing ( zoneInfo[i]["radarArea"], false ) for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do local faction = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") if faction == getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) or faction == zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"] then triggerClientEvent(arrayPlayer, "showGangText", getRootElement(), false) end end end for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do local faction = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") if getPlayerTurf(arrayPlayer) == i and isInAllowed(arrayPlayer) == 0 and faction == getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) or faction == zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"] then local faction = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") onZone[i][faction] = onZone[i][faction] + 1 end end local asd = 0 for x,_ in ipairs(onZone) do if onZone[i][x] > 0 then asd = asd + 1 end end if asd == 1 then for x,_ in ipairs(onZone) do if onZone[i][x] > 0 then if getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) == x then sendFamilyMessage (zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"], getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ), "#ff0500x #ffffffБанда ".. GetGangName(getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" )) .." отстояла свою территорию" ) else sendFamilyMessage (zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"], getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ), "#ff0500x #ffffffБанда ".. GetGangName(zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"]) .." выигрывает войну за территорию" ) end for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do local faction = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") if faction == getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) or faction == zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"] then triggerClientEvent(arrayPlayer, "showGangText", getRootElement(), false) end end zoneInfo[i]["zoneBattle"] = false zoneInfo[i]["zoneTimer"] = 0 onZone[i][x] = 0 mysql:query_free("UPDATE gangzones SET `faction` = '".. x .."' WHERE id='" .. i .. "'") setRadarAreaFlashing ( zoneInfo[i]["radarArea"], false ) destroyElement(zoneInfo[i]["radarArea"]) loadOneGangZone(i) break end end end end if zoneInfo[i]["zoneBattle"] == true then for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do local faction = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") if faction == getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) or faction == zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"] then triggerClientEvent(arrayPlayer, "showGangText", getRootElement(), true) if faction == getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" ) and getPlayerTurf(arrayPlayer) == i then kol1 = kol1 + 1 end if faction == zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"] and getPlayerTurf(arrayPlayer) == i then kol2 = kol2 + 1 end triggerClientEvent(arrayPlayer, "varText", getRootElement(), kol1, kol2, GetGangName(getElementData( zoneInfo[i]["colShape"], "faction" )), GetGangName(zoneInfo[i]["gangNapad"]), zoneInfo[i]["safeTime"]) end end end end end function sendFamilyMessage(gangnapad, gangvlad, text) local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") == gangnapad or getElementData(arrayPlayer, "faction") == gangvlad then outputChatBox (text, arrayPlayer, 0,0,0, true) end end end function GetGangName(gangid) local string if gangid == 1 then string = "Los Santos Aztecaz" end if gangid == 2 then string = "Groove Street" end if gangid == 3 then string = "The Ballas Gang" end if gangid == 4 then string = "Los Santos Vagos Gang" end return string end
Как сделать в луа двумерный массив на подобие павновского: new OnZONE[150][24]; например чтоб использовать его в цикле: onZone[i][faction] = onZone[i][faction] + 1 вместо павновского: OnZONE[i][faction] ++; Помогите плиз, всю голову сломал, раньше как-то получалось, нечаянно скрипт удалил и всё забыл =(
Да, да Vamp1r ты прав.. У мну на самповском моде зоны на проверку по позиции было. Flaker, я вижу ты за оптимизацию, я тоже, но иногда бывают безысходные ситуации даже в самом лучшем на мой взгляд по функциям программирования мта
isElementWithinColShape срабатывает не корректно при переходе с одной зоны в другую, что то её перебивает и она не успевает сработать =( Пришлось использовать пример Vamp1r.
