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Everything posted by Sasu
takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 120000 ) giveWeapon ( source, 31, 2880 ) No estas definiendo thePlayer ni source.
Es simple hacer estos panels. Si estuviera en mi casa te lo hatia todo. Por que usas triggerServerEvent dentro de un server side? triggerServerEvent ( "arm3", getLocalPlayer() )
Can anybody upload the program?
Stolen from any server https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=6761 DONE
So, only copy that: function onPlayerJoin() offline = getTeamFromName ( "offline" ) setPlayerTeam ( source, offline ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onPlayerJoin)
It's mine. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=6653 . You can use it but dont share.
Post the function when you save the team.
hey man it doesn't works. Well, it works, but I don't need the money for buy. But If i have the money, My Money goes less. If I have "0" of money, I can buy for free ._. Ohhh yes. I am sorry. function a(source) local money = getPlayerMoney(source) if money >= 1000 then takePlayerMoney(source, 1000) giveWeapon ( source, 17, 1 ) else outputChatBox("You have not money to buy this weapon", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end
if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(source) ), aclGetGroup( "Admin" ) ) then
Try this: function createWindow() window = guiCreateWindow(77, 12, 642, 545, "window!", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) guiSetAlpha(window, 0.80) guiSetVisible(window, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), createWindow) function myfunction() if (guiGetVisible(window) == false) then showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(window,true) else showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(window, false) end end addCommandHandler ("open", myfunction)
addCommandHandler ("open", myfunction) And the function... :_
Put this part of the script when you put the command.
My public resource: function evento(source, cmd, ...) for _, group in ipairs ({"Admin", "Supermoderator"}) do local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) if (not playerAccount) then return end local accountName = getAccountName(playerAccount) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accountName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then if (isElement(theMarker)) then destroyElement(theMarker) local nombre2 = getPlayerName(source) removeCommandHandler("eventwarp") else local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) theMarker = createMarker ( x, y, z, "checkpoint", 2, 255, 255, 255, 100 ) setElementInterior(theMarker, interior, x, y, z) addCommandHandler("eventwarp", eventowarp) end end end end addCommandHandler("event", evento) function eventowarp(thePlayer) if isElement(theMarker) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theMarker) local interior = getElementInterior(theMarker) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, false, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer(fadeCamera, 2000, 1, thePlayer, true, 1.0) setTimer(setElementPosition, 2000, 1, thePlayer, x, y, z) setTimer(setElementInterior, 2000, 1, thePlayer, interior, x, y, z) setTimer(giveWeapon, 2000, 1, thePlayer, 31, 999 ) end end You should be "Admin" or "Moderator". Type /event to create an event and /eventwarp to join the event.
function a(source) giveWeapon ( source, 17, 1 ) local money = getPlayerMoney(source) if money >= 1000 then takePlayerMoney(source, 1000) end end
@golanu guiCreateWindow is only client-side. And the error was that you put server in meta.xml.
Marker = createMarker ( 1294.6767578125, -1337.5, 17.860641479492, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) function check ( thePlayer ) if ( isElementWithinMarker ( thePlayer, Marker ) ) then local money = getPlayerMoney ( thePlayer ) if money >= 30000 then takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 30000 ) setPedArmor ( thePlayer, 100 ) else outputChatBox ( "No tienes Dinero para comprar Armor!", thePlayer, 8, 224, 13 ) end end end function decir ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then if ( not isPedInVehicle ( hitElement ) ) then if ( eventName == "onMarkerHit" ) then outputChatBox ("Preciona Z para comprar el armor Costo: 30.000$", hitElement, 8, 224, 13 ) bindKey ( hitElement, "z", "down", check ) else unbindKey ( hitElement, "z", "down", check ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", Marker, decir ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", Marker, decir )
See this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RGBToHex
Try this: function onPlayerJoin() offline = getTeamFromName ( "offline" ) setPlayerTeam ( source, offline ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onPlayerJoin) function onPlayerLogin() Army = getTeamFromName( "Army" ) setPlayerTeam ( source, Army ) setElementPosition ( source, 238.4085, 1909.1389, 17.84 ) givePlayerMoney ( source, 2000 ) setElementModel( source, 179 ) setPlayerNametagColor ( source, 59, 166, 109 ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), onPlayerLogin) Would be this ffs-sniper?
Try change the client to: bindKey("F5","down", function () if getElementData( localPlayer, 'OpenPanel') == true then guiSetVisible(fereastra, true) showCursor(true) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[5],math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) end end ) Press F5 to open the panel. If it dont work, put /debugscript 3 and tell us the error.
What do you want? Do you want that open the panel if the player is admin? .-.