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About JR10

  • Birthday 01/01/1997

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  • Retired Staff

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Foot Soldier

Foot Soldier (41/54)



  1. JR10

    Mysql factions

    You have to be more specific and explain yourself better if you have any hopes of getting help around here.
  2. You're sending a table, not a string. You need to retrieve the first element of that table, which is the string-type message. function infoServer2(szoveg) for i = 3, 0, -1 do szovegek[i+1] = szovegek[i] end szovegek[0] = szoveg[0] end addEvent("infoServer2", true) addEventHandler("infoServer2",getRootElement(), infoServer2)
  3. You should not have commas in your INT-type column. Store the integers without the commas, and format it accordingly whenever you want to present it.
  4. JR10

    Using SQLite

    teamname is not defined in the getTeamData function. getTeamName
  5. JR10

    [TUT] SQLite

  6. Version 1.3.1 is released. I've had some free time and decided to make a minor update to this resource as it's one of the top downloaded resources. The main change is reverting to CEGUI. This has been requested a lot as some were upset with the dependency on dxGUI. I've also fixed a bug with the output messages. Community Link
  7. Are you selling it or releasing it? If you're releasing it for free then just upload it on the community.
  8. JR10

    How to change?

    Are you talking about the crosshair or the marker itself?
  9. JR10

    [Help] Question

    Loop through the table and check each element.
  10. Try Googling, you'll find more tutorials than you can read. There are some on the forums, but they're probably outdated. This, maybe: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=42067
  11. JR10

    [HELP] Please

    When you restart the resource, you want everyone to have 0 as their kills? If so, the above code should still do that for you: addEventHandler('onResourceStart', root, function() for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do setElementData(player, 'Zombie Kills', 0) end end) If you want anyone with 0 kills to have their kills cell empty, then just remove the element data on restart. setElementData(player, 'Zombie Kills')
  12. I've written a Node.js module to facilitate calling http exported functions. It's just a class with one function, 'call'. It was originally part of my web panel project for MTA, but I've decided to release it as a module. It's published on npm, so it's easy to install with: npm install mtasa-sdk Example: var MTA = require('mtasa-sdk'); var server = new MTA(); // [url=http://localhost:22005]http://localhost:22005[/url] server.call(resourceName, functionName, args, callback); For more information, check the GitHub repo: http://github.com/jr10/node-mtasa-sdk
  13. JR10

    [HELP] Please

    How are you going to see the kills if it's not set on join? Players without Zombie Kills as an element data will have an empty value for that column. Try to explain better.
  14. No, it won't. It will still be destroyed, which, in this case, IIYAMA's explanation is correct. Maybe try telling us what you need to achieve here?
  15. JR10

    [HELP] Please

    The second function just doesn't make any sense. addEvent("onZombieWasted",true) addEventHandler("onZombieWasted",root, function (killer) setElementData(killer, "Zombie Kills", getElementData(killer, "Zombie Kills") + 1) end) addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, function() setElementData(source, 'Zombie Kills', 0) end) addEventHandler('onResourceStart', root, function() for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do setElementData(player, 'Zombie Kills', 0) end end) Try to not use Zombie Kills as the element data, use something like 'zo' and a friendly name.
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