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Everything posted by Sande

  1. Thanks your solution worked perfectly.
  2. Hi, i have problems to get the top 25 values from a mysql database. The first code gives me the values but i want it to be sorted like from the richests players to the poorest players with a limit of 25 player. Example. 1. 1901011$ 2. 1871110$ 3. 1681191$ etc. 1. code local btQ = dbQuery ( dbYhteys , "SELECT * FROM kayttajat ORDER BY bankmoney DESC LIMIT 25") local btR = dbPoll ( btQ, - 1 ) This is how this code returns: http://i.imgur.com/puBhwcl.jpg 2. code local btQ = dbQuery ( dbYhteys , "SELECT * FROM kayttajat ORDER BY bankmoney ASC LIMIT 25") local btR = dbPoll ( btQ, - 1 ) This code returns only 0 values. I will be thankful if some of the mysql experts help me solve this out. Searched now one day from google and cant find a working solution. http://i.imgur.com/Zoq2uMk.jpg
  3. Try this ( untested ): function theLocator() local allLocation = {"Las Venturas", "San Fierro", "Whetstone", "Flint County", "Red County", "Los Santos"} local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i, source in ipairs ( players ) do local theLocation = getElementZoneName(source, true) for theKey, allLocation in ipairs(allLocation) do if (theLocation == allLocation) then killPed(source) end end end end function startLocator() setTimer ( theLocator, 1000, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), startLocator )
  4. Message deleted, GTX helped me big thanks for him.
  5. Sande

    Help, Thanks

    Just put the Z-coordinate lower and then it´s on the ground.
  6. Well my last idea for this is like the system dont care the remove time when the messages will be removed because i think it looks ugly when all messages disappear in same time (if you have 10seconds on all messages). So if there can be little time between removing the messages.
  7. Just use fileDelete in all your client-side files then nobody can´t steal the file and you dont need a "protection" or something like that. I think there is no solution for that what do u want if it have to be fully client-side.
  8. I´ll try to make something else tomorrow if someone else already didn´t.
  9. Ok, but i just was thinking because in some servers it goes immeadiately when you connect.
  10. Something like this? local loopTimer function onStart() local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if getPlayerName(thePlayer) == "sga" and getPlayerSerial(thePlayer) == "814C2B1B38A029CAR917428BCDD701C3" then outputDebugString("Security passed") else loopTimer = setTimer(loopFunction, 4500, 2) outputDebugString("Security unpassed") end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onStart ) function loopFunction() --Some stuff end
  11. Just put fileDelete("filename.lua") to end of your client-side script so nobody can´t see it on mta molder.
  12. Does this show immediately if i change "onPlayerJoin" event to "onPlayerConnect", like other servers have it immeaditely when you join to the server.
  13. @Max+ Ohh thank you very much!
  14. Hello, i would like to know how to make a text "Resources Loading, Please wait.". I have been trying to do it with onClientPreRender & dxDraw but some reason it didn´t work. So the idea is when you join to server there are coming text "Resources Loading, Please wait" and when these is loaded the text comes off.
  15. @xXMADEXx Thank you very much! Love you @I think the bar is too big how i can change the size to like this what i had on your old realease: http://i.imgur.com/VS2sl5o.jpg
  16. If there will come some updates i hope they are a fade feature, and some changes to timesystem like if there is five messages they all not be removed same time. There would be 1-2s waiting time between remove the message. If this script is not supported anymore i hope someone else can do it.
  17. Yes it runs. Multiple times, about 6 times when i get xp.
  18. Et-win, that doesn´t work. And no debugs.
  19. Max yes it is serverside. So if that is not possible how i can check the rank ups? if getElementData(source, dataName) == 'Rank' and getElementData(source, dataName ) == 'Level' then
  20. Max it doesnt working, no debug errors.
  21. Thanks for that. If have now only one problem to get rank up message working i have been trying this: function systemrankup(dataName,oldValue) if getElementType(source) ~= "player" then return end if dataName == "rank" then local rank = getElementData(source, "Rank") local level = getElementData(source, "Level") outputChatBox("* Congrulations, you rank and level has been raised your rank is now "..tostring(rank).." and your level is "..tostring(level)..".",source,0,255,167) end end addEventHandler("onElementDataChange",getRootElement(),systemrankup) The idea is, when elementdata changing and the elementdata what changing is rank then output that message.
  22. Sorry i wasnt see there is missing parts. local dfX = 0 local dfXN = 50 local dfL = 1 local dfR = "Newbie Drifter" function setUP ( ) setTimer(makeThisWorking, 100, 0) setTimer(noFalse, 100, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), setUP) function makeThisWorking ( ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do local rank = getElementData(thePlayer, "Rank") local xp = getElementData(thePlayer, "XP") local level = getElementData(thePlayer, "Level") if (rank) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) elseif (xp) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) elseif (level) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) end end end function noFalse ( ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData(thePlayer, "XP" ) == false or getElementData(thePlayer, "Level" ) == false or getElementData(thePlayer, "Rank" ) == false then setElementData(thePlayer, "XP", 0) setElementData(thePlayer, "Rank", "Newbie Drifter") setElementData(thePlayer, "Level", 1) end end end
  23. Hello, this is part from my level system. The problem is this code isn´t actually do anything for somereason, no debug errors. This function have to work like this: Get All players, check does they have needed elementdata if not then set the data. I need some help to get this working because now some players just have an empty hole in scoreboard , soo i want there is something like the default details. function setUP ( ) setTimer(makeThisWorking, 100, 0) setTimer(noFalse, 100, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), setUP) function makeThisWorking ( ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do local rank = getElementData(thePlayer, "Rank") local xp = getElementData(thePlayer, "XP") local level = getElementData(thePlayer, "Level") if (rank) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) elseif (xp) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) elseif (level) == false then setElementData(source, "XP", dfX ) setElementData(source, "Rank", dfR ) setElementData(source, "Level", dfL ) setElementData(source, "XPTNR", dfXN ) end end end
  24. Thank you very much, now i am trying to make server-side 100% functionally.
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