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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. iPrestege

    About my password

    Write the number or the letters in the image and then put the pass that you want to convert it put it here under this there's a small box "Enter up to 10 non-salted hashes:" put it and press Crack Hashes and maybe will work maybe will not .
  2. iPrestege

    About my password

    Try this page : http://crackstation.net/ but the 97 and conv .
  3. iPrestege

    About my password

    This is the file "internal.db" but the problem it's compiled and you can browse it use sql browser but the password compiled too .
  4. iPrestege

    About my password

    I can make script with that script you can set new password for you'r account .
  5. iPrestege


    Hmm...Try to learn with this tut : https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=148&t=38203
  6. iPrestege


  7. -- Server Side -- addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand",root, function ( theCmd ) if ( theCmd == "Money" ) then outputChatBox(" You're Money : ("..getPlayerMoney( source )..") !!!",source,0,255,0,true); elseif ( theCmd == "Ping" ) then outputChatBox(" You're Ping : ("..getPlayerPing( source )..") !!!",source,255,255,0,true); end end ); How does it work? just type the command "Money" or the command "Ping" in the console and will work try it server sid (;
  8. And u use warpPedIntoVehicle it's server side function .
  9. I didn't get it can you explain well?
  10. You can see it in the home page if there's this feature ,As far as i know .
  11. No,There's no function to start the server but there's function to shut it down (: But maybe your host there's an option make the server automatic start if the server shut down.
  12. Change source > player and try .
  13. @ TeTe Hmm.. i think that " #|~All-7AJ]I~| " want when the player press the button will explode the player that you select it .
  14. I do not care for this I did not create this page, just tell your opinion to the page creator not to me .
  15. How is it useful? if you have many grid list you can use this function it will be easy to use it to add players to much grid .
  16. تفضل كذا سوي زر {'btn', id='Memo', onclick=ShowMemo}, الحين اشرح لك Memo = الكلام الي على الزر onclick = اختصار الايفنت كلك بالفري روم ShowMemo = اسم الفنكشن او التعريف مثال للفنكشن : Memo = guiCreateMemo(0,0,1366,1366,"", false); guiSetVisible(Memo,false); function ShowMemo() guiSetVisible(Memo,not guiGetVisible(Memo)); end; ضروري تسوي الفنكشن قبل القائمة الازرار حق الفري روم
  17. onPlayerJoin = server onClientPlayerJoin = ماراح يشتغل
  18. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",الزر, function() fadeCamera(true) end, false );
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