Hello good afternoon, I need your help, I want to convert this code created in C to Lua, if someone can help me please.
#include <stdio.h>
//Variables globales
int nmatriz = 0;
void generarMatriz(int nmatriz);
//Funcion principal
int main(){
printf("Inserta el tamaño de la matriz\n");
//Funcion que generara la matriz en caracol
void generarMatriz(nmatriz){
int i,j;
int countTotal = 1,tamanioTotal = nmatriz*nmatriz;
int fila = 0, check = nmatriz, band = 1;
int matrizCaracol[nmatriz][nmatriz];
//Llena matriz
//Hacia la derecha
for(i=band-1; i < check; i++){
matrizCaracol[fila][i] = countTotal;
countTotal = countTotal++;
fila = nmatriz - band;
check = nmatriz - band;
//Hacia abajo
for(i=band; i <= check; i++){
matrizCaracol[i][fila] = countTotal;
countTotal = countTotal++;
//Hacia la izquierda
for(i=check-1; i >= (band-1) ; i--){
matrizCaracol[fila][i] = countTotal;
countTotal = countTotal++;
fila = band-1;
//Hacia arriba
for(i=check-1; i >= band ; i--){
matrizCaracol[i][fila] = countTotal;
countTotal = countTotal++;
fila = band-1;
//Imprimir matriz
for(i=0; i<nmatriz; i++){
for(j=0; j<nmatriz; j++){
printf("%d \t", matrizCaracol[i][j]);
I have already made several attempts but I get it, help please.
This is what the code has to do. sending to print on screen.