local w,h = guiGetScreenSize ( )
function text()
dxDrawText ( "alkmasha", w/1.45, h/2.5, w/20, h/20, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" )
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, text )
addEventHandler ( 'onClientClick', root, function ( )
local cx , cy = getCursorPosition( )
if ( cx*w >= ( w/1.45 ) + 10 and cx*w <= ( w/1.45 ) + 50 and cy*h >= ( h/2.5 ) + 20 and cy*h <= ( h/2.5 ) + 10 ) then
outputChatBox ( 'تم الضغط' )
طبعا ما راح يضبط %100,
عدل في سطر 12 , علامه الزائد بعدها رقم عدل فيه لين يضبط معك ذذ