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Everything posted by DanielDsX

  1. Guys I was wondering if you have some script which only appears in one area of the zombie map.
  2. I believe that the function is in this section. function cl_PlayerQuit ( ) -- check for owned car local ownedVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) if (ownedVehicle ~= false) then cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( ownedVehicle ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), cl_PlayerQuit ) look here, to remove it when the customer leaves the server. cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( ownedVehicle )
  3. Hello friends, I was wondering if there is a resource to lock the car by account. example: when the customer leaves the server the car remains locked until it comes back and unlock. if there please help me. grateful!
  4. fico feliz em ver que temos um moderador bom no fórum. a maioria dos moderadores são metidos, como alguns do fórum da cit, um dia, eu tinha lido as regras do fórum do cit, dai eu postei uma pergunta sobre o servidor deles, depois veio um moderador e apago meu tópico, falou que estava incorreto e não falou aonde eu errei. :\ Obrigado, StanleySathler :]
  5. eu entendi a questão, era assim o correto, haha sou muito novato no script tenho que estudar muito ainda. function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then savePlayerWeapons(source) fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 1244.5, 333, 19.60000038147, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) não. function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then local theWeapon = getPedWeapon (source) local weaponAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (source) fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 1244.5, 333, 19.60000038147, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) e o load também para devolver as armas e as munições. function loadPlayerWeapons(player) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local weaponsString = getAccountData(account, "weapons") takeAllWeapons(player) for index, wData in pairs(split(weaponsString, ";")) do local weapon, ammo = unpack(split(wData, ",")) weapon, ammo = tonumber(weapon), tonumber(ammo) if weapon and weapon ~= 0 and ammo and ammo ~= 0 then giveWeapon(player, weapon, ammo) end end end
  6. Gente tenho um problema com um script de saver, quando a pessoa morre sem esta com nada na mão ela fica sem armas ao nascer, e quando a pessoa morre com uma arma na mão ela ganha o dobro de munição ao nascer novamente. eu creio que o erro esta nesse trecho do script. function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then local theWeapon = getPedWeapon (source) local weaponAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (source) fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 1244.5, 333, 19.60000038147, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) creio eu que o erro de dar o dobro de munição esteja nessa linha: setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true) se vocês souberem por favor ajude obrigado ! Script todo: function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") if (accountData) then local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin") local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health") local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor") local R = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-R") local G = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-G") local B = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-B") local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x") local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y") local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z") local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int") local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim") local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel") local playerWeaponID0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID0") local playerWeaponID1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID1") local playerWeaponID2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID2") local playerWeaponID3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID3") local playerWeaponID4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID4") local playerWeaponID5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID5") local playerWeaponID6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID6") local playerWeaponID7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID7") local playerWeaponID8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID8") local playerWeaponID9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID9") local playerWeaponID10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID10") local playerWeaponID11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID11") local playerWeaponID12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID12") local playerWeaponAmmo0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0") local playerWeaponAmmo1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1") local playerWeaponAmmo2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2") local playerWeaponAmmo3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3") local playerWeaponAmmo4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4") local playerWeaponAmmo5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5") local playerWeaponAmmo6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6") local playerWeaponAmmo7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7") local playerWeaponAmmo8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8") local playerWeaponAmmo9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9") local