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Everything posted by Ninja

  1. Ninja


    Can anyone tell me why this script doesn't work pls? It's for the race mode... And when i start "/debugscript 3" it doesn't find any mistake... I want that you see the object but can drive through....
  2. Ninja


    Can i have pls?? i love people who can script...
  3. Ninja


    Thnak you solidsnake you are god.... btw its server-sided... Do you have skype?
  4. Ninja


    server-sided or client-sided solidsnake(god)??
  5. Ninja


    Lol doesn't work i tested it client-sided and Server-sided...
  6. Ninja


    The player who pressed the button (here:lctrl)
  7. Ninja


    yeah and all that script doesn't work out of the one i told you earlier and that was without the name of the player so can anyone pls fix the script at the bottom with the player name who really know that it works pls? And i think it isnt retarded its just a script for a fun map ...
  8. Ninja


    i want that it looks in the chat like" (player):Who wants to fuck me in..." if i use that .. in the chat stands just "Who wants to fuck me..." and with it doesn't work...
  9. Ninja


    if i make outputchatbox then can just the person who pressed ctrl see it in the chat i want that he write it....
  10. Ninja


    Can anyone edit this function that it works?? pls Would be very nice thx...
  11. Big Huge Thanks To all... Finally it works with UnlimitedHP.lua: addEventHandler ( "onVehicleDamage", root, function ( ) setVehicleDamageProof ( source, true ) end ) and meta.xml:
  12. Doesn't work... I make a a lua and paste your code then a meta.xml with script src="....lua" type="client" />
  13. I just want to record race maps and don't want that my tail don't fall up...
  14. Yeah im already in the vehicle and it doesn't work...
  15. Thx but can you make one that i have erverytime unlimited HP also when i change vehicle? and without command?? To your script: I could also use command /repair so.... BTW its for race...
  16. Hey all, Can anyone make for me a script that my car cant get hit? (that it never loose some things of the body)
  17. I don't know nothing about but a bit by looking up to other scripts and i can make boosts or teleports or something for Maps but i don't know how to make scripts for server or something... and Thx bandi94
  18. @bandi94 Do i have to make a function with your clint??
  19. sorry i'm new in scripting and can you explain it more exactly for me pls.. What is i?t What i have to do? Do i need to make a script or just edit the race.zip?
  20. Hey Guys, I'm new here and also new in scripting but i have a porblem. Till now i could script all my "little" problems but now i want to delete the fuckin minimap in the race.zip script. I know if you drife on your own you just write /showhud 0 but if i spectate one its still there.. So i have to delete it from the race script, can anyone help me?
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