font = guiCreateFont("font.ttf", 12) function guiCreateWindow( x2, y2, width2, height2, titleBarText2, relative2 ) local mainBackground = guiCreateStaticImage ( x2, y2, width2, height2, "FAHAD.png", relative2 ) local mainBackgroundLabel = guiCreateLabel ( 0, 0, 250, 100, titleBarText2, false, mainBackground ) guiSetEnabled ( mainBackgroundLabel, false ) return mainBackground end CONTROL_MARGIN_RIGHT = 5 LINE_MARGIN = 5 LINE_HEIGHT = 16 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_Me = getLocalPlayer() server = createServerCallInterface() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") --------------------------- -- Set skin window --------------------------- function skinInit() setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', getElementModel(g_Me)) end function showSkinID(leaf) if then setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', end end function applySkin() local skinID = getControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid') if skinID then server.setMySkin(skinID) fadeCamera(true) end end wndSkin = { 'wnd', text = 'شخصية ', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='skinlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='شخصية', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='skins.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemclick=showSkinID, onitemdoubleclick=applySkin }, {'txt', id='skinid', text='', width=50}, {'btn', id='تعيين', onclick=applySkin}, {'btn', id='X', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = skinInit } function setSkinCommand(cmd, skin) skin = skin and tonumber(skin) if skin then server.setMySkin(skin) fadeCamera(true) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) closeWindow(wndSetPos) end end addCommandHandler('setskin', setSkinCommand) addCommandHandler('ss', setSkinCommand) --------------------------- --- Set animation window --------------------------- function applyAnimation(leaf) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndAnim, 'animlist') if not leaf then return end end server.setPedAnimation(g_Me,,, true, true) end function stopAnimation() server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, false) end wndAnim = { 'wnd', text = 'حركات ', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='animlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='حركات', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='animations.xml', attrs={'name'}}, expandlastlevel=false, onitemdoubleclick=applyAnimation }, {'btn', id='تشغيل', onclick=applyAnimation}, {'btn', id='ايقاف', onclick=stopAnimation}, {'btn', id='X', closeswindow=true} } } addCommandHandler('anim', function(command, lib, name) server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, lib, name, true, true) end ) --------------------------- -- Weapon window --------------------------- function addWeapon(leaf, amount) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeapon, 'weaplist') amount = getControlNumber(wndWeapon, 'amount') if not amount or not leaf then return end end server.giveMeWeapon(, amount) end wndWeapon = { 'wnd', text = 'أدوات ', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weaplist', width=230, height=280, columns={ {text='أدوات', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='weapons.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=function(leaf) addWeapon(leaf, 500) end }, {'br'}, {'txt', id='amount', text='500', width=60}, {'btn', id='اضافة', onclick=addWeapon}, {'btn', id='X', closeswindow=true} } } function giveWeaponCommand(cmd, weapon, amount) weapon = tonumber(weapon) or getWeaponIDFromName(weapon) if not weapon then return end amount = amount and tonumber(amount) or 500 server.giveMeWeapon(math.floor(weapon), amount) end --addCommandHandler('give', giveWeaponCommand) --addCommandHandler('wp', giveWeaponCommand) --------------------------- -- Fighting style --------------------------- addCommandHandler('setstyle', function(cmd, style) style = style and tonumber(style) if style then server.setPedFightingStyle(g_Me, style) end end ) --------------------------- -- Clothes window --------------------------- function clothesInit() if getElementModel(g_Me) ~= 0 then errMsg('يجب ان تستخدم شخصية سي جي لكي تدخل القائمة') closeWindow(wndClothes) return end if not g_Clothes then triggerServerEvent('onClothesInit', g_Me) end end addEvent('onClientClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientClothesInit', g_Root, function(clothes) g_Clothes = clothes.allClothes for i,typeGroup in ipairs(g_Clothes) do for j,cloth in ipairs(typeGroup.children) do if not then = cloth.model .. ' - ' .. cloth.texture end cloth.wearing = clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type] and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].texture == cloth.texture and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].model == cloth.model or false end table.sort(typeGroup.children, function(a, b) return < end) end bindGridListToTable(wndClothes, 'clothes', g_Clothes, false) end ) function clothListClick(cloth) setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', cloth.wearing and 'remove' or 'add') end function applyClothes(cloth) if not cloth then cloth = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndClothes, 'clothes') if not cloth then return end end if cloth.wearing then cloth.wearing = false setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'add') server.removePlayerClothes(g_Me, cloth.parent.type) else local prevClothIndex = table.find(cloth.siblings, 'wearing', true) if prevClothIndex then cloth.siblings[prevClothIndex].wearing = false end cloth.wearing = true setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addPedClothes(g_Me, cloth.texture, cloth.model, cloth.parent.type) end end wndClothes =