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  1. IvkO

    Little help ? ;s

    map starts ... all spawn points get a random car ... maybe "onPlayerSpawn" function aint for that?
  2. IvkO

    Little help ? ;s

    no errors... actuallty the spawn position is a vehicle if thats what you're askin
  3. IvkO

    Little help ? ;s

    if that should be : addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(), function() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) vehicles = {602, 545, 496, 517, 401, 410, 518, 600, 527, 436, 589, 580, 419, 439, 533, 549, 526, 491, 474, 445, 467, 604, 426, 507, 547, 585, 405, 587, 409, 466, 550, 492, 566, 546, 540, 551, 421, 516, 529,513, 581, 510, 509, 522, 481, 461, 462, 448, 521, 468, 463, 586, 485, 552, 431, 438, 437, 574, 420, 525, 408, 416, 596, 433, 597, 427, 599, 490,528, 601, 407, 428, 544, 523, 470, 598, 499, 588, 609, 403, 498, 514, 524, 423, 532, 414, 578, 443, 486, 515, 406, 531, 573, 456, 455, 459, 543, 422, 583, 482, 478, 605, 554, 530, 418, 572, 582, 413, 440, 536, 575, 534, 567, 535, 576, 412, 402, 542, 603, 475, 568, 557, 424, 471, 504, 495, 457, 483, 508, 571, 500, 444, 556, 429, 411, 541, 559, 415, 561, 480, 560, 562, 506, 565, 451, 434, 558, 494, 555, 502, 477, 503, 579, 400, 404, 489, 505, 479, 442, 458} local randomindex=math.random(1,#vehicles) local vehicleid=vehicles[randomindex] setElementModel ( vehicle,vehicleid ) end) then it aint working
  4. IvkO

    Little help ? ;s

    ehm... i dont get your 1st answer and ty for the scoreboard
  5. Hi.I wanna make a random car on player spawn but it doest work... wheres my mistake? ;s addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) vehicles = {602, 545, 496, 517, 401, 410, 518, 600, 527, 436, 589, 580, 419, 439, 533, 549, 526, 491, 474, 445, 467, 604, 426, 507, 547, 585, 405, 587, 409, 466, 550, 492, 566, 546, 540, 551, 421, 516, 529,513, 581, 510, 509, 522, 481, 461, 462, 448, 521, 468, 463, 586, 485, 552, 431, 438, 437, 574, 420, 525, 408, 416, 596, 433, 597, 427, 599, 490,528, 601, 407, 428, 544, 523, 470, 598, 499, 588, 609, 403, 498, 514, 524, 423, 532, 414, 578, 443, 486, 515, 406, 531, 573, 456, 455, 459, 543, 422, 583, 482, 478, 605, 554, 530, 418, 572, 582, 413, 440, 536, 575, 534, 567, 535, 576, 412, 402, 542, 603, 475, 568, 557, 424, 471, 504, 495, 457, 483, 508, 571, 500, 444, 556, 429, 411, 541, 559, 415, 561, 480, 560, 562, 506, 565, 451, 434, 558, 494, 555, 502, 477, 503, 579, 400, 404, 489, 505, 479, 442, 458} vehicleid = tonumber(vehicles[math.random(#vehicles)]) setElementModel ( vehicle, vehicleid ) end ) also can someone tell me how to edit some scoreboard's columns .. i've searched all over the scoreboard resource and didnt find it:|
  6. IvkO

    Script Problem

    ah yea it works now... my mistake... thank you so muchh : ))
  7. IvkO

    Script Problem

    Is there a way to write smth in my code here if (msgtype == 0) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#DD23D4[sMOD] #DD23D4" .. name ..":#DD23D4 " .. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog ( "CHAT: [sMOD] " .. name .. ": " .. text ) that can skip or stop the function "colouredchat" below ?
  8. IvkO

    Script Problem

    Now the player's message's color isnt like his nametag color
  9. IvkO

    Script Problem

    Hi Guys I have a little problem and cant solve it even though i'm trying to understand scripting . I wanna combine colouredchat + admin tags for my server.I made an account ivo and when i'm not logged in as you can see in "1" part of the script works ( player's message's color becomes like his nametag color ).But when i log in my acc and i time a thing it gets that double effect bug in "2". My point is when i login to be only this [sMOD] ivo: eeeee and inverse Heres the code : function chatbox(text, msgtype) local root = getRootElement() local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local name = getPlayerName(source) if (msgtype == 0) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#DD23D4[sMOD] #DD23D4" .. name ..":#DD23D4 " .. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: [sMOD] " .. name .. ": " .. text) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then cancelEvent(true) outputChatBox("#F4F82C[MOD] #F4F82C".. name .. ":#F4F82C " .. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: [MOD] " .. name .. ": " .. text) elseif isObjectInACLGroup(aclGetName("Default")) then function colouredChat ( message, theType ) if theType == 0 then cancelEvent() message = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) local chatterName = getPlayerName ( source ) outputChatBox ( chatterName..": " ..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), colouredChat) end elseif (msgtype == 2) then end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, chatbox) I will be very grateful if you help me
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