Всё, всем огромное спасибо, оба помогли! запилил так: function loadOneGangZone(id, hasCoroutine) if (hasCoroutine==nil) then hasCoroutine = false end local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM gangzones WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. " LIMIT 1" ) if row then if (hasCoroutine) then coroutine.yield() end for k, v in pairs( row ) do if v == null then row[k] = nil else row[k] = tonumber(row[k]) or row[k] end end zoneInfo[row.id] = { ["x"] = row.x, ["y"] = row.y, ["width"] = 100.0, ["height"] = 100.0 } zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"] = createColRectangle(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], zoneInfo[row.id]["width"], zoneInfo[row.id]["height"]) if row.faction == 1 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], zoneInfo[row.id]["width"], zoneInfo[row.id]["height"], 255, 0, 0, 175) elseif row.faction == 2 then zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], zoneInfo[row.id]["width"], zoneInfo[row.id]["height"], 0, 255, 0, 175) else zoneInfo[row.id]["radarArea"] = createRadarArea(zoneInfo[row.id]["x"], zoneInfo[row.id]["y"], zoneInfo[row.id]["width"], zoneInfo[row.id]["height"], 0, 0, 255, 175) end setElementData(zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "faction", row.faction) setElementData(zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "type", "turf") setElementData(zoneInfo[row.id]["colShape"], "ID", row.id) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", getRootElement(), function(player) if(getElementData(source, "type") == "turf") then local id = getElementData(source, "ID") if(getPlayerTurf(player) == id) then setElementData(player, "turfID", id) end end end) --addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", colcircle[row.id], function(thePlayer) --setElementData(thePlayer, "gangid", 0, true ) --end) end end function capture( thePlayer ) local gangid = getElementData(thePlayer, "turfID") if isInAllowed(thePlayer) ~= 0 then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не можете атаковать банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end if(getPlayerTurf(thePlayer) ~= gangid) then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не находитесь на територии банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end if isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffЗону банды которую вы хотите атаковать нет в онлайне", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы начали захват гангзоны", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) setRadarAreaFlashing ( zoneInfo[gangid]["radarArea"], true ) end addCommandHandler ( "capture", capture ) function isInAllowed( thePlayer ) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam( thePlayer ) local factionType = getElementData( theTeam, "type" ) return factionType end function isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData( arrayPlayer, "faction" ) == getElementData( zoneInfo[gangid]["colShape"], "faction" ) then return false end end return true end function getPlayerTurf(player) local x, y, _ = getElementPosition(player) for i, _ in ipairs(zoneInfo) do if(x >= zoneInfo[i]["x"] and y >= zoneInfo[i]["y"] and x <= (zoneInfo[i]["x"]+zoneInfo[i]["width"]) and y <= (zoneInfo[i]["y"]+zoneInfo[i]["height"])) then return i end end return -1 end С меня пиво...
Вот в чём прикол, как определить находится ли он в этой зоне или нет? Нет же такой функции в мта на подобе самповской PlayerToPoint. Вот скрипт системы: mysql = exports.mysql local toLoad = { } local threads = { } local null = mysql_null() local gangzone = { } local colcircle = { } local gangZonesElement = { } function loadAllGangZones(res) local result = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM `gangzones` ORDER BY `id` ASC") if result then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end toLoad[tonumber(row["id"])] = true end mysql:free_result(result) for id in pairs( toLoad ) do local co = coroutine.create(loadOneGangZone) coroutine.resume(co, id, true) table.insert(threads, co) end setTimer(resume, 1000, 4) else outputDebugString( "loadAllGangZones failed" ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllGangZones) function resume() for key, value in ipairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(value) end end function loadOneGangZone(id, hasCoroutine) if (hasCoroutine==nil) then hasCoroutine = false end local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM gangzones WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. " LIMIT 1" ) if row then if (hasCoroutine) then coroutine.yield() end for k, v in pairs( row ) do if v == null then row[k] = nil else row[k] = tonumber(row[k]) or row[k] end end colcircle[row.id] = createColRectangle ( row.x, row.y, 100.0, 100.0 ) gangZonesElement[row.id] = createElement("status", row.id) if row.faction == 1 then gangzone[row.id] = createRadarArea ( row.x, row.y, 100, 100, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) setElementData(gangZonesElement[row.id], "status", row.faction, true ) elseif row.faction == 2 then gangzone[row.id] = createRadarArea ( row.x, row.y, 100, 100, 255, 0, 0, 175 ) setElementData(gangZonesElement[row.id], "status", row.faction, true ) else gangzone[row.id] = createRadarArea ( row.x, row.y, 100, 100, 0, 0, 255, 175 ) setElementData(gangZonesElement[row.id], "status", row.faction, true ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", colcircle[row.id], function(thePlayer) setElementData(thePlayer, "gangid", row.id, true ) end) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", colcircle[row.id], function(thePlayer) setElementData(thePlayer, "gangid", 0, true ) end) end end function capture( thePlayer ) local gangid = getElementData(thePlayer, "gangid") if isInAllowed(thePlayer) ~= 0 then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не можете атаковать банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end if gangid == 0 then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffВы не находитесь на територии банды", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end if isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) then outputChatBox ("#ff0500x #ffffffЗону банды которую вы хотите атаковать нет в онлайне", thePlayer, 0,0,0, true) return true end setRadarAreaFlashing ( gangzone[gangid], true ) end addCommandHandler ( "capture", capture ) function isInAllowed( thePlayer ) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam( thePlayer ) local factionType = getElementData( theTeam, "type" ) return factionType end function isPlayerInBandOnline(gangid) local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData( arrayPlayer, "faction" ) == getElementData( gangZonesElement[gangid], "status" ) then return false end end return true end