playerWeaponAmmo10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10") local playerWeaponAmmo11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11") local playerWeaponAmmo12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12") spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim) setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney) setTimer (setElementHealth, 500, 1, source, playerHealth) setTimer (setPedArmor, 500, 1, source, playerArmor) setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 500, 1, source, playerWanted) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID0, playerWeaponAmmo0, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID1, playerWeaponAmmo1, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID2, playerWeaponAmmo2, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID3, playerWeaponAmmo3, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID4, playerWeaponAmmo4, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID5, playerWeaponAmmo5, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID6, playerWeaponAmmo6, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID7, playerWeaponAmmo7, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID8, playerWeaponAmmo8, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID9, playerWeaponAmmo9, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID10, playerWeaponAmmo10, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID11, playerWeaponAmmo11, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID12, playerWeaponAmmo12, true) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) setPlayerNametagColor (source, R, G, B) else spawnPlayer (source, 1417.0999755859, 254.39999389648, 23.10000038147, 0, math.random (0,299), 0, 0, spawnTeam) -- spawns player with random skin setPlayerMoney (source, 2600) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) setPlayerNametagColor (source, 255, 255, 255) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function onLogout () kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.") end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onLogout) function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor (source) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID0", getPedWeapon (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID1", getPedWeapon (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID2", getPedWeapon (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID3", getPedWeapon (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID4", getPedWeapon (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID5", getPedWeapon (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID6", getPedWeapon (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID7", getPedWeapon (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID8", getPedWeapon (source, 8)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID9", getPedWeapon (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID10", getPedWeapon (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID11", getPedWeapon (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID12", getPedWeapon (source, 12)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 8)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 12)) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuit) function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then local theWeapon = getPedWeapon (source) local weaponAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (source) fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 1244.5, 333, 19.60000038147, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) setTimer (giveWeapon, 1000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted)
  7. não não, eu só não vi a data mas já estou atento para não fazer de novo, não ligo pra post, quero saber do meu servidor que eu não consigo deixar em Fast apagaram meu tópico ou é impressão minha ?
  8. I will leave it online and you enter ok ? IP:
  9. I turn on the server just to test. i only i will leave him open for ever when solving the error!
  10. infelizmente também não deu certo! quando eu botei na hospedagem os arquivos da resource-cache EX: mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files. eu entrei no servidor e baixou normalmente os arquivos só que no final do download da o ERROR FILE "XXX" CRC mismatch quando eu fui no meu mta:sa (Cliente), os arquivos não estavam corrompidos estavam tudo certo os sons estavam funcionando corretamente. não sei o que deve ser este erro.
  11. não foi, baixo até 20KB e paro e saiu. http://www.tgbrhost.xpg.com.br/resources/'>http://www.tgbrhost.xpg.com.br/resources/ já tentei sem o / no fim http://www.tgbrhost.xpg.com.br/resources
  12. acabei de testa esse método e não funcionou. baixa até 300KB e da o erro no cliente.
  13. eu preciso passar os zips para a hospedagem, é isso que você quer dizer ? exemplo: [admin], [editor], [gamemodes], [gameplay], [managers] e [web] e tudo que tem dentro delas ?
