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Everything posted by GTX

  1. GTX

    my source bugs

    Remove line 176. Remove line 565. Line 589: if isTimer(timer) then killTimer(timer) end
  2. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    statsLabel = {} statsWindows = guiCreateStaticImage(0.775,0.2,0.225,0.22,"images/scrollmenu_1.png",true) --statsWindows = guiCreateWindow(0.775,0.2,0.225,0.22,"DEBUG MONITOR",true) guiSetAlpha( statsWindows,0.8 ) --Zombies Killed statsLabel["zombieskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.05,1,0.15,"Zombies killed: 0",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["zombieskilled"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["zombieskilled"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["zombieskilled"],"identifikation","zombieskilled") --Headshots statsLabel["headshots"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.15,1,0.15,"Headshots: 0",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["headshots"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["headshots"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["headshots"],"identifikation","headshots") --Murders statsLabel["murders"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.25,1,0.15,"Murders: 0",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["murders"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["murders"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["murders"],"identifikation","murders") --Bandits Killed statsLabel["banditskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.35,1,0.15,"Bandits killed: 0",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["banditskilled"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["banditskilled"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["banditskilled"],"identifikation","banditskilled") --Blood statsLabel["blood"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.45,1,0.15,"Blood: 12000",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["blood"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["blood"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["blood"],"identifikation","blood") --Zombies statsLabel["zombies"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.55,1,0.15,"Zombies (Alive/Total): 0/0",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["zombies"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["zombies"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["zombies"],"identifikation","zombies") --Temperature statsLabel["temperature"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.65,1,0.15,"Temperature: 37°C",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["temperature"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["temperature"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["temperature"],"identifikation","temperature") --Humanity statsLabel["humanity"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.75,1,0.15,"Humanity: 2500",true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["humanity"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["humanity"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["humanity"],"identifikation","humanity") --Name statsLabel["name"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.85,1,0.15,"Name: "..getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), true,statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign (statsLabel["name"],"center") guiSetFont (statsLabel["name"], "default-bold-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["name"],"identifikation","name") function showDebugMonitor () local visible = guiGetVisible(statsWindows) guiSetVisible(statsWindows,not visible) end bindKey("F5","down",showDebugMonitor) function refreshDebugMonitor() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["zombieskilled"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["zombieskilled"],"Zombies killed: "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["headshots"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["headshots"],"Headshots: "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["banditskilled"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["banditskilled"],"Bandits killed: "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["murders"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["murders"],"Murders: "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["blood"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["blood"],"Blood: "..value) local value = getElementData(getRootElement(),"zombiesalive") or 0 local value2 = getElementData(getRootElement(),"zombiestotal") or 0 guiSetText(statsLabel["zombies"],"Zombies (Alive/Total): "..value.."/"..value2) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["temperature"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["temperature"],"Temperature: "..math.round(value,2).."°C") local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["humanity"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["humanity"],"Humanity: "..math.round(value,2)) guiSetText(statsLabel["name"],"Name: "..getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) end end
  3. I could have forgotten some but: -- Functions: createPickup createMarker createObject attachElements setPedWalkingStyle -- I think it's MOVE_JETPACK ID 70 -- Events: onPickupHit / onClientPickupHit onMarkerHit / onClientMarkerHit GUI Functions
  4. GTX

    my source bugs

    It's impossible. Are you sure it's error on line 8? Did you restart resource?
  5. GTX

    New scoreboard

    exports["scoreboard"]:addScoreboardColumn("Samochd", root, 4, WIDTH)
  6. GTX

    Fire Shake

    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) createExplosion(x, y, z+10, 6, false, 0.2, false) Try this. And you can't just remove stain like that. It's impossible afaik.
  7. GTX

    Execute Command

    This? addEvent("onAdminEditPanel", true) addEventHandler("onAdminEditPanel", root, function (command, name, ...) if (command) and (name) then executeCommandHandler("c"..command, source, name, {...}) end end) addCommandHandler("ckick", function (theAdmin, _, name, args) local reason = table.concat(args, " ") local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(name) if not (thePlayer) then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("The player is not found", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end if not (reason) or (reason == "") or (reason == " ") then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("Please pute kick reason", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end kickPlayer(thePlayer, theAdmin, reason) end)
  8. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    http://prntscr.com/7rvu86 It does work. You must have done something wrong.
  9. GTX

    Fire Shake

    Use setCameraMatrix then.
  10. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    Then your hex is wrong. What's your hex?
  11. GTX


    What are you trying to do? What does veh variable return? Any errors? We need more informations.
  12. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    It must work. You didn't restart resource.
  13. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    guiSetText(statsLabel["name"],"Name: "..getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) statsLabel["name"] = guiCreateLabel(0,0.85,1,0.15,"Name: "..getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), true,statsWindows)
  14. You think? Try it then addEventHandler ("onClientPedWasted",minepedt1, function() outputChatBox"triggered" triggerServerEvent ("give1",localPlayer) end) Also, try: addEventHandler ("onClientPedWasted",root, function() if source == minepedt1 then triggerServerEvent ("give1",localPlayer) end end)
  15. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    What's at that line? Show full code.
  16. GTX


    You're welcome. Write /debugscript 3 in chatbox to show errors.
  17. GTX

    my source bugs

    Line 5: if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" and (getElementData (source, "slothbot") == true) and (isElement(player)) then
  18. if tonumber(getElementData(player, "theData")) == 5 then outputChatBox("ur LVL 5! gz") end This?
  19. Does onClientPedWasted trigger?
  20. GTX

    Execute Command

    This should work. addEvent("onAdminEditPanel", true) addEventHandler("onAdminEditPanel", root, function (command, name, ...) if (command) and (name) then executeCommandHandler("c"..command, source, name, ...) end end) addCommandHandler("ckick", function (theAdmin, _, name, ...) local reason = table.concat({...}, " ") local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(name) if not (thePlayer) then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("The player is not found", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end if not (reason) or (reason == "") or (reason == " ") then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("Please pute kick reason", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end kickPlayer(thePlayer, theAdmin, reason) end)
  21. GTX

    my source bugs

    survival_System_client.lua: Completely remove lines 1372 and 1373: setTimer(guiSetVisible,5000,1,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,5000,1,false) sbserver.lua: Line 1128: if (slothbot ~= false) and (isElement(slothbot)) then
  22. GTX

    Execute Command

    Try this. addEvent("onAdminEditPanel", true) addEventHandler("onAdminEditPanel", root, function (command, name, reason) if (command) and (name) and (reason) then executeCommandHandler("c"..command, source, name, reason) end end) addCommandHandler("ckick", function (theAdmin, _, name, ...) local reason = table.concat({...}, " ") local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(name) if not (thePlayer) then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("The player is not found", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end if not (reason) or (reason == "") or (reason == " ") then exports["ZA-hud"]:outputDxHelp("Please pute kick reason", theAdmin, 255, 0, 0) return end kickPlayer(thePlayer, theAdmin, reason) end)
  23. GTX


    Debug the code. Any errors in debugscript? function send (player,command,player2,money) if ( not player2 or not tonumber ( money ) ) then outputChatBox ( "The correct syntax for /"..tostring(command).." is /"..tostring(command).." [playername] [amount]", player, 255, 255, 0 ) return false end local money = math.floor ( tonumber ( money ) ) local money2 = getPlayerMoney ( player ) local taker = findPlayer ( player2 ) local name = getPlayerName ( player ) if taker then if money2 >= money then takePlayerMoney ( player, money ) outputChatBox ( "You sent "..money.."$ to "..getPlayerName(taker)..".", player, 255, 255, 0, false ) givePlayerMoney ( taker, money ) outputChatBox ( name.." sent you "..money.."$", taker, 255, 255, 0, false ) else outputChatBox("Not enough money", player) end else outputChatBox("Player not found", player) end end addCommandHandler ( "send", send ) function findPlayer(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end return false end
  24. GTX

    my source bugs

    Line 103: if (getElementData(arg2,"bleeding") or 0) > 0 and (getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Bandage") or 0) >= 1 then
  25. GTX

    [HELP] Last Help

    getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
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