Hey guys. I've made 2 videos about adding Custom objects in MTA.
Programs you'll need:
3DS Max (2009 or 2010, but if you have other It may work too!)
Col Editor 2
TXD Workshop
Extra stuff you'll need:
GTA Scripts for 3DS Max (Put them in 3dsmax folder\Scripts)
Example resource:
Text that you have to put in the meta file:
Text that you have to put in the .Lua file (Script):
addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot,
outputChatBox ( "Test")
local txd = engineLoadTXD('files/yourfilename.txd',true)
engineImportTXD(txd, 2052)
local dff = engineLoadDFF('files/yourfilename.dff', 0)
engineReplaceModel(dff, 2052)
local col = engineLoadCOL('files/yourfilename.col')
engineReplaceCOL(col, 2052)
engineSetModelLODDistance(2052, 500)
P.S. My native language is not English, so I have some mistakes, but I think you'll understand the shit I'm talking