  14. Eu estou com um servidor 24H e quero muito hospedar os arquivos para os clientes realizar o download mais rápido. hospedei na XPG ela é muito boa! quando eu entro no servidor ele fornece esse erro: e quando eu retiro a url no ele baixa até 300KB e sai do servidor e da esse erro: mas eu não quero deixar o download interno, fica muito lento o download. eu prefiro hospedagem externa (separada do servidor) imagens da hospedagem e do servidor: mtaserver.cfg <config> <!-- This parameter specifies the name the server will be visible as in the ingame server browser and on Game-Monitor. It is a required parameter. --> <servername>TGamerBR @ QualityGames.com.br</servername> <!-- ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IF YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING - it is generally only needed for professional servers and should be left blank otherwise. This parameter specifies the IP to use for servers that have multiple IP addresses. If left blank, it will default to server's standard local IP address. --> <serverip></serverip> <!-- SERVERIP SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK UNLESS YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING --> <!-- This parameter specifies the UDP port on which the server will be accepting incoming player connections; default value: 22003. It is a required parameter. --> <serverport>9910</serverport> <!-- This parameter specifies the number of maximum player slots available on the server; default value: 32. It is a required parameter. --> <maxplayers>50</maxplayers> <!-- This parameter specifies whether the builtin http server will be used. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <httpserver>0</httpserver> <!-- This parameter specifies the TCP port on which the server will be accepting incoming http connections. It can be set to the same value as <serverport>. It is a required parameter if <httpserver> is set to 1. --> <httpport>22005</httpport> <!-- If set, this parameter specifies the external URL from which clients will be able to download needed resources ingame. Otherwise they will download them directly from the server. --> <httpdownloadurl>http://www.tgbrhost.xpg.com.br/mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files</httpdownloadurl> <!-- This parameter specifies whether the client files for hosting on an external web server should be automatically copied into mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files/ Only relevant if <httpdownloadurl> is set. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <httpautoclientfiles>1</httpautoclientfiles> <!-- This parameter is deprecated. Please use httpmaxconnectionsperclient instead--> <httpconnectionsperclient></httpconnectionsperclient> <!-- This parameter limits the number of http connections each client can make. Depending on the type of http server that is used, a lower figure may reduce download timeouts. Available range: 1 to 8. --> <httpmaxconnectionsperclient>5</httpmaxconnectionsperclient> <!-- This parameter limits the number http connections that an IP can initiate over a short period of time. Available range: 1 to 100. default value: 20 --> <httpdosthreshold>20</httpdosthreshold> <!-- By default, the server will block the use of customized GTA:SA data files. --> <!-- To allow specific client files, add one or more of the following: --> <!-- <client_file name="data/carmods.dat" verify="0"/> --> <!-- Comma separated list of disabled anti-cheats. e.g. To disable anti-cheat #2 and #3, use: 2,3 --> <disableac></disableac> <!-- Comma separated list of enabled special detections. A special detection is a type of anti-cheat for (usually) harmless game modifications. Competitive servers may wish to enable special detections, but most servers should leave this setting blank. e.g. To enable special detection #12 use: 12 --> <enablesd></enablesd> <!-- This parameter specifies whether communications between the server and client is encrypted. Encryption can help prevent network data being viewed and modified. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <networkencryption>1</networkencryption> <!-- Minimum client version. Clients with a lower version will not be allowed to connect. After disconnection, clients will be given an opportunity to download an update. If left blank, this setting is disabled and there are no restrictions on who can connect. Version numbers are described here: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion[/url] and look like this: 1.1.0-9.03100.0 Note that this setting only determines if the client should be prompted to update. The actual build number they receive will be the highest available. See: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> <minclientversion></minclientversion> <!-- Recommended client version. When connecting, if clients have a lower version, they will be given the option to download an update. If left blank, this setting is disabled. Note that this setting only determines if the client should be prompted to update. The actual build number they receive will be the highest available. See: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> <recommendedclientversion></recommendedclientversion> <!-- This parameter can be used to make the server report to Game-Monitor master servers, allowing it to be visible in the ingame server browser. An additional UDP port needs to be available for this to work (value from <serverport> + 123 , so on a default <serverport> value 22003 the right port will be 22126 ). Available values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled. Optional parameter, defaults to 0. --> <ase>1</ase> <!-- This parameter allows you to disable LAN broadcasting. --> <donotbroadcastlan>0</donotbroadcastlan> <!-- If set, players will have to provide a password specified below, before they can connect to the server. If left blank, server doesn't require a password from them. --> <password></password> <!-- This parameter reduces the server's bandwidth usage by using various optimizations. Values: none, medium or maximum ; default value: medium --> <bandwidth_reduction>maximum</bandwidth_reduction> <!-- This parameter specifies whether or not to run the network synchronization on another thread. Enabling will make the sync smoother, but may increase cpu usage slightly. Values: 0 - Off, 1 - On. Default - 1 --> <threadnet>1</threadnet> <!