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Everything posted by JR10

  1. JR10

    DirectX Anim

    Yes, you can use variables with it.
  2. JR10

    DirectX Anim

    What do you mean doesn't support variables? It does, you can use variables in dxtext, just like GUI and just like strings(outputChatBox).
  3. Mod: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3782
  4. JR10

    Simple Question

    There is no such public resource, however there is a race gamemode resource, comes with MTA and available on the community. Just search for 'race': https://community.multitheftauto.com
  5. /aexec playerName say message لازم تكون ادمن لو عايز سكربت لذلك قولى
  6. Just released version 1.1.1, no changes except, settings are now public, you can edit it via admin panel. If you have any ideas, reply, so I can implement it in the next version.
  7. I was just pointing that he meant a logo, not a gui design.
  8. Because of requests, I released a new version, not compiled. Version 1.1: Fixed few bugs. Improved update check. Added setting to hide the info shown on the marker. Now when you sell a business, you get the money in the bank. I haven't got time to make new features. If you have any questions, bugs or ideas post it here.
  9. Yes, I will be making a new release soon, not compiled.
  10. Use: function getElementSpeed ( element , unit ) if not element or not isElement ( element ) then return false end if unit == "kph" then unit = 1.61 else unit = 1 end local velX , velY , velZ = getElementVelocity ( element ) return ( velX ^ 2 + velY ^ 2 + velZ ^ 2 ) ^ 0.5 * unit * 100 end function setElementSpeed ( element , unit , speed ) if not element or not isElement ( element ) then return false end if not speed then speed = 0 end local acSpeed = getElementSpeed ( element , unit ) local diff = speed / acSpeed local velX , velY , velZ = getElementVelocity ( element ) setElementVelocity ( element , velX * diff , velY * diff , velZ * diff ) return true end
  11. This just wont work, it has a mix of server and client sided functions.
  12. Use this function: function getPositionInfrontOfElement ( element , meters ) if not element or not isElement ( element ) then return false end if not meters then meters = 3 end local posX , posY , posZ = getElementPosition ( element ) local _ , _ , rotation = getElementRotation ( element ) posX = posX - math.sin ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters posY = posY + math.cos ( math.rad ( rotation ) ) * meters return posX , posY , posZ end Returns 3 values, containing the x,y,z position infront of the position you entered by the meters you specify above.
  13. JR10


    It's not a client side script. Check your meta.xml.
  14. g_Players is not defined. for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
  15. That's not really practical. Anyway, good job, and good luck. I might use it very soon.
  16. JR10

    Error ???

    charPane[k] stores the variable returned by guiCreateScrollPane, so it's not a table.
  17. JR10

    GUI MAking

    He wants the GUI itself, use guieditor resource.
  18. Nice idea, I like it, but the protected attribute solves all the problems. But check this issue: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6831 And in meta.xml wiki page, protected was removed from the page, so currently I guess it's bugged.
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