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Everything posted by FraN-724

  1. txd = engineLoadTXD ( "infernus.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 411 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "infernus.dff", 411 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 411 ) un ejemplo de reemplazo de un infernus tunneado al infernus default del juego
  2. poeta v4 - scary eyes or ravolt ft kacak - atomix effect.
  3. Hi guys. Today I'd like to present my vol 7 called Unlimited Sensations III. I hope you like it. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ipp77 ... I-FIX2.zip Video:
  4. No creo que setGameSpeed ayude, ya que eso solo acelera el juego, no estoy seguro si existirá algo que acelere un disparo.
  5. Hi guys. Today I'd like to present my vol 6 called Weak Dark Vibes i hope you like it. - Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?br05a94h38tvln5 - Video:
  6. Hi guys. Today I'd like to present my vol 5 called Effortlessly Reason i hope you like it. - Download link in video description.
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9256 Stolen gamemode from me.
  8. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=9256
  9. Hi guys. Here my maps. [DM]XzT Ft FraN-724 Ft DuFraN - Artificial Nocturne. Download Here [DM]FraN-724 - Vol 4 - The Dark Emotion. Download Here [DM]AtOM Ft FraN-724 Ft DuFraN - Beyond the Moon. Download Here [DM]DuFraN Ft FraN-724 - The Secret Weapons. Download Here [DM]FraN-724 Ft DuFraN - Forest of the Fortress. Download Here [DM]LucY Ft FraN-724 Ft PuMa Ft Guh - Running to the sea II. Download Here Video:
  10. En mis tiempos bbhosting podia por western union, no se si aun sige, pero puedes averiguar.
  11. bbhosting volvio? recuerdo que con un amigo dejamos de usar ese servicio ya que la empresa cerraria server para mta, me alegro que volvio o agregara servicio para mta.
  12. Dufran seria algo como esto, solo es un ejemplo no se si te ayude, pero yo creo qe si, tu y yo nos entendemos e-e function refresh(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local EXP = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"exp")) setElementData(thePlayer,"exp",EXP) else setElementData(thePlayer,"exp","none") end end function refresh2() refresh(thePlayer) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),refresh2) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),refresh2) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),refresh2)
  13. Si lo compilaste con la extension .luac no creo que podras descompilarlo, pero si tiene otra extension es facil de descompilarlo ;D
  14. Hi guys. Today I'd like to present my ft with DuFraN called The Secret Weapons. Enjoy it. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/?786x95fw8zj5sc7
  15. Con dar adm no bastara para algunos aqui, siempre pon algo de $ por que no creo que muchos trabajen gratis.
  16. Usa este mejor for _,t in ipairs(getElementsByType("team")) do setTeamFriendlyFire ( t , false ) end
  17. De nada, que spawn usas?
  18. Busca 'gpp' asi se llama el recurso de sora
  19. Algo como asi local tele = createMarker ( 3012.1999511719, -1783.1999511719, 21, 'cylinder', 4, 125, 40, 40, 200 ) function Teleport( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if ( source == tele ) and ( getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) ~= "Azuhermana ledamos" ) then -- privatizas el marker para ke no teletransporte a los ke no estan en su team "Azuhermana ledamos" setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 3011.5, -1807.5, 20.200000762939) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", tele, Teleport )
  20. Postea tu archivo lua el server side
  21. Agrega esto en tu racevoting_server addCommandHandler ('acd', -- este comando lo sacas de el lua server side que trae tu userpanel en la funciona que dice executeCommandHandler function ( player, command, ... ) local query = #{...} > 0 and table.concat ( {...}, ' ' ) or nil if not query then if g_ForcedNextMap then outputDebugString ( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName ( g_ForcedNextMap ) ); else outputDebugString ( 'Next map is not set' ); end return end local map, errormsg = findMap ( query ); if not map then outputRace ( errormsg, player ); return end local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ); if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) == false ) then g_ForcedNextMap = map; -- local confirm = true triggerClientEvent ( "onNextMap", getRootElement(), getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ) ) if account then setAccountData ( account, "money", tostring ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) ) ); end else end end )
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