-- Specifies the location and file name of this servers unique private key. This is used to prevent private files saved on the client from being read by other servers. More infomation about client private files can be found here: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath[/url] Keep a backup of this file in a safe place. Default value: server-id.keys--> <idfile>server-id.keys</idfile> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the main server log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> <logfile>logs/server.log</logfile> <!-- As well as the main log file, login successes and failures are logged here for easy reviewing of security issues. If left blank, this file is not used --> <authfile>logs/server_auth.log</authfile> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the file used to log database queries. The server command 'debugdb' sets the amount of logging. --> <dbfile>logs/db.log</dbfile> <!-- This parameter specifies the location and name of the Access Control List settings file. If left blank, server will use acl.xml file, located in the same folder as this configuration file. --> <acl>acl.xml</acl> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the debugscript log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> <scriptdebuglogfile>logs/scripts.log</scriptdebuglogfile> <!-- Specifies the level of the debugscript log file. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> <scriptdebugloglevel>0</scriptdebugloglevel> <!-- Specifies the level of the html debug. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> <htmldebuglevel>0</htmldebuglevel> <!-- Specifies the frame rate limit that will be applied to connecting clients. Available range: 25 to 100. Default: 36. --> <fpslimit>100</fpslimit> <!-- Specifies whether or not players should automatically be logged in based on their IP adresses --> <autologin>0</autologin> <!-- This parameter specifies whether or not to enable player voice chat in-game Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled --> <voice>1</voice> <!-- This parameter specifies the sample rate for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the sampling quality of voice chat Values: 0 - Narrowband (8kHz), 1 - Wideband (16kHz), 2 - Ultrawideband (32kHz). Default - 1 --> <voice_samplerate>1</voice_samplerate> <!-- This parameter specifies the voice quality for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the the overall quality of voice chat Available range: 0 to 10. Default - 4 --> <voice_quality>6</voice_quality> <!-- Specifies the voice bitrate, in bps. This optional parameter overrides the previous two settings. If not set, MTA handles this automatically. Use with care. --> <!-- <voice_bitrate>24600</voice_bitrate> --> <!-- This parameter specifies the path to use for a basic backup of some server files. Note that basic backups are only made during server startup. Default value: backups --> <backup_path>backups</backup_path> <!-- This parameter specifies the number of days between each basic backup. Backups are only made during server startup, so the actual interval maybe much longer. Setting backup_interval to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 30. Default - 3 --> <backup_interval>3</backup_interval> <!-- This parameter specifies the maximum number of backup copies to keep. Setting backup_copies to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 100. Default - 5 --> <backup_copies>5</backup_copies> <!-- Specifies the module(s) which are loaded with the server. To load several modules, add more <module> parameter(s). Optional parameter. --> <!-- <module src="sample_win32.dll"/> --> <!-- <module src="sample_linux.so"/> --> eu já troquei para hospedagem do meu site e ele fornece o mesmo erro, eu não creio que seja hospedagem. eu já procurei muito por esse erro e não acho de jeito nenhuma uma solução! se poder ajudar ficarei grato. :]
  15. eu gosto desse servidor ele é bom :]
  16. friend, the server that is in my posts is my server I'm trying to configure it
  17. when I leave it as you speak, it downloads up to 300 KB and then he gives the message of the image of my post above
  18. when I put nothing, it does not download, get this error take much leave the files in a separate hosting. I've tried everything, this difficult I've modified the hosting and nothing :z
  19. Friend you do not think this error is because of the hosting? because everything is right mtaserver.cfg files on the server and hosting it's all ok, but I think this error is the type of hospedagem
  20. mtaserver.cfg <config> <!-- This parameter specifies the name the server will be visible as in the ingame server browser and on Game-Monitor. It is a required parameter. --> <servername>TGamerBR @ QualityGames.com.br</servername> <!-- ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IF YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING - it is generally only needed for professional servers and should be left blank otherwise. This parameter specifies the IP to use for servers that have multiple IP addresses. If left blank, it will default to server's standard local IP address. --> <serverip></serverip> <!-- SERVERIP SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK UNLESS YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING --> <!-- This parameter specifies the UDP port on which the server will be accepting incoming player connections; default value: 22003. It is a required parameter. --> <serverport>9910</serverport> <!-- This parameter specifies the number of maximum player slots available on the server; default value: 32. It is a required parameter. --> <maxplayers>50</maxplayers> <!-- This parameter specifies whether the builtin http server will be used. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <httpserver>0</httpserver> <!-- This parameter specifies the TCP port on which the server will be accepting incoming http connections. It can be set to the same value as <serverport>. It is a required parameter if <httpserver> is set to 1. --> <httpport>22005</httpport> <!