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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. ضيف المود للادمنية resource.name
  2. جرب اللي فوق لي # ذذ
  3. انا مو مرة خبير بالبرمجة بس root تفتح لكل الاعبين Client = للاعب نفسة ذذ
  4. -- Server -- addEvent("on",true) addEventHandler("on",root, function () addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, mute) end) addEvent("off",true) addEventHandler("off",root, function () removeEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, mute) end ) time = 30 timer = {} function mute(msg,type) local find = string.find(msg,getPlayerName(source)) if ( type == 0 and find ) then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* You Are Muted For " .. time .. " " ,source,255,0,0) timer[source] = setTimer(endMute,time * 1000,1,source) end end function endMute(player) setPlayerMuted(player,false) outputChatBox("* You Can Talk Now",player,0,255,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function () if ( isTimer(timer[source]) ) then killTimer(timer[source]) end end ) -- Client -- Wnd = guiCreateWindow(241,515,317,120,"No Subject",false) On = guiCreateButton(70,30,50,50,"On",false,Wnd) Off = guiCreateButton(10,30,50,50,"Off",false,Wnd) -- client side addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() PlayerName = getPlayerName(localPlayer) if source == On then outputChatBox(" "..PlayerName.." is busy",root,255,255,0,true) triggerServerEvent("on",getLocalPlayer()) elseif source == Off then outputChatBox(" "..PlayerName.." is is Available ",root,255,255,0,true) triggerServerEvent("off",getLocalPlayer()) end end)
  5. -- Server -- addEvent("on",true) addEventHandler("on",root, function () addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, mute) end) addEvent("off",true) addEventHandler("off",root, function () removeEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, mute) end ) name = "اسمك" time = 30 timer = {} function mute(msg,type) local find = string.find(msg,name) if ( type == 0 and find ) then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* You Are Muted For " .. time .. " " ,source,255,0,0) timer[source] = setTimer(endMute,time * 1000,1,source) end end function endMute(player) setPlayerMuted(player,false) outputChatBox("* You Can Talk Now",player,0,255,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function () if ( isTimer(timer[source]) ) then killTimer(timer[source]) end end ) -- Client -- Wnd = guiCreateWindow(241,515,317,120,"No Subject",false) On = guiCreateButton(70,30,50,50,"On",false,Wnd) Off = guiCreateButton(10,30,50,50,"Off",false,Wnd) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function(player) if source == On then outputChatBox(" Name is busy",root,255,255,0,true) triggerServerEvent("on",getLocalPlayer()) elseif source == Off then outputChatBox(" Name is is Available ",root,255,255,0,true) triggerServerEvent("off",getLocalPlayer()) end end)
  6. local Miners = {} local blip = {} locations = { {459.93146, 888.78650, -27.64281}, {507.28488, 971.90436, -24.47141}, {664.53302, 721.46564, -4.02670}, } function create() local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip[marker] = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip[marker], getRootElement ( ), false ) end create() setTimer( function( ) if not getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) then return end local players = getPlayersInTeam (getTeamFromName ( "Miners" )) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do if (not Miners[ v ]) then Miners[v] = true if isElement(marker) and blip[marker] and isElement(blip[marker]) then setElementVisibleTo ( marker, v, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip[marker], v, true ) end end end end, 1000, 0 ) function onHit(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) =="player" and Miners[ hitElement ] and getPlayerTeam(hitElement) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) == "Miners" then cash = math.random (500, 1000) givePlayerMoney (hitElement, cash) outputChatBox ( "You have just received $ " ..cash , hitElement, 0, 255, 0, true) fadeCamera (hitElement, false, 0.8, 0, 0, 0) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 3000, 1, hitElement, true, 1 ) removeEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) destroyElement(source) if blip[marker] and isElement(blip[marker]) then destroyElement(blip[marker]) blip[marker] = nil end setTimer( function( player ) local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip[marker] = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip[marker], getRootElement ( ), false ) if not getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) then return end local players = getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) ) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do if (Miners[ v ]) then Miners[ v ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) end, 1200, 1, hitElement); end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit)
  7. onClientResourceStart guiSetVisible showCursor
  8. ياحسافة دايمم اساعد هنا وتروح المواضيع للمهملات للاسف حط موضوعك للبرمجة عارف اني خاش عرض بس ياناس اتعب وحنا نكتب وفي الاخير مشرف يطيرة
  9. مثال كامل ملف fr_client.lua : CONTROL_MARGIN_RIGHT = 5 LINE_MARGIN = 5 LINE_HEIGHT = 16 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_Me = getLocalPlayer() server = createServerCallInterface() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") function guiCreateWindow( x2, y2, width2, height2, titleBarText2, relative2 ) mainBackground = guiCreateStaticImage ( x2, y2, width2, height2, "1.png", relative2 ) local mainBackgroundLabel = guiCreateLabel ( 0, 0, 250, 100, titleBarText2, false, mainBackground ) guiSetEnabled ( mainBackgroundLabel, false ) return mainBackground end --------------------------- -- Set skin window --------------------------- function skinInit() setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', getElementModel(g_Me)) end function showSkinID(leaf) if leaf.id then setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', leaf.id) end end function applySkin() local skinID = getControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid') if skinID then server.setMySkin(skinID) fadeCamera(true) end end wndSkin = { 'wnd', text = 'Set skin', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='skinlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='Skin', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='skins.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemclick=showSkinID, onitemdoubleclick=applySkin }, {'txt', id='skinid', text='', width=50}, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applySkin}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = skinInit } function setSkinCommand(cmd, skin) skin = skin and tonumber(skin) if skin then server.setMySkin(skin) fadeCamera(true) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) closeWindow(wndSetPos) end end addCommandHandler('setskin', setSkinCommand) addCommandHandler('ss', setSkinCommand) --------------------------- --- Set animation window --------------------------- function applyAnimation(leaf) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndAnim, 'animlist') if not leaf then return end end server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, leaf.parent.name, leaf.name, true, true) end function stopAnimation() server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, false) end wndAnim = { 'wnd', text = 'Set animation', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='animlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='Animation', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='animations.xml', attrs={'name'}}, expandlastlevel=false, onitemdoubleclick=applyAnimation }, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applyAnimation}, {'btn', id='stop', onclick=stopAnimation}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } addCommandHandler('anim', function(command, lib, name) server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, lib, name, true, true) end ) --------------------------- -- Weapon window --------------------------- function addWeapon(leaf, amount) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeapon, 'weaplist') amount = getControlNumber(wndWeapon, 'amount') if not amount or not leaf then return end end server.giveMeWeapon(leaf.id, amount) end wndWeapon = { 'wnd', text = 'Give weapon', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weaplist', width=230, height=280, columns={ {text='Weapon', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='weapons.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=function(leaf) addWeapon(leaf, 500) end }, {'br'}, {'txt', id='amount', text='500', width=60}, {'btn', id='add', onclick=addWeapon}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } function giveWeaponCommand(cmd, weapon, amount) weapon = tonumber(weapon) or getWeaponIDFromName(weapon) if not weapon then return end amount = amount and tonumber(amount) or 500 server.giveMeWeapon(math.floor(weapon), amount) end addCommandHandler('give', giveWeaponCommand) addCommandHandler('wp', giveWeaponCommand) --------------------------- -- Fighting style --------------------------- addCommandHandler('setstyle', function(cmd, style) style = style and tonumber(style) if style then server.setPedFightingStyle(g_Me, style) end end ) --------------------------- -- Clothes window --------------------------- function clothesInit() if getElementModel(g_Me) ~= 0 then errMsg('You must have the CJ skin set in order to apply clothes.') closeWindow(wndClothes) return end if not g_Clothes then triggerServerEvent('onClothesInit', g_Me) end end addEvent('onClientClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientClothesInit', g_Root, function(clothes) g_Clothes = clothes.allClothes for i,typeGroup in ipairs(g_Clothes) do for j,cloth in ipairs(typeGroup.children) do if not cloth.name then cloth.name = cloth.model .. ' - ' .. cloth.texture end cloth.wearing = clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type] and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].texture == cloth.texture and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].model == cloth.model or false end table.sort(typeGroup.children, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) end bindGridListToTable(wndClothes, 'clothes', g_Clothes, false) end ) function clothListClick(cloth) setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', cloth.wearing and 'remove' or 'add') end function applyClothes(cloth) if not cloth then cloth = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndClothes, 'clothes') if not cloth then return end end if cloth.wearing then cloth.wearing = false setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'add') server.removePlayerClothes(g_Me, cloth.parent.type) else local prevClothIndex = table.find(cloth.siblings, 'wearing', true) if prevClothIndex then cloth.siblings[prevClothIndex].wearing = false end cloth.wearing = true setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addPedClothes(g_Me, cloth.texture, cloth.model, cloth.parent.type) end end wndClothes = { 'wnd', text = 'Clothes', x =
  10. سمي الفنكشن يب وسوية عند الزر من الماين اسم الفنكشن ( = .
  11. Try this : locations = { {459.93146, 888.78650, -27.64281}, {507.28488, 971.90436, -24.47141}, {664.53302, 721.46564, -4.02670}, } function create() local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, getRootElement ( ), false ) local players = getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) ) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do setElementVisibleTo ( marker, v, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, v, true ) end end setTimer(create,1000,0) create() function onHit(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) =="player" and getPlayerTeam(hitElement) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) == "Miners" then cash = math.random (500, 1000) givePlayerMoney (hitElement, cash) outputChatBox ( "You have just received $ " ..cash , hitElement, 0, 255, 0, true) fadeCamera (hitElement, false, 0.8, 0, 0, 0) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 3000, 1, hitElement, true, 1 ) if isElement(bilp) then destroyElement (blip) end removeEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) destroyElement(source) setTimer( function( player ) local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, getRootElement ( ), false ) local players = getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) ) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do setElementVisibleTo ( marker, v, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, v, true ) end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) end, 1200, 1, hitElement); end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit)
  12. Am going to fix it and test it again wait!
  13. Lol? it work's with me make sure you are @ the team to see the blip and marker and show you're meta!
  14. Hmmm. i think you can do it with "Shader" only .
  15. bla bla i don't know how to do it with tactics "Scoreboard" .
  16. تقدر تسوية كذا : addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root, function (msg) if ( msg == "msg" ) then -- Func end end ) or string.find
  17. Are sure you are enter the Miners team or you can't see the blip and marker .
  18. حاول؟ بس حاول عشان اقدر انك سويت معي ذذ
  19. onPlayerChat setPlayerMuted setTimer outputChatBox
  20. Am,Back try this : locations = { {459.93146, 888.78650, -27.64281}, {507.28488, 971.90436, -24.47141}, {664.53302, 721.46564, -4.02670}, } function create() local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, getRootElement ( ), false ) local players = getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) ) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do setElementVisibleTo ( marker, v, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, v, true ) end end create() function onHit(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) =="player" and getPlayerTeam(hitElement) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) == "Miners" then cash = math.random (500, 1000) givePlayerMoney (hitElement, cash) outputChatBox ( "You have just received $ " ..cash , hitElement, 0, 255, 0, true) fadeCamera (hitElement, false, 0.8, 0, 0, 0) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 3000, 1, hitElement, true, 1 ) if isElement(bilp) then destroyElement (blip) end removeEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) destroyElement(source) setTimer( function( player ) local x, y, z = unpack ( locations [ math.random ( #locations ) ] ) marker = createMarker (x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 255) blip = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 0, 250, 0, 170 ) setElementVisibleTo ( marker, getRootElement ( ), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, getRootElement ( ), false ) local players = getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName ( "Miners" ) ) for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do setElementVisibleTo ( marker, v, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( blip, v, true ) end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit) end, 1200, 1, hitElement); end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, onHit)
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