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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Ah, My bad forget to check the wiki thatnk's (: Edit: Sorry man but i have problem ! i change it to : addEvent("onBanPlayer",true) addEventHandler("onBanPlayer",root, function ( Player,TimeBan,BanReason ) banPlayer ( Player, false, false, true,source,tostring(BanReason),100) outputChatBox("* The Player ["..getPlayerName(Player).."] Has Been Ban By | "..getPlayerName(source).." ",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end ) and ban me for ?? "my serial" banner="Mr.Pres[T]ege" reason="Reason Test" time="1365710213" unban="1365710513"> what u think?
  2. Sorry But what's the problem here? i get the ban but i can join again after 1 second ?? i want it the ban time for 5 minutes? addEvent("onBanPlayer",true) addEventHandler("onBanPlayer",root, function ( Player,TimeBan,BanReason ) local FiveMin = ( 300 / 60 ) banPlayer ( Player, false, false, true,source,tostring(BanReason),FiveMin ) end end )
  3. Thank's i need that one and the million too Thank's i need that one and the Solidsnake Code too Thank's Guys For Help
  4. Hello, Can some one help me to "Convert million seconds to minutes" ? and how to do it ? Thanks in advance .
  5. تعودنا على هالشيء بالقسم دايم يجونكـ يطلبون كذآ /:
  6. root ?? weapon ?? localPlayer ?? local marker = createMarker( 370.82556152344,-2047.6633300781,7.4,"cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) function MarkerHit (weapon ) giveWeapon ( source, 30, 200 ) if ( weapon == 30) then createProjectile ( getLocalPlayer, 17 ) -- i think... end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit",marker,MarkerHit) Weapon? Client And Server Functions ? lol and source?
  7. Good event ._. . onVehicleEnter No Should To Be onVehicleStartEnter .
  8. GUIEditor = { button = {}, staticimage = {}, window = {}, } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(197, 141, 433, 368, "~ > | التعزيز الصصوتي | < ~", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 0.95) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(9, 21, 415, 338, "1.png", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(19, 224, 146, 52, "تششغيل التعزيز الصصوتي !", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FF14F608") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(238, 223, 146, 52, "إيققآفف التعزيز الصصوتي !", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(148, 291, 97, 37, "إغلآقق النآفذةة !", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FF15AFE8") bindKey ( "F9" , "down" , function() if ( guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) == true ) then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ,false ) showCursor (false ) guiSetInputEnabled(false) elseif ( guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) == false ) then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ,true ) showCursor (true) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function ( ) if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then if not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then return outputChatBox("يجب أن تكون لديك سسيآرةة , # !",0,255,0,true) end; if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) sound = nil end sound = playSound("t3zez1.mp3",true) elseif source == GUIEditor.button[2] then if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) sound = nil end elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[3] ) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) end end )
  9. لا تصكنا عين اذكر ربك ماشاء الله خادم يخوي / =
  10. عزيزي على حسب الخادم ذذ
  11. ودي أفهم الحين ذا السطر addEvent ( "onPlayerKillMessage", "wasted,killer,weapon" ) !!!شلون صار كذا؟ ترا الكود الأصلي كذا addEvent ( "onPlayerKillMessage" ) مدري انا شكيت بـ الوضع حملت من الكومنتي وطلع كذا؟ كل النسخ كيف كان يشتغل اول الله اعلم
  12. @ #Pai_[N] You didn't understand what he want .
  13. I did not notice Sorry about this
  14. Why? there's function to tkae the money and why u want to set it to 0?? takePlayerMoney ????????
  15. root = appear to all players source = that player do that function You're welcome .
  16. function money () -- What u want now here? end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", money)
  17. triggerClientEvent(source,"onFattoLogin",source)
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