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Everything posted by JR10

  1. JR10

    Cop mode MTA?

  2. You can't avoid this, he must change it himself in settings.
  3. JR10

    Cop mode MTA?

    are you gonna make a topic ON EACH DAMN MODE? there is a community you can search on and download resources. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources
  4. you can set a timer each sec that will decrease the cound and use guiSetText(gui, count)
  5. Well, when i write a code here i wont do a lot of spaces there is not tab, but he probably copied it.
  6. No problem, but i don't understand your problem, what you mean by changing numbers?
  7. function playerChat ( message, messageType ) if messageType == 0 then for k,v in ipairs(kufurtablo) do if string.find((string.gsub)message,v) then cancelEvent() banPlayer ( source, Serial = true, reason = "Bad word", seconds = 12000 ) here is what you want addEventHandler('onPlayerChat', root, function(msg, msgType) if msgType == 0 then if string.find(msg:lower, '[bad word whatever]', 0) then --the code if a bad word was found end end end ) here: '[bad word whatever]' enter the bad words separated by a space and your banPlayer function is wrong banPlayer ( player bannedPlayer, [ bool IP = true, bool Username = false, bool Serial = false, player responsiblePlayer = nil, string reason = nil, int seconds = 0 ] so: banPlauer(source, false, false, true, nil, 'Bad Word', 12000)
  8. you can do the following: set the timer make a table when a player chooses the team insert the player in the table and set his data to the teams name the timers function should do: loop through the table and get the players choosed team and spawn him according to it That's it, hope u understand it. Good luck.
  9. If you learn it won't be that hard.
  10. No, it is not possible, it creates it a rectangle/square only.
  11. JR10

    Weird Problem

    Here is the code --client side triggerServerEvent('kickThePlayer', root) --server side addEvent('kickThePlayer', true) addEventHandler('kickThePlayer', root, function() kickPlayer(kickThePlayer, 'reason') end) The problem is the player gets kicked but without a reason just says You were kicked by console i tried to fix it in many ways. Thanks in advance. EDIT: the reason was too long fixed
  12. Dude stop posting useless shit.
  13. You made another topic? why? just wait in the another one.
  14. JR10


    Dude lol, i said it's not defined can you read? you should define it i didn't fix anything
  15. JR10


    setElementData(v,"Wanted",star ) Where is star defined?
  16. Maybe it's narrow there lol or the coordinates are wrong.
  17. There is, https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CallClientFunction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CallServerFunction But i don't know if it's working.
  18. What are you talking about, why you need to move alot of functions to another script, i think you don't understand, It's so simple here (and you don't need to move anything) --clientside function warpPlayer(vehicle) triggerServerEvent('warpThePlayer', root, vehicle) end --server side addEvent('warpThePlayer', true) addEventHandler('warpThePlayer', root, function(vehicle) warpPedIntoVehicle(client, vehicle) end ) not tested but should work.
  19. Dude the wiki got all server side functions and events and all client side functions and events, No there is no function for it, but you can use triggerServerEvent to use warpPedIntoVehicle.
  20. addEventHandler('onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType('vehicle')) do local x, y, z = getElementPosition(v) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(v) setVehicleRespawnPosition ( v, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) end end ) addEventHandler('onVehicleExplode', root, function() setTimer(respawnVehicle, 3000, 1, source)--3000 is 3 seconds you can increase it end ) This will respawn the vehicle after 3 seconds of explode.
  21. JR10

    kill timer

    He mean's this: (client side) local player = getlocalPlayer() function kill() if getElementData(player, 'canKillHimself') then killPed(player, player) setElementData(player, 'canKillHimself', false) setTimer(setElementData, 180000, 1, player, 'canKillHimself', true) else outputChatBox('You must wait 3 minutes before using /kill again', player) end end
  22. JR10

    Too much txd's omg

    Yea the problem is it's more than 1000 txd and for one txd it might go more than 20 engineImportTXD imagine it IT's Like HELL! I guess i have to give up.
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