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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. The problem is that you can't really compare distance with camera size.(as far as I know) But you can try: You have two screenshots, create two times this structure. One close and another one far away. 200 - 50 = 150 -- differences --differences/ units = 150 / 10 = 15 -- amount of size de-increase per unit local newsize = size -(units * 15) if newsize > 0 then -- do something. end
  2. Why don't you use: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawLine3D easier to make 2D/3D boxes.
  3. If you don't have any experience with code and you don't try to write/learn it: Resources section.

    Sniper bullets

    scripting section isn't for requests. Here you can download a mirror. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ails&id=52 Next time ask these kind of questions at the resources section.

    SWAT job

    +1 If he have the swat script, he/she will probably start requesting more. I consider those requests as spam. The more we help those people, the more spam we get. If you want to give it to him, write a pm. Resources should be done at the resources section.
  6. bool setWeaponProperty ( int weaponID/string weaponName, string weaponSkill, string property, int/float theValue ) read syntax better. You can't. Unless you use differend weapon stats for admins.
  7. Maybe that are the triggered client files. (not the ones that got downloaded automatic) So for ever script that got send over, it will count up some %.
  8. these are looking like a gamemode error/warning. What error do you get when you start a map?
  9. Server uptodate? (support newest maps? /debugscript 3 ?
  10. IIYAMA

    SWAT job

    @Gtakiki, This section isn't for scripting request. Join this section when you have a little bit more scripting experience.
  11. IIYAMA


    randomPlayer = g_Players[math.random (1,#g_Players)] you should first filter the playertable. (alive/dead)
  12. IIYAMA


    if getElementHealth( target/player/etc. ) > 0 then
  13. It is a server timer and it isn't running at client side. you can change this: --if isTimer(endTimer) then if endTimer then
  14. IIYAMA


    local team = getPlayerTeam (localPlayer) if team then g_Players = getPlayersInTeam (team ) end
  15. IIYAMA


    getScreenFromWorldPosition does not return a table. Only 3 floats. these will probably put in the table. > screen screen[1] = x screen[2] = y screen[3]= distance
  16. IIYAMA

    player sync

    There isn't any sync-interval-setting for player data. Only for the player keys/location-rotation updates.
  17. IIYAMA

    player sync

    Because I want to reduce as much as possible data, like btf3 does. (very stable ping) It is low, but I did like it to make it ZERO. Because for some players, it isn't that "low".
  18. Optional player syncs. I was wondering if you can add some sync control functions. Because more and more functions got added, but it will also increase the bandwidth. Some of the streamed data isn't really necessary, when you don't want to use it. Like as sample: setElementSyncData (element, "health",false) So my health data won't be synced with the server/ other clients. Health, armor, oxygen, rotation, position, movement, choking, etc. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=60642
  19. IIYAMA

    player sync

    Thx skipper But I am talking about bandwidth reduction. (manually) Like as sample: 1. I got hit by a bullet 2. my health got changed 3. Another player can see my new health. I want to disable those sneaky streamed data. In my opinion this must be optional. Health, armor, oxygen, rotation, position, movement, choking, etc. I think I will make a request topic about this.
  20. remove events before you can trigger again?
  21. yes xml file is handy. But I like to have a full "decoded" version, build with a special structure, that isn't very easy to change. my structure will looks like this: gdsayfvsu*sbadfsdgia*safgsyvgdk*iusghidhad*!dsgfsid In combination with sha256 you won't be able to trace it back. When I put that in xml structure, I make it easier for exchange and maybe add able.(outside the game)
  22. simple, to save client side settings. (that aren't really important and don't need to be secure) Like if the client enables shaders/ special effects etc. You don't want to fill up your data base with that crap.
  23. IIYAMA

    player sync

    How can I disable specific synced player data? Like health, armor or oxygen. I only want the player to sync this for him self. Will this disable the player health sync? (by cancel health changes) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function attacker, weapon, bodypart ) cancelEvent() end) or will there still be send loss data?
  24. enteringPlayer doesn't exist, it will probably send to all players/error. addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter",root, function (player)-- enterVehicle if ( source == hunter ) and isVehicleLocked(hunter) then outputChatBox ("* Vehicle locked for a few minutes *",player, 255, 0, 0) end end)
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