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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. This is " scripting " forum so you show your code here if something not alright and we fix it , if you're a scripter good luck
  2. you mean download websites ? like mediafire, rapidshare, hotfile, etc... ?
  3. mm, so what the necessary precautions of this issue ?
  4. This only happens if you choose a trash host. This won't help, everybody will can simply delete that unless they're too nabs. Also, you forgot to mention that this code need rights to stop resources. No Anderl it's not a dirty host, the host's member is the dirty. someone stole my script and i just saw it on another server and he accused me that me who stole his script so i wondering if is there any protection LUA codes
  5. compile script doesn't support .. if someone decompiled my script : |
  6. Hello everyone. there's a many of hackers of servers and thieves of scripts by the host with { Back up button } so i want the pure solution of this issue .. if someone stole my scripts and by the host , is there any code blocks what he theft ? [ fileDelete ] or something ? if i make my host un-backup .. let's suppose if something happened and all my scripts was deleted or all gone how do i back it up again ? .. no-way , back up , or let someone steal your scripts i want the necessary precautions of this issue for me and for all !!
  7. Read this carefully and correctly https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction
  8. Thanks for you Jaysds the code isn't fixed but thanks for every moment that you tried to help me
  9. Castillo i like to help peoples like you and the others this code not tested and if that code is not alright you can fix it by a little quote and you made me so sad by the way
  10. Can any one answer please i won't leave this code..
  11. function Check(player) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) local guest = isGuestAccount ( account ) if account == guest then setElementDimension ( im too lazy FOR the cars TABLE, 5 ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Check) sorry that's the best i can do good luck
  12. there's no function called isPlayerLoggedIn which check if the player logged in or not but i wonder if it already exist so . my reply is about set setElementDimension for all vehicles ID's https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Vehicle_IDs i'm not so expert like you but this as far as i know
  13. what's that where is this ? btnViewStats and close button randomly shown up not in GUI window or something try this serverside ----------------------- -- Player Stats tabi -- ----------------------- function getPlayerStats(triggeringPlayer,thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ) local points = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"points" )) local wins = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"wins" )) local second = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"second" )) local third = tonumber(getAccountData( account,"third" )) local rank = getElementData(source,"rank") callClientFunction1(triggeringPlayer,"displayPersonalStats",thePlayer,points,wins,second,third,rank) end -------------- function callServerFunction1(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end end loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg)) end addEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction1", true) addEventHandler("onClientCallsServerFunction1", resourceRoot , callServerFunction1) function callClientFunction1(client, funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end end end -- If the clientside event handler is not in the same resource, replace 'resourceRoot' with the appropriate element triggerClientEvent(client, "onServerCallsClientFunction1", resourceRoot, funcname, unpack(arg or {})) end clientside guiSetFont(lblPthird,"default-bold-small") lblPrank = guiCreateLabel(17,178,230,14,"Rank: N/A",false,playerStatsWindow) guiSetFont(lblPrank,"default-bold-small") btnClosePlayerStatsWindow = guiCreateButton(428,226,102,38,"Close",false,playerStatsWindow) function closeStatsWindow() guiSetVisible(playerStatsWindow,false) end function getPersonalStats() local row,column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridOnlinePlayers) local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText(gridOnlinePlayers,row,1) if not (playerName == "") then callServerFunction1("getPlayerStats",getLocalPlayer(),findPlayerByName(playerName)) else outputChatBox("#c0c0c0* ERROR! Please select a player!",255,255,255,true) end end function displayPersonalStats(thePlayer,points,wins,second,third,rank) guiSetText (lblPpoints, "Points: "..points) guiSetText (lblPwins, "Wins: "..wins) guiSetText (lblPsecond, "Second Places: "..second) guiSetText (lblPthird, "Third Places: "..third) guiSetText (lblPMrank,"Rank: "..rank) guiSetText(playerStatsWindow,string.gsub(getPlayerName(thePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "").."'s stats") end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), getPersonalStats, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", btnClosePlayerStatsWindow, closeStatsWindow, false ) function findPlayerByName (name) local player = getPlayerFromName(name) if player then return player end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player):lower(),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), name:lower(), 1, true) then return player end end return false end function callClientFunction1(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end end loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg)) end addEvent("onServerCallsClientFunction1", true) addEventHandler("onServerCallsClientFunction1", resourceRoot, callClientFunction1) function callServerFunction1(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end end end triggerServerEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction1", resourceRoot , funcname, unpack(arg)) end i tested it but it looks like not fit to me good luck
  14. getElementDimension -- 5 or more onPlayerLogout
  15. just read this .. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction it's not needed for help read and it would be easy for you to create scripts over and over
  16. create a file and name it what ever you want like client.lua and put this script into it don't forget meta.xml then create zip file and put meta.xml and client.lua into it meta file must be like this <meta> <info author="yourname" version="1" type="script" /> <script src="Client.lua" type="client" /> </meta> then run Mtaserver.exe that's all good luck but if you're new in scripting you better read this https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction i recommend you again
  17. Tete omar


    He mean if he hit a marker then collect it into a label like this ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) he may probably using money collection or bag collection i dunno
  18. you can use toggleControl and onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch you will find what you searching for here i recommend you
  19. There's a virus into this exe file FabienWang ..
  20. it mus be like this triggerClientEvent ( "createMarcaEvent", getRootElement() ) triggerClientEvent ( "createMarcaEvent1", getRootElement() )
  21. Tete omar


    function vinex( player, commandName ) sX, sY, sZ = getElementPosition ( player ) blade = createVehicle ( 536, sX, sY, sZ ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, blade ) end addCommandHandler ( "spawnblade", vinex ) this will get your location and spawn "blade " vehicle and warp you into it when you type on chat or f8 spawnblade
  22. سوي الـنافذة الي تبيها بال guieditor بعدين ورينا وين الزر الي تبيه ينضغت عليه بس يمديك تستخدم هذي guiCreateButton onClientGUIClick
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