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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. /push I can't play mta with this problem.
  2. No just the multi theft auto .
  3. No verification of the driver being installed for this computer Please obtain the appropriate driver from the computer maker Setup will end.
  4. I can't install the intel graphics driver there's an error . , All other's Done!
  5. Where's that resource anyways? Have you take a look in the mta community?
  6. Here's the log : http://pastebin.mtasa.com/630076347
  7. Here's a video : Please make sure that you're watching it '1080p' .
  8. Hello .. You can update the resource version : - Upload it again .. Set the reason or what's new with the new version . - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=upload Good luck!
  9. http://www.gta-arabs.com/gt/showthread.php?t=57336 ماهو مشفر عدلة سهل تعديلة ..
  10. iPrestege

    Worried SC Color?

    Hello Everyone .. MTA Dev's . While I am playing mta when I press 'windows' Button my screen color changes to red - blue - pink like a 'Timer' . It happened when I updated to1.3.4 Version . Why it's happing and how can I fix it? Please don't ask me to change any driver's it's a new 'laptop' . VGA : Intel HD . Prestege Greetings .
  11. You can call between the server and client via triggers as myonlake said
  12. I Hate Linux! And I Hate Windows . /Lock
  13. لازم تكون فاهم للكود و كيف مبرمج ..
  14. اطرح الخطأ كامل ..
  15. اطرح الكود كامل عشان نشوف الاخطاء .
  16. addEventHandler("Ss"getRootElement(), ناقصك فاصلة لو تستخدم الـ Debug Script كان سويتها بدون ما تسأل .
  17. عليكم السلام onPlayerCommand cancelEvent
  18. OK thanks that's fine but i can use wine 1.4 any more now or no?
  19. Hello Everyone . Does MTA compatible with linux? So i can play mta without any problems? Prestege Greetings .
  20. Maybe it's crashed or something?
  21. I guess there's error with the txd,dff file's try to use another one.
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