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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. the problem is not here on this ^ functions on other function on the server side and i don,t want to post it here .
  2. والكود حقككـ يعيد نفس النغمه كل ثانيتين =\ جرب الكود اول قبل ماتحكم "-_- + هذا رابط السكربت http://www.mediafire.com/?7d6a97dcwa6khho -_-" رابط
  3. PlaySound3D Client Only | لازم احداثيات ذذ
  4. The problem has been resolved by Castillo Thank You Castillo (SolidSnake14) .
  5. Check the Inbox message has been sent .
  6. No am sure about it but it,s not working : "TeamSystem" author="Mr.Pres[T]ege" version="1.3.0" />
  7. hi!, i have problem here ) = on this code debugscript say the event is not adedd to the server side : Server : addEvent ( "Team", true ) addEventHandler ( "Team", root, function () spawnPlayer ( source, -3737.35132, -3003.31567,32.63086, 0, 46, 0, 0, getTeamFromName ( "Medic" ) ) r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) setPlayerNametagColor ( source, r, g, b ) giveWeapon ( source , 41, 100 ) end ) Client : addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function () if (source == Team) then triggerServerEvent("Team",localPlayer) guiSetVisible ( Wnd, false ) showCursor(false) elseif (source == Medic) then guiSetVisible ( Wnd, false ) end end) ...
  8. يليت لو تضيفها للكود حق اسامه لو مافيها تعب function MyMarker ( ) local arrowMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "arrow", .75, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) Car = createVehicle ( ID, x, y, z ) setElementData ( source, "MyCar", Car ) attachElements ( arrowMarker, source, 0, 0, 2 ) createBlipAttachedTo ( arrowMarker, 55 ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", Car, MyMarker ) function Warp() if getElementData ( source, "MyCar" ) then Location = getElementPosition ( getElementData ( source, "MyCar" ) ) setElementPosition ( source , Location ) end end addCommandHandler ( "الكوماند", Warp) اعتقد كذا جربة وشوف سيرفر ذذ
  9. اشوف لو الاخيره تكون كذا giveWeapon(player,id,ammo,true) عشان يكون في يد الباد على طول اهـا ذذ
  10. setElementData getElementData setElementPosition addCommandHandler
  11. setElementModel (player, id ) thePed = createPed(id, x, y, z) setPedAnimation( thePed, "DANCING", "bd_clap") giveWeapon( player, id , amount ) 1- تحديد شخصية (Skin) 2- انشاء بيد عشان نسوي الحركة 3- الحركة الانيمشن 4- اعطاء السلاح عليك الباقي ..
  12. اضغط الرابط يطلع لك الامثلة والارقمنت اقراهـ ولو مرهـ
  13. اعذرني استعجلت بالكتابة كتبت e زيادهـ بعد playe ذذ افتح الصفحة فوق ثانية
  14. onClientGUIClick -- عند ضغط شيء في الـ Gui PlaySoundFrontEnd -- صوت جاهز PlaySound -- صوت من عندك
  15. I use Firefox and Opera and they seem to work properly .
  16. I used Firefox and so far everything is working correctly .
  17. I have downloaded now I'm going to try it for a day, thank you.
  18. Just in case you didnt understand this, you must trigger a server side event to take his money, or the money part is pointless Really?This is something new for me .
  19. iPrestege


    I know this, but I do not understand your code Thanks anyway!
  20. Can I asked a question?What browser are you using?
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