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Everything posted by WASSIm.

  1. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com
  2. are you kidding me ? its was like that and you'r edit it Last edited by toxicsmoke11 on 01 Jan 2015 02:22, edited 1 time in total.
  3. hi guys, i want say my idea to make Sub-Domain for covering map to lua bcs there a loot users don't know where and how cover it i hope make Sub-Domain like this : http://map.mtasa.com/ and thank you
  4. but we don't see variable 'resource'
  5. try to conver it if you don't know how its here: http://gtamap.delux-host.com/converter/
  6. you forget use getPedMaxHealth to get max health
  7. he mean if use script RottenFlesh for set/get element data how put info on scoreboard
  8. i think client file its same on server but without file server side, you can check thiem with out clientside script
  9. wrong board: viewforum.php?f=104
  10. WASSIm.

    Program for Lua

    for me Sublime text 3 with MTA:SA pack viewtopic.php?f=91&t=78337
  11. post here: viewforum.php?f=105
  12. try remove ip from if nothing happen read this read this: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=48868
  13. you should post here: viewforum.php?f=105 wait any moderator move it anyway post your mtaserver.conf
  14. guys fine its sloved, problem on line 32 resource restart again and again... that why
  15. local gifts = {} function addGift(creator, _, money) local account = getPlayerAccount(creator) if (account) and not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local accountname = getAccountName(account) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountname, aclGetGroup("Console")) then if (tonumber(money > 0)) and (tonumber(money < 7000)) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(creator) gifts[creator] = createPickup(x+5, y, z, 3, 1274) setElementData(gifts[creator], "gift", money) addEventHandler("onPickupUse", gifts[creator], getYourGift) else outputChatBox("SYNTAX USAGE : /createGift money",creator,255,255,255) end end end end addCommandHandler("createGift",addGift) function getYourGift(reciever) local creator = table.find(gifts, source) local giftM = tonumber(getElementData(source, "gift")) or 0 givePlayerMoney(reciever, giftM) outputChatBox("Congratulations You Got: $"..giftM.." !", reciever, 255, 255, 255) destroyElement(source) gifts[creator] = nil end) function table.find (tab, vf) if (tab) and (type(tab) == "table") then for k, v in pairs(tab) do if (v == vf) then return k end end end end
  16. WASSIm.

    solid water

    create objects on all water and stream able for near objects by useing setElementStreamable and use setElementAlpha for hide objects
  17. hi guys, i have problem with script if start any resource server will take max of ram and got freezed addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, function (resource) if (enableCompile) and (compileres[resource]) then --setResourceInfo(resource, "laststart", date) local resourceName = getResourceName(resource) for indox, script in ipairs (getResourceScripts(resource)) do local localFile = ":"..resourceName.."/"..script.."" local theScript = fileExists(localFile) and fileOpen(localFile, true) if (theScript) then local code = fileRead(theScript, fileGetSize(theScript)) fileClose(theScript) if not (string.byte(code) == 28) then disableJoinonSetup = true fetchRemote("https://luac.multitheftauto.com/?compile=1&debug=1&obfuscate=1", function(responseData, error) if (error == 0) and (responseData) then if (string.find(responseData, "ERROR")) then --outputDebugString(localFile..": "..responseData.."", 1) else fileDelete(localFile) local theScriptC = fileCreate(localFile) fileWrite(theScriptC, responseData) fileClose(theScriptC) outputDebugString(localFile..": Successfully compiled", 3) end else outputDebugString(localFile..": Failed to compiled", 1) end end, code, true) if (indox == #getResourceScripts(resource)) then disableJoinonSetup = false restartResource(resource) end else --outputDebugString(localFile..": Already compiled", 3) end end end end end)
  18. finally i got problem where, thank you for help
  19. i mean if i start any resource...
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