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  1. i didn't know about that, but just launched mta today and still have the new serial.
  2. it seems that serial numbers are randomizing after the recent 1.6 update, some players are already complaining about it.
  3. I'm still waiting for an answer. It seems random to me @Azmoon.
  4. hi, i have had the same system for a long time. few days ago i relaunched the game and my serial number changed. could you please assist me with swapping it back? my new serial is: 26709E3960F64E13D031B8FEDB70EE53 my old serial is: F5A03854B9FB94E781BA8654449542A1 this is the 2nd time this thing happened to me. (note: i asked here before and got it back)
  5. King12


    Actually they weren't showing before the update (even with a default timecyc.dat), but now they do. There has to be an option to enable/disable them.
  6. King12


    I don't know about the thread poster, but I tried installing a fresh GTA:SA and they still appear.
  7. King12


    This happened after recent updates. I see some stars, and the moon too.
  8. King12

    MTA Loading Delay

    Posted the same issue a year ago and it didn't get any attention, looks like this one will be the same.
  9. King12

    MTA Loading Delay

    Hello there, I've been facing this issue for roughly 2 years, but never cared about it, and it's getting a bit annoying now. The problem is, that my game takes 30 seconds to start and load correctly. Also, I always get this message when the game starts. http://prntscr.com/l3n1n3 MTADiag: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/297658147 PML: https://upload.mtasa.com/u/148387134/Logfile.PML_
  10. Hello there, I don't know what is wrong but my vps isn't allowing clients to download files such as [map scripts, songs etc..] HTTP server file mismatch (freeroam) fr_client.lua [Got size:57088 MD5:A2FADFBEAEC9C87916AA217E82E8DEAC, wanted MD5:92D420578F6D170C6796A5F70FBA4A6D] Download error: HTTP server file mismatch (freeroam) fr_client.lua [Got size:57088 MD5:A2FADFBEAEC9C87916AA217E82E8DEAC, wanted MD5:92D420578F6D170C6796A5F70FBA4A6D] Download error: Error downloading requested files. HTTP response code said error. [The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found] [music.mp3] All ports are opened (obviously). Also, files are unzipped and cached inside resource-cache. Server IP:
  11. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setPlayerHudComponentVisible( "crosshair", false ) end ) and for the meta: <meta> <script src="client.lua" type="client"/> </meta> It's better to have the resource on a separate folder, I don't recommend adding it to editor gamemode.
  12. -- Client side setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( "crosshair", false ) -- or this to hide every HUD component setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( "all", false )
  13. It's the fact that I want to replace the dff model of the canopy itself, and I actually tried a shader to make the parachute disappear but failed, since I really don't know anything about shaders. As you can see sometimes it disappears and sometimes not. struct PSInput { float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; }; float4 PixelShaderFunction( PSInput PS ) : COLOR0 { float4 color = PS.Diffuse; color.a = 0; return color; } technique { pass p0 { AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE; DestBlend = INVSRCALPHA; SrcBlend = SRCALPHA; PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction(); } }
  14. In order to poll the password you have to do it this way: SERV_LAUNCH_PW = exports.db:sqlQuery("SELECT server_launch_pw FROM server_vars") local result = dbPoll (SERV_LAUNCH_PW, -1) if #result > 0 then local password = SERV_LAUNCH_PW[1].server_launch_pw; outputChatBox(password) end for the dbPoll, you can try this: -- use the database connection variable in (connection). function _Query (...) if connection then local queryS = dbQuery(connection, ... ) local result = dbPoll(queryS,-1) return result else return false end end -- Usage: local SERV_LAUNCH_PW = _Query ('SELECT server_launch_pw FROM server_vars') if ( #SERV_LAUNCH_PW > 0 ) then local password = SERV_LAUNCH_PW[1].server_launch_pw; outputChatBox(password) end
  15. The problem is, I couldn't find the dff ID for the parachute canopy (or something that changes it).
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