-- If set, this parameter specifies the external URL from which clients will be able to download needed resources ingame. Otherwise they will download them directly from the server. --> <httpdownloadurl>http://www.tgbrhost.xpg.com.br/mods/deathmatch/resources</httpdownloadurl> <!-- This parameter specifies whether the client files for hosting on an external web server should be automatically copied into mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files/ Only relevant if <httpdownloadurl> is set. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <httpautoclientfiles>1</httpautoclientfiles> <!-- This parameter is deprecated. Please use httpmaxconnectionsperclient instead--> <httpconnectionsperclient></httpconnectionsperclient> <!-- This parameter limits the number of http connections each client can make. Depending on the type of http server that is used, a lower figure may reduce download timeouts. Available range: 1 to 8. --> <httpmaxconnectionsperclient>5</httpmaxconnectionsperclient> <!-- This parameter limits the number http connections that an IP can initiate over a short period of time. Available range: 1 to 100. default value: 20 --> <httpdosthreshold>20</httpdosthreshold> <!-- By default, the server will block the use of customized GTA:SA data files. --> <!-- To allow specific client files, add one or more of the following: --> <!-- <client_file name="data/carmods.dat" verify="0"/> --> <!-- Comma separated list of disabled anti-cheats. e.g. To disable anti-cheat #2 and #3, use: 2,3 --> <disableac></disableac> <!-- Comma separated list of enabled special detections. A special detection is a type of anti-cheat for (usually) harmless game modifications. Competitive servers may wish to enable special detections, but most servers should leave this setting blank. e.g. To enable special detection #12 use: 12 --> <enablesd></enablesd> <!-- This parameter specifies whether communications between the server and client is encrypted. Encryption can help prevent network data being viewed and modified. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 1. Optional parameter. --> <networkencryption>1</networkencryption> <!-- Minimum client version. Clients with a lower version will not be allowed to connect. After disconnection, clients will be given an opportunity to download an update. If left blank, this setting is disabled and there are no restrictions on who can connect. Version numbers are described here: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion[/url] and look like this: 1.1.0-9.03100.0 Note that this setting only determines if the client should be prompted to update. The actual build number they receive will be the highest available. See: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> <minclientversion></minclientversion> <!-- Recommended client version. When connecting, if clients have a lower version, they will be given the option to download an update. If left blank, this setting is disabled. Note that this setting only determines if the client should be prompted to update. The actual build number they receive will be the highest available. See: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> <recommendedclientversion></recommendedclientversion> <!-- This parameter can be used to make the server report to Game-Monitor master servers, allowing it to be visible in the ingame server browser. An additional UDP port needs to be available for this to work (value from <serverport> + 123 , so on a default <serverport> value 22003 the right port will be 22126 ). Available values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled. Optional parameter, defaults to 0. --> <ase>1</ase> <!-- This parameter allows you to disable LAN broadcasting. --> <donotbroadcastlan>0</donotbroadcastlan> <!-- If set, players will have to provide a password specified below, before they can connect to the server. If left blank, server doesn't require a password from them. --> <password></password> <!-- This parameter reduces the server's bandwidth usage by using various optimizations. Values: none, medium or maximum ; default value: medium --> <bandwidth_reduction>medium</bandwidth_reduction> <!-- This parameter specifies whether or not to run the network synchronization on another thread. Enabling will make the sync smoother, but may increase cpu usage slightly. Values: 0 - Off, 1 - On. Default - 1 --> <threadnet>1</threadnet> <!-- Specifies the location and file name of this servers unique private key. This is used to prevent private files saved on the client from being read by other servers. More infomation about client private files can be found here: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath[/url] Keep a backup of this file in a safe place. Default value: server-id.keys--> <idfile>server-id.keys</idfile> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the main server log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> <logfile>logs/server.log</logfile> <!-- As well as the main log file, login successes and failures are logged here for easy reviewing of security issues. If left blank, this file is not used --> <authfile>logs/server_auth.log</authfile> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the file used to log database queries. The server command 'debugdb' sets the amount of logging. --> <dbfile>logs/db.log</dbfile> <!-- This parameter specifies the location and name of the Access Control List settings file. If left blank, server will use acl.xml file, located in the same folder as this configuration file. --> <acl>acl.xml</acl> <!-- Specifies the location and name of the debugscript log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> <scriptdebuglogfile>logs/scripts.log</scriptdebuglogfile> <!-- Specifies the level of the debugscript log file. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> <scriptdebugloglevel>0</scriptdebugloglevel> <!-- Specifies the level of the html debug. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> <htmldebuglevel>0</htmldebuglevel> <!-- Specifies the frame rate limit that will be applied to connecting clients. Available range: 25 to 100. Default: 36. --> <fpslimit>100</fpslimit> <!-- Specifies whether or not players should automatically be logged in based on their IP adresses --> <autologin>0</autologin> <!-- This parameter specifies whether or not to enable player voice chat in-game Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled --> <voice>1</voice> <!-- This parameter specifies the sample rate for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the sampling quality of voice chat Values: 0 - Narrowband (8kHz), 1 - Wideband (16kHz), 2 - Ultrawideband (32kHz). Default - 1 --> <voice_samplerate>1</voice_samplerate> <!-- This parameter specifies the voice quality for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the the overall quality of voice chat Available range: 0 to 10. Default - 4 --> <voice_quality>6</voice_quality> <!-- Specifies the voice bitrate, in bps. This optional parameter overrides the previous two settings. If not set, MTA handles this automatically. Use with care. --> <!-- <voice_bitrate>24600</voice_bitrate> --> <!-- This parameter specifies the path to use for a basic backup of some server files. Note that basic backups are only made during server startup. Default value: backups --> <backup_path>backups</backup_path> <!-- This parameter specifies the number of days between each basic backup. Backups are only made during server startup, so the actual interval maybe much longer. Setting backup_interval to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 30. Default - 3 --> <backup_interval>3</backup_interval> <!-- This parameter specifies the maximum number of backup copies to keep. Setting backup_copies to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 100. Default - 5 --> <backup_copies>5</backup_copies> <!-- Specifies the module(s) which are loaded with the server. To load several modules, add more <module> parameter(s). Optional parameter. --> <!-- <module src="sample_win32.dll"/> --> <!-- <module src="sample_linux.so"/> --> <!-- Specifies resources that are loaded when the server starts and/or which are protected from being stopped. To specify several resources, add more <resource> parameter(s). --> <resource src="admin" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="helpmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="joinquit" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="mapcycler" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="mapmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="parachute" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="resourcebrowser" startup="1" protected="1" default="true"/> <resource src="resourcemanager" startup="1" protected="1"/> <resource src="scoreboard" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="spawnmanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="voice" startup="1" protected="0" /> <resource src="votemanager" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="webadmin" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="reload" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="killmessages" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="realdriveby" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="scores" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="headshot" startup="1" protected="0"/> <!-- Scripts personalizados --> <resource src="TGBR-Velocimetro" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-Gasolina" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-PainelLogin" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-LocalSpawn" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-KillMoney" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-Oficina" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-CarSeta" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-TeamAdmin" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-ShopArms" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-Banco" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-VendaCasas" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-SkinsArms" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-TagName" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-MoveCabecaCmMouse" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-TravaCarsColorLuzes" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-BlipMap" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-ShopCaars" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-MySQL" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-AllSaver" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="TGBR-AllVeiculos" startup="1" protected="0"/> <!-- Scripts Zombies --> <resource src="ZmTGBR-Ambiente" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="ZmTGBR-ZombieKillMessage" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="ZmTGBR-MoneyKillZombie" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="zombies" startup="1" protected="0"/> <!-- Scripts shader --> <resource src="shader_car_paint" startup="1" protected="0"/> <resource src="shader_water" startup="1" protected="0"/> <!-- play is the default freeroam gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. --> <resource src="TGBR" startup="1" protected="0"/> </config> Photos:
  21. it will be tricky, because I only Brazilian but I can send detailed photos.
  22. yes, all in zip on server and hosting are all as folder.
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