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اطرح كود الإيفنت من جانب سيرفر حق اللي يسوي السيارة
كيف تبيها تنضاف .. ؟ يعني هي وحدة و راح تكون لكل سيارة ياخذها من اللوحة ؟
ذذ طيب شرايك بالطريقة هذي addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "gui-label" ) ) do local id = getElementID ( v ) if id then if string.find(id,"flasher") then local speed = string.gsub(id,"flasher","") local tick = getTickCount()/tonumber(speed)/1000 local color = math.abs(math.sin(-tick)) guiSetAlpha(v, color) end end end end ) function setFlasherLabel ( label, speed ) if label then if not isElement ( label ) then return end if getElementType(label) ~= "gui-label" then return end if not tonumber(speed) then speed = 1 end setElementID ( label, "flasher"..speed ) end end for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType ( "gui-label" ) ) do setFlasherLabel ( v ) end
executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `GiveMoneyEveryDay` ( `PlayerSerial` TEXT, `Account` TEXT, `Date` TEXT ) ") addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _, acc ) local serial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local Result = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM `GiveMoneyEveryDay` WHERE `PlayerSerial` =?", serial ) local day = getRealTime().monthday local oney = math.random ( 100000, 1000000 ) local accName = getAccountName ( acc ) if #Result > 0 then if #Result == 2 then for i, v in ipairs ( Result ) do if v.Account == accName then if v.Date ~= tostring ( day ) then givePlayerMoney ( source, oney ) outputChatBox ( "#808080 *Congratulations You Have A Good Luke You took today "..oney.."*", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE `GiveMoneyEveryDay` SET `Date`=? WHERE `PlayerSerial`=? AND `Account`=?", tostring(day), serial, accName ) return end end end else if Result[1].Account == accName then if Result[1].Date ~= tostring ( day ) then givePlayerMoney ( source, oney ) outputChatBox ( "#808080 *Congratulations You Have A Good Luke You took today "..oney.."*", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE `GiveMoneyEveryDay` SET `Date`=? WHERE `PlayerSerial`=? AND `Account`=?", tostring(day), serial, accName ) end else givePlayerMoney ( source, oney ) outputChatBox ( "#808080 *Congratulations You Have A Good Luke You took today "..oney.."*", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `GiveMoneyEveryDay` ( `PlayerSerial`, `Account`, `Date` ) VALUES(?,?,?)", serial, accName, tostring(day) ) end end else givePlayerMoney ( source, oney ) outputChatBox ( "#808080 *Congratulations You Have A Good Luke You took today "..oney.."*", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `GiveMoneyEveryDay` ( `PlayerSerial`, `Account`, `Date` ) VALUES(?,?,?)", serial, accName, tostring(day) ) end end )
^ راح يتكرر كثير ؟ onClientRender ماتحس ان الإيفنت
كيف نعرف انه مسجون , وش الشرط المتوفر حق السجن ؟
الحين لمن يتوظف شلون ينحفظ انه موظف ؟؟
في كود فتح النافذة حط تحقيق الشرط ان كان عنده الوظيفة خل الزر كنسل والعكس
<settings> <setting name="*cash" value="2500" desc="Cash For Player" /> <setting name="*points" value="500" desc="Points For Player" /> </settings> function onPlayerDeadInRace() local thePlayer = source local dPlayers = getDeadRacePlayers() local aPlayers = getAliveRacePlayers() local Position = aPlayers + 1 if dPlayers + aPlayers >= 1 then local cashForPlayer = math.floor(((tonumber(cash) or 2500)/Position)*(dPlayers + aPlayers)) local pointsForPlayer = math.floor(((tonumber(points) or 500)/Position)*(dPlayers + aPlayers)) givePlayerMoney(thePlayer,cashForPlayer) setElementData(thePlayer,"Points",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Points"))+pointsForPlayer) updatePlayerRank ( thePlayer ) if Position == 1 then outputChatBox ("#ff9900[system] #ffffff1st! You got #FFFFFF" .. pointsForPlayer .." #FFFFFFPoints #abcdefAnd Won #FFFFFF" .. cashForPlayer .."$",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer,"Wins",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Wins"))+1) if LastWinners[1] == "" then if LastWinners[2] == "" then if LastWinners[3] == "" then if LastWinners[4] == "" then if LastWinners[5] == "" then LastWinners[5] = thePlayer else LastWinners[4] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[3] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[2] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[1] = thePlayer end else LastWinners[5] = LastWinners[4] LastWinners[4] = LastWinners[3] LastWinners[3] = LastWinners[2] LastWinners[2] = LastWinners[1] LastWinners[1] = thePlayer end else outputChatBox ("#ff9900[system] #ffffffYou got #FFFFFF" .. pointsForPlayer .." #FFFFFFpoints #abcdefand #FFFFFF" .. cashForPlayer .."$",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer,"Deaths",tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer,"Deaths"))+1) end else outputChatBox("#ff9900[system] #ffffffMinimum 2 players to get stats and cash!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end addEvent("onPlayerWasted", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", gRoot , onPlayerDeadInRace) addEventHandler( "onSettingChange", resourceRoot, function ( setting, _, value ) if setting == "*"..getResourceName(getThisResource())..".cash" then cash = get("cash") elseif setting == "*"..getResourceName(getThisResource())..".points" then points = get("points") end end )
addEvent ( "cl", true ) addEventHandler ( "cl", root, function ( ) if isPedInVehicle( source ) then local Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) if Vehicle then setTimer ( function ( ) local r, g, b = math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) setVehicleColor ( Vehicle, r, g, b ) end, 500, 0 ) end end end ) للمعلومية بس / كودك الآن تآيمر غير نهائي يعني حتى لو ألغيت الشيك بوكس مراح يتعطل التلوين يبي لك تستخدم التعريف عشان تقتل التايمر ex.: Table = { }; Table[Vehicle] = setTimer ( ...... ) killTimer ( Table[Vehicle] )
setTimer ( setVehicleColor, 500, 0, Vehicle, r, g, b )
الكلنت مضبوط بس ناقصه قوس بالأخير والسيرفر جرب هذا addEvent ( "nt", true ) addEventHandler ( "nt", root, function ( ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then addVehicleUpgrade ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ), 1010 ) end end )
براحتك, بس عندك خدمة كاشيو و متوفرة بمصر
توفر الخدمة لدولة مصر Paygol طيب ممكن
Paygol او Daopay ?
اي خدمة اخترت ؟
Fake Servers: mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// mtasa:// ^ Same name and resources ! Original Server: mtasa:// And thank you.
Pro ~ # الأخ اترك النقاش الحاد اللي راح يشعل النار مابين الطرفين , هذا تنبيه لك Locked
انسخ لي كود سيرفر من الملف حقك , شكلك حطيت فيه شيء زايد وخرب
اكتب بـ اف8 debugscript 3 وشف شيقولك تحت يوم تسوي انتقال