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Everything posted by SpriN'
poor Samer LOL, btw hpd
7ata men Sparrow wala ya7ki français lol moch 9otlk jebt 5 ?
haw gadina topic: viewtopic.php?f=115&t=53484
9al chkoun 3andou server moch chkoun admin fi server & btw tnsmta.net is up
chouf kol chay houni http://tnsmta.hebergratuit.com/index.php?topic=19.0 forum bech nhostiwh soon, ama server hosted deja
ena w sckatchof w souma TNS: http://www.game-state.eu/ tnsmta.net
ti 7ata houni be9i ta7kiw 3ala saoudi xDD win nemchi nal9ah
You did it while the server was running and without refreshing ACL? Oh lol it's ok now. I forgot that. thanks
I already did that, and nothing new happened.
I got this problem while setuping itc echo bot I am using this irc script: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=731 and I've only changed the setting.xml to my own irc confugations
Well, I made taxi job and I have a problem which is small bug I did function startJob ( playerSource ) ....... end addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), startJob) but with that the taxi driver can enter any car the job will starts I wanna know if there's any way to make onVehicleEnter with specific vehicles only
Awesome Good job.
c bon addEventHandler("onElementDataChange",getRootElement(), serverSide) jawha behi tawa ty fama warning: bad 'element' pointer @ getPlayerWantedLevel'(1) bad 'ped' pointer @ getPlayerOccupiedVehicle'(1) e zouz teb3in e server side btw
lol marker invisible walét xDD kol chay jawou behi ken l marker 7ata ki ne5ou el occupation to93ed invisble xDD
ok rigel jawek
tawa rej3et 3adeya kima melowl ma3neha 3andk l occuption wala ma3andekch be9i tra fil marker w te5dem
walet l marker mate5dem (ma3neha tjik l gui) ken ki tebda occupation "taxi driver" ama ki tebda occupation moch taxi driver l gui matjich ama l marker tetra
local myMarker = createMarker (1098.0620117188, -1772.7397460938, 13.346570014954, "cylinder", 2, 225, 250, 255, 125) function visible(source) local tteam = getElementData( source, "Occupation", "Taxi Driver", true ) local wanted = getPlayerWantedLevel (localPlayer) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (localPlayer) if ((not vehicle) and (wanted == 0)) then guiSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) end setElementVisibleTo ( myMarker, getRootElement (source), false ) setElementVisibleTo ( myMarker, tteam, true ) end addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", myMarker, visible) n7eb l marker hethi matraha w mate5demlk ken ki tebda occupation mte3ek Taxi Driver
fi tounes zeda mafamech
sa7itk ya Pro xDD
I am voting for Sparrow, Sckatchof and Samer who could be the moderators of Tunisian board if it's gonna be added.
Yes we need it.