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Everything posted by IIYAMA



    Of course there are some bugs, I tested if it did worked. But it seems it did. But moving a ped with an animation isn't that hard, only making sure that he won't fly out of the map. Here you got proof that you are able to set an animation in slow-motion, but also that you can move it to a direction. This is just a sample, it can be created much better. Pity that I only can upload films with 30 frames per sec...... It was very smooth on my screen.


    Possible, but it isn't easy. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... onProgress https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientRender and you have to sync it with triggers, cause onClientRender only works at client.
  3. De uptodate resources. https://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resourc ... p&can=2&q=
  4. Incorrect, you can't change destruction power of projectiles. This is for the starting speed. Let we say that this will throw away a grenade projectile, the higher the value the more far this projectile will come.
  5. en als ik vragen mag, met wat warp je? met F1(freeroam)? of admin? Want bij een MTA warp script kan ik mij weinig bij voorstellen.
  6. Maybe you should try to use it on another object. One with the same size.
  7. Met welke resource ben je gewarpt.
  8. Zou kunnen komen als je vriend op een plek staat die zich buiten de san map bevind. Zo ver ik weet zou het moeten werken, behalve als je er zelf aan hebt zitten te kloten. herstart admin of freeroam, ligt er aan welke je gebruikt.
  9. createProjectile ( localPlayer, 58, 3440.1625976563, -1543.6124267578, 32.850193023682, 1.0, nil, 3514.0498046875, -1665.0322265625, 18.988582611084, 1, 1, 1 ) Position here we start the rocket, but you already knew that. Rotation this doesn't change anything about the direction of the thing, unless it is a rocket with ID 19 or 20. Direction of speed the starting direction of the projectile, makes it possible to move it to the right direction. Note: Rotations are from 0 t/m 360 degrees.
  10. Why don't you read things before you use them? Optional Arguments NOTE: When using optional arguments, you must supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see Optional Arguments. posX,posY,posZ: float starting coordinates for the projectile. They are coordinates of creator by default. force: float representing the starting force of the projectile. target: element target used for heat seeking rockets. rotX,rotY,rotZ: float starting rotation for the projectile. velX,velY,velZ: float starting velocity for the projectile. model: Integer representing the projectile's model, uses default model for weaponType if not specified.
  11. The creator doesn't exist, it is required that the creator does exist. createProjectile (nil, 58, 3440.1625976563, -1543.6124267578, 32.850193023682, 1.0, nil, 3514.0498046875, -1665.0322265625, 18.988582611084, 0, 0, 0 ) createProjectile ( localPlayer, 58, 3440.1625976563, -1543.6124267578, 32.850193023682, 1.0, nil, 3514.0498046875, -1665.0322265625, 18.988582611084, 0, 0, 0 )
  12. This is the bug I could see by creating the projectile, pls learn to debug your code and write down the warning. /debugscript 3 createProjectile ( RocketLauncher1, 58, 3440.1625976563, -1543.6124267578, 32.850193023682, 1.0, nil, 3514.0498046875, -1665.0322265625, 18.988582611084, 0, 0, 0 )
  13. You are talking about this function right? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/FileWrite What is the problem with it?
  14. IIYAMA

    Dx Drawing

    You are absolute right about rectangles. But is it a rectangles or a bounding box for text?
  15. IIYAMA

    Dx Drawing

    dxDrawText( item.text, midPointOffsetX, screenY - 90, textWidth, textHeight, tocolor(0,0,0, alpha), 1, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, true) These aren't offset, but positions.
  16. Je kan het bestand niet handmatig aanpassen, deze zijn versleutelde en voor bijna iedereen onmogelijk te kraken. Maar je kan wel het account wachtwoord aanpassen, zo lang je zijn gebruikersnaam weet. Onder je gebruikers naam kom je niet onder uit, het probleem is dat je gebruikersnaam bijna "het account zelf is". Ze zijn gekoppeld, het account en de gebruikersnaam, zonder een gebruikersnaam kan er geen account bestaan. account = getAccount ( username )--, [ string password ] setAccountPassword ( account, password ) TIP: Wees er voorzichtig mee.
  17. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... DataChange
  18. IIYAMA

    Unban all

    function unBanAll ( source, command ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( source , "function.removeBan", true ) ) then local bans = getBans() if #bans == 0 then outputChatBox ("No players to unban!" , source) else local failedUnbans = 0 for i,ban in pairs ( bans ) do if not removeBan(ban) then failedUnbans = failedUnbans+1 end end if failedUnbans == 0 then outputChatBox ("All players has been successfully unbanned using Pejczi's script !" , source) else outputChatBox ("Failed to unban: " .. failedUnbans .. " bans.", source) end end else outputChatBox ( "You have no permission to unban all." , source ) end end addCommandHandler ("unbanall", unBanAll) Learn lua.... ftw
  19. IIYAMA


    addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",root, function() cancelEvent() end) peds can't take damage.
  20. It is working for me. Even with frozen it is working, first freeze the ped then set the animation. i10 = createPed (186, -1345.02405, 492.73904, 11.20269, 90, 0, 0) setElementFrozen(i10, true) -- moved setElementData(i10,"message","V.I.P") setPedAnimation(i10, "ped", "CAR_sit") -- moved
  21. Cause you frozen him. setElementFrozen(i10, true)
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