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About illestiraqi
- Birthday 26/01/2001
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
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Lawl dkm, ccw give me the username George ya frool!
Server's release date: https://forums.vc-rp.net/index.php?/topic/1287-vcrp-status-update-28-release-date/&do=findComment&comment=13274
On this roleplay server, OwlGaming, we got trailers to roleplay with, such as making deliveries with a truck then putting a trailer on the back, or a Utility Van with a trailer where we can put cars on it. But there is an issue from MTA, when we're driving with the trailers, not everybody sees it, or it randomly detaches and I need it fixed so we can actually carry on roleplay with these stuff, right now if I were to go from a mansion at Richman to IGS with a truck and trailer, people at IGS wont see my trailer, but I will and incoming vehicles from behind will be hitting my trailer that I'm seeing client-sided.
I need help removing these bushes that are marked around the red box, please help me, I also need it in the .map wise, so for example, the tree that's within the square box, if I remove it, in the .map file, it's like "removeWorldObject (veg_palm04) (2)" radius="22.657042" interior="0" model="620" lodModel="0" posX="2367.6016" posY="-1706.2891" posZ="11.28906" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> So please remove it like that, please.
okay so this vehicle library system my friend gave me, it gives me a Mysql error Now heres the MySQL CODE REMOVED
Do you have a decompiled version of your DayZ scripts @-ffs-Sniper? It'd be much appreciated man, my friends are looking forward to new things and I can do nothing with the current one given that's compiled please.
This isn't your resource plain n' simple, I found it off a leaked website full of scripts.
I am myself an administrator using the /add admin George command and before I had no admin at all I gave myself it and now I can't give no one nor can I promote/demote anyone it just says you are not admin or somewhat but I am, why?
I fixed it, I just got opened the server sided .lua file and looked underneath the addCommandHandler and looked at what group in the ACL you have to be in to open this gui and it didn't have any so I had my own ACL group of "Owner" and replaced the only line (Right underneath me) to the other line (The bottom bottom line). Can't believe I actually fixed this myself Thanks for helping tho. if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pSource)), aclGetGroup(aclGroup)) then if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pSource)), aclGetGroup("Owner")) then
So I got the decompiled version of DayZ and I figured that anyone is allowed to make/remove anyone to/from admin/supporter and I want that changed, I want it to only allow anyone in the ACL group "Admin" to be allowed to use the command /add Heres what I found: function setGroup(playersource, command, teamName, targetString) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(playersource)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then do local foundTargetPlayer = getPlayerWildcard(targetString) if foundTargetPlayer then if teamName ~= "admin" and teamName ~= "supporter" then if teamName == "remove" then else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFCorrect names are admin, supporter and remove!", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) return end end if teamName == "remove" then value = false account = getPlayerAccount(foundTargetPlayer) setAccountData(account, "admin", value) setAccountData(account, "supporter", value) setElementData(foundTargetPlayer, "admin", value) setElementData(foundTargetPlayer, "supporter", value) else value = true end account = getPlayerAccount(foundTargetPlayer) accountname = getAccountName(account) setAccountData(account, teamName, value) setElementData(foundTargetPlayer, teamName, value) if value == true then outputChatBox("#FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(foundTargetPlayer) .. " #FF0000 has been promoted to " .. teamName .. "!", getRootElement(), 27, 89, 224, true) else outputChatBox("#FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(foundTargetPlayer) .. " #FF0000 lost his status...", getRootElement(), 27, 89, 224, true) end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFCan't find player! Did you input the correct name?", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) end end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou are not an admin!", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) end end addCommandHandler("add", setGroup) function banPLayer(playersource, command, targetString, banTime, reason) if getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(playersource), "admin") == true then do local foundTargetPlayer = getPlayerWildcard(targetString) local banTime = banTime or 0 local reason = reason or "Unknown" if foundTargetPlayer then do local account = getPlayerAccount() local ip = getPlayerIP(foundTargetPlayer) local serial = getPlayerSerial(foundTargetPlayer) local name = getPlayerName(foundTargetPlayer) kickPlayer(foundTargetPlayer, playersource, reason) addBan(ip, name, serial, playersource, reason, banTime * 86400) outputChatBox("#FFFFFF" .. name .. " #FF0000 has been banned for " .. banTime .. " Day(Z)'s.", getRootElement(), 27, 89, 224, true) end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFCan't find player! Did you input the correct name?", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) end end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou are not an admin! ", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) end end addCommandHandler("playerban", banPLayer) function pmsgAdmin(playersource, command, ...) local msg = table.concat({ ... }, " ") if getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(playersource), "admin") == true then outputChatBox("[GLOBAL]" .. getPlayerName(playersource) .. ": " .. msg, getRootElement(), 60, 200, 40, true) else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou are not an admin! ", playersource, 27, 89, 224, true) end end addCommandHandler("pmsg", pmsgAdmin) Not sure if that's the complete script of the /add script but if it isn't tell me if itis, please and thank you help me fix this to let anyone in Admin ACL group to only use /add command, thank you.
This is a public script and doesn't say I require permission for editing. @Mr.Risk, the gui is still not opening, I was wondering if there was a problem with the addCommandHandler line or something, not sure but I've never seen a .lua code with the addCommandHandler like that but if you do know that that isn't the problem then go with what you think is just trying to help since I'm useless already atm. addCommandHandler("give", function(pSource)
I got this Give Item Panel and when I do /give, it doesn't open. Client: Server: NOTE: I'm not really much of a scripter but any support will be thanked for and also I want the gui to open to anyone in the ACL Group of "Admin".
Done, server works, enjoying my time, thanks for the support. L&A pls
Sorry for double post but right after I posted the other post, I searched for the DayZ legit scripts from ffs-Sniper and got the files, thanks for the help but it finally worked, just trying to figure out how do I kill myself if anyone knows the command?
So can someone please send the link to DayZ scripts and I can redownload them and see if it'll work maybe or PM me a link please.