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Everything posted by Addlibs

  1. Addlibs

    gta sa textures

    You can open .img with IMG Editor or TXD Workshop
  2. Addlibs

    gta sa textures

    I'm pretty sure shaders are able to do this. PS: I found the DFFs in x.rar\Natal Project v0.1\data\maps\natal\natal.img and x.rar\Natal Project v0.1\models\mymodels.img (x.rar = the Natal Project RAR file)
  3. I didn't completely understand the original post, but can't you just write some code to remedy the bug instead of blocking people from disconnecting via bind?
  4. Can you also show the loadOnePed function (Line 26: local co = coroutine.create(loadOnePed))?
  5. Error is self-explanatory. You're looping though a table called 'threads', within it, there are coroutines, right? Well, one (if not more) of those coroutines are dead (completed, finished, done etc)
  6. This is a function you need to embed into your code (preferably at the top, or in another file [e.g. utils.lua] which would need to be loaded before the main code [loading order in meta.xml]). You will use it like an ordinary function, since it is the same as if you were to write up a function of your own in the code.
  7. Wrong section >> Try viewforum.php?f=115 (Servers to play on, promotional) or viewforum.php?f=114 (Servers in general)
  8. Try setVehicleAdjustableProperty setVehicleTurretPosition on onClientRender Sightly Offtopic: 1) I never claimed this to be the solution, I offered this as a possible solution. 2) I was pretty sure I used the method already once and it worked for me - seems like I remembered wrong, no need to get so rude. 3) Experimenting is never a waste of time
  9. A car battery shouldn't drain (or should only minimally) whilst the engine is running - the alternator supplies the power to the car (battery is used for starting, lighting, ignition only). I'm not specialised in this, but perhaps it should drain only with the lights on (but lights could also be powered by the alternator while running on high enough RPM, I don't know)
  10. You could ban typing numbers alone - that way every message would need at least a word along with it, so "IP is 127" "0" "0" "1" won't work (last 3 messages blocked)
  11. Addlibs

    Need help

    You want to use for i = 0, #Kills do instead of what you have on line 62
  12. Addlibs

    SQL Problem

    You can't concatenate a nil with a string (e.g. "Some string" .. nil). If you want to insert a nil value into a table, use the NULL as value (don't escape it or place it in quotation marks within the actual SQL statement or it'll be interpreted as TEXT "NULL" not a NULL value) E.g dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO accounts (username, password, kills) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL)")
  13. You can use CEF potentially
  14. Addlibs

    SQL Problem

    It's not sqllite but sqlite (read ozulus' correction properly.)
  15. show us your client-side counterpart (only the relevant parts)
  16. There is no such function. You need to write it yourself.
  17. It was removed somewhere around the date of this report: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=4571 (based on comments, it was removed in 2011)
  18. Addlibs


    setVehicleHandling is not the same as setModelHandling
  19. Well, you need to check if the attacker/shooter is in a team and if that team's name is "Police" (or whatever) and then simply not give a wanted level, but do give a wanted level if that's not the case.
  20. Try manually triggering the events in your code instead of using the export. -- replace call(getResourceFromName("business"), "outputMessage", source, "the message bla bla bla...", 0, 245, 33) -- with triggerClientEvent(source, "business.dxOutputMessage", source, "the message bla bla bla...", 0, 245, 33)
  21. This is because the first argument sent to triggerClientEven should be a player element, but something different is received, causing MTA to think this was the event name, not the sentTo argument, and thus argument 2 is expected to be the eventSource though in fact argument 2 is a string - causing an error. To summarise, you did not input a valid player element as the target for the output. call(getResourceFromName("business"), "outputMessage", source, "the message bla bla bla...", 0, 245, 33) -- source is not defined in the serverside
  22. How do you know it works fine on client side? I mean, if you haven't inputted any arguments then nothing should be outputted, since you didn't input a message to display.
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