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Everything posted by Rownlin

  1. Mmh.. Why did you added 123 to the port ? But thank you, it works ! ^^
  2. Yes... Here's my code : require_once "GameQ/GameQ.php"; $query_api = new GameQ; $server["mtasa"] = array("mtasa","x.x.x.x","22003"); // Some IP I took on game-monitor $query_api->addServers($server); try { $datas = $query_api->requestData(); } catch (GameQ_Exception $e) { echo $e; exit(); } var_dump($datas); exit(); And return value :
  3. Hi, I want to query my MTA Server using PHP, and see if it's online, the number of player, etc. How can I do that ? I already tried GameQ (http://callofdutystats.net/) but it doesn't work (it says it's off but it's on..) Also, I can't use PHP SDK of MTA because i want to check other servers, so I can't edit their LUA scripts.. Thank you.
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