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Everything posted by JoZeFSvK

  1. random file ? hmm but i must select random file ? or ? i dont know please can you explain it?
  2. Can you show me toptimes image ? thank you
  3. Hey i wanna create clanwar easy system ^^ but i dont know what i need to create help me please i think link to wiki
  4. What the hell ? i play in local server . when i dont write IP form hamachi i see my flag (SK) when i write in mtaserver.conf IP then i see (GB) flag
  5. i dont think random colors in 1 sec
  6. problem 2. carcolor is cheange 2x while 1 sec start map .. i see defalut then cheange color and then again chenage color ..
  7. edit work but when start map i see defalut color and after 1 second to develop a nice color how fix it ? addEvent("onRaceStateChanging",true) addEventHandler("onRaceStateChanging",root, function ( thisResource ) local r, g, b = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ) local r2, g2, b2 = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ) for _, vehicle in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'vehicle' ) ) do setVehicleColor( vehicle, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2 ) end end )
  8. Wow .. this code .. addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function ( thisResource ) local r, g, b = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ) local r2, g2, b2 = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ) for _, vehicle in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'vehicle' ) ) do setVehicleColor( vehicle, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2 ) end end ) When i restart script and restart , restart i see nice colors ... but when i cheange 'onResourceStart' for 'onRaceStateChanging' and restart map nothing i saw defalut colors where will problem ?
  9. hmm so i dont see my flag never ?
  10. Hey guys, i am form narnia ... nope .. i dont see my flag in panel and too in scoreboard, but my friends have flag hmm where will problem ? i think in admin when i download from community i have flag .. but English flag UK (Britain) and i am from Slovakia ... Have you encountered such problems? Where will problem in admin ? Will problem in IpToCountryCompact ? thank you
  11. its is server side and i have only this 1 script in server
  12. ok .. so - we have 3 cars and start map - we see old carcolors - we add script and start - new map start and we see our colors car 1 = yellow 255,255,0 , car2 = red 255,0,0 car3 = blue 0,0,255 - we open script and see our colors which we see on server we can add new color or delete colors are in (RGB) do you understand me ?
  13. again i see all colors but this in script no
  14. i think when start map i see on vehicles colors which i write in script
  15. Happy new year , i try create our colors and i have problem i think when map start all cars will have this color red or green or yellow ... function mapStart (startedResource) if getResourceInfo ( startedResource, "type" ) == "map" then setVehicleColor(vehicle, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255) or setVehicleColor(vehicle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) or setVehicleColor(vehicle, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0) or setVehicleColor(vehicle, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0) or setVehicleColor(vehicle, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),mapStart)
  16. i know i need addEvent("onToptimeGotEvent",true) , but how i call to race_toptimes ? addEvent("onToptimeGotEvent",true) addEventHandler("onToptimeGotEvent",getRootElement(), function (newPos,oldPos) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local cash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local toptimes = getAccountData(account,"toptimes12") local level = getAccountData(account,"level") if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if oldPos and oldPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000refreshed his Toptime!",255,255,255) return end if oldPos and oldPos > 1 and oldPos < 10 and newPos > 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new personal Huntertime("..newPos..")!",255,255,255) return end if newPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000set's a new Toptime he earns 2000$",255,255,255) addStat(account,"toptimes12",1) addStat(account,"cash",2000) elseif newPos >= 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new Huntertime("..newPos..") he earns 1200$ ",2565,255,255) addStat(account,"cash",1200) end else if newPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000set's a new Toptime!",2565,255,255) elseif newPos >= 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new Huntertime("..newPos..")!",2565,255,255) end end end)
  17. function () if getResourceInfo ( startedResource, "type" ) == "map" then setSkyGradient(0,0,0,0,0,0) end ?
  18. i need onMap start .... :XXX
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