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Mittell Buurman

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Everything posted by Mittell Buurman

  1. I got the XML file made, but now it doesn't read or misses the table, nor does it add rows/values into the gridlist. function setRadioChannel(button, state) local channel = xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlRootTree) if (source == bChanSet) then for k, v in ipairs(channel) do local channelFreq = guiGetText(eChanFreq) local channelDesc = guiGetText(eChanDesc) local row = guiGridListAddRow(gRadioGrid) if channelFreq then guiGridListSetItemText( gRadioGrid, row, colFreq, channelFreq, false, false) guiGridListSetItemData( gRadioGrid, row, colFreq, channelFreq) outputDebugString("channelFreq Read, value " .. tostring(channelFreq) "set to row " .. tostring(row)) end if channelDesc then guiGridListSetItemText( gRadioGrid, row, colDesc, channelDesc, false, false) guiGridListSetItemData( gRadioGrid, row, colDesc, channelDesc) outputDebugString("channelFreq Read, value " .. tostring(channelDesc) "set to row " .. tostring(row)) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), setRadioChannel)
  2. I want it to store clientside, like callum said. But how do you do that?
  3. I'm making a GUI where you can store radio frequencies, But where can I store the values Clientside? It sets the items into the gridlistn, but when I close the window and reopen it, everything is gone.
  4. Thanks for the info. Im not sure if it worked either, but it probably would. Figured I added it to the client script, that's why it didn't call it. I'm still learning to script, but It's pretty hard for me.
  5. Hello, I'm currently working on a script that require some data from the SQL. After figuring out how to set up and load the database that was required and connect it to an external database, I could finally start scripting. Now here's the issue: ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query'[string"?"] local factionID = tonumber(getElementData(theTeam, "id")) local vehicleID = exports.mysql:query("SELECT 'id' FROM 'vehicles' WHERE 'faction' = '".. factionID .